Seasonal summary- 2018's UV year.
Highlights: there were some early good shows but the season really got going in May.
Reading recorded 6.9 on May 4th- exceptionally early for a near-7 in what has been dubbed the 'double Bank Holiday winner'. Larry picked up on the potential the day before, with widespread 7s forecast for the weekend.
On 9th May the 7.7 recorded at Reading could arguably be the highest UV for that date.
7.3 was recorded on 14th June and this was not exceeded afterwards, but matched, on 10th July.
3rd August, at the peak of the heatwave, gave a 7.0. 21st August still offered 6.3.
The autumn set in rapidly afterwards, and peaks included 5.1 on 10th Sep. and 4.2 on 27th: proving the theory that 4+ can be achieved at the end of September.
3rd October gave a very credible 3.9: can 4 be reached in October?
The last 3.0 was 9th October. Reading's systems now look to be in semi-shutdown mode.
Summary: highest UV of the year goes to 9th May, at 7.7. How rare is that?
Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.