Iet Y Bwlch, Dyfed

30 day weather forecast

Model data
Date Time Weather Max Temp Min Temp Speed Dir Press
Tue 03 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 9 °C 9 °C 10 mph wind direction 982 mB
18:00 weather conditions 9 °C 8 °C 17 mph wind direction 994 mB
Wed 04 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 7 °C 5 °C 13 mph wind direction 995 mB
18:00 weather conditions 7 °C 6 °C 21 mph wind direction 997 mB
Thu 05 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 7 °C 6 °C 12 mph wind direction 1002 mB
18:00 weather conditions 8 °C 8 °C 11 mph wind direction 1006 mB
Fri 06 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 9 °C 9 °C 15 mph wind direction 1007 mB
18:00 weather conditions 9 °C 8 °C 20 mph wind direction 1009 mB
Sat 07 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 7 °C 6 °C 16 mph wind direction 1008 mB
18:00 weather conditions 6 °C 5 °C 13 mph wind direction 1006 mB
Sun 08 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 6 °C 6 °C 9 mph wind direction 1003 mB
18:00 weather conditions 7 °C 7 °C 6 mph wind direction 1002 mB
Mon 09 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 8 °C 7 °C 3 mph wind direction 1004 mB
18:00 weather conditions 10 °C 7 °C 4 mph wind direction 1007 mB
Tue 10 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 7 °C 6 °C 6 mph wind direction 1005 mB
18:00 weather conditions 9 °C 8 °C 13 mph wind direction 1002 mB
Wed 11 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 8 °C 8 °C 20 mph wind direction 998 mB
18:00 weather conditions 10 °C 9 °C 11 mph wind direction 1001 mB
Thu 12 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 7 °C 5 °C 4 mph wind direction 1009 mB
18:00 weather conditions 8 °C 6 °C 6 mph wind direction 1013 mB
Fri 13 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 7 °C 6 °C 16 mph wind direction 1010 mB
18:00 weather conditions 10 °C 9 °C 21 mph wind direction 1003 mB
Sat 14 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 11 °C 10 °C 8 mph wind direction 1001 mB
18:00 weather conditions 10 °C 8 °C 16 mph wind direction 1010 mB
Sun 15 Dec 6:00 weather conditions 6 °C 4 °C 6 mph wind direction 1018 mB
18:00 weather conditions 7 °C 6 °C 14 mph wind direction 1019 mB
Hourly 16 day Forecasts


Raw data from the CFS and GEFS models can be selected as the basis of the forecast by using the buttons at the top

The forecasts are updated daily

Which model is it better to use?

At this range the forecast is purely about trends and probabilities

Therefore, the key thing is to try and identify consistencies over several days. For example, are the forecasts consistently suggesting warmer or colder than average weather?

If time permits, it may be best to check the forecasts from both models on a daily basis

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