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30 November 2019 16:56:42

Progressive and zonal GFS, occasional PM  colder shots for the North.


From December 27th 2020, zonality will be banned from mixing with the UK. We appreciate that this may come as a shock to younger people and old Uncle Barty. This ban will last for a minimum of ten days.
30 November 2019 18:31:57

Progressive and zonal GFS, occasional PM  colder shots for the North.


Originally Posted by: Shropshire 

Yup, can't argue with that.

Chance that the jet will dig further South and also a chance that heights might increase enough to the North to keep it cold, at least for the North of the UK.

Gandalf The White
30 November 2019 19:01:53

Progressive and zonal GFS, occasional PM  colder shots for the North.


Originally Posted by: Shropshire 

Rather more extensive Pm than that, but certainly a mobile pattern once the high pressure recedes later next week.

Meanwhile the ECM 12z remains keen on a northerly plunge for days 9 & 10.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

30 November 2019 19:59:36
repeating transistory northerly outbreaks ,could be the story of this dec if ECM is correct,which isn’t too bad,compared to recent Decembers.
David M Porter
30 November 2019 20:27:21

repeating transistory northerly outbreaks ,could be the story of this dec if ECM is correct,which isn’t too bad,compared to recent Decembers.

Originally Posted by: Argyle77 

It could be a December a bit like that of 2017, if the models at the moment are proved right. That December saw a few cold shots that came from a N/NW direction.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
30 November 2019 20:40:16


It could be a December a bit like that of 2017, if the models at the moment are proved right. That December saw a few cold shots that came from a N/NW direction.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

The likely PV displacement may yet lead to a split, but that's pure speculation at this point. What does look favourable is LP setting up in Scandi, which would allow for noses of HP to try and establish to the west of that from the Arctic into Greenland (as per model output currently in the mid- to long-term). That would always provide a ready connection from Atlantic ridging, which would as you say provide semi-regular N'ly or NNW'y outbreaks as we go into mid December. Such outbreaks likely to be quite transitory until when and if any more stable blocking might take hold.

All-in-all, a more than usual interest to be maintained into that mid-December period.


Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
White Meadows
30 November 2019 20:48:44
Cracking ECM again tonight
Maintains the theme, but for how much longer?
Gandalf The White
30 November 2019 20:54:03


The likely PV displacement may yet lead to a split, but that's pure speculation at this point. What does look favourable is LP setting up in Scandi, which would allow for noses of HP to try and establish to the west of that from the Arctic into Greenland (as per model output currently in the mid- to long-term). That would always provide a ready connection from Atlantic ridging, which would as you say provide semi-regular N'ly or NNW'y outbreaks as we go into mid December. Such outbreaks likely to be quite transitory until when and if any more stable blocking might take hold.

All-in-all, a more than usual interest to be maintained into that mid-December period.


Originally Posted by: Arcus 

Something like this? ECM mean:

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

White Meadows
30 November 2019 20:59:41
Little hint in the met long ranger about something more noteworthy to end the year, albeit more settled (which wouldn’t take much in comparison against the past 2 months!!)
30 November 2019 21:00:44


Something like this? ECM mean:

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Yep, that about sums it up Gandalf 

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
Gandalf The White
01 December 2019 00:07:55

London ECM 12z ensembles show the 3-day mild blip and then the quite consistently signalled return to colder conditions. The signal is stronger than it was in the 00z but the usual cautionary note applies (that ensembles are not foolproof and can flip)

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

White Meadows
01 December 2019 06:20:59
‘‘Tis the season... 

Signal for a cold outbreak, possibly severe looking stronger on the 00z this morning
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
01 December 2019 07:17:23

Another day, another GFS picture, and less wintry than yesterday. 

HP over the UK or close to the south through to Thu 12th (just a brief rush of cold air down the N Sea on the 9th) but after that Arctic-sourced LPs get more active with cold air over the whole country by Tue 17th as per WM's post above. (and FWIW my experience is that if we are to get cold weather for Xmas, it's more likely to come from the N rather than the E, the E is for later on).

Jetstream matches this but I'm not sure whether jetstream predictions inform the GFS or vice versa. Anyway, the Jetstream is uncertain of itself for the coming 10 days or so, with loops and branches, so no clear prediction there, but then settling back to a position south of the UK which should allow cold air and unsettled weather to come in behind.

ECM similar but has its cold incursion on the 9th more pronounced.

Ens keeping to dry weather until 7th, temps rising to above seasonal  average but then with sharp fall; recovering for a bit, then most runs below average out to 15th and some pptn, but not a lot. Snow row totals well down on yesterday for the S, but holding up in Scotland and to some extent in N England 

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
Gandalf The White
01 December 2019 09:27:22

Another day, another GFS picture, and less wintry than yesterday. 

HP over the UK or close to the south through to Thu 12th (just a brief rush of cold air down the N Sea on the 9th) but after that Arctic-sourced LPs get more active with cold air over the whole country by Tue 17th as per WM's post above. (and FWIW my experience is that if we are to get cold weather for Xmas, it's more likely to come from the N rather than the E, the E is for later on).

Jetstream matches this but I'm not sure whether jetstream predictions inform the GFS or vice versa. Anyway, the Jetstream is uncertain of itself for the coming 10 days or so, with loops and branches, so no clear prediction there, but then settling back to a position south of the UK which should allow cold air and unsettled weather to come in behind.

ECM similar but has its cold incursion on the 9th more pronounced.

Ens keeping to dry weather until 7th, temps rising to above seasonal  average but then with sharp fall; recovering for a bit, then most runs below average out to 15th and some pptn, but not a lot. Snow row totals well down on yesterday for the S, but holding up in Scotland and to some extent in N England 

Originally Posted by: DEW 

Yes, decent summary: still that signal for a slide into cold zonality. Still too much mobility and no signal for blocking.

The jet stream forecast is just one of the elements of the model, nothing more or less.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

01 December 2019 11:13:32
Potential for an Election Day snowstorm if there were small adjustments- then attempts at a Scandi high on this run. Hopefully becomes a trend
Gandalf The White
01 December 2019 12:09:38

ECM 00z ensemble for London:

Similar to yesterday's 12z but the signal for the period of cold zonality has lessened slightly overnight.  Still looking like a rather cold period with options either side.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

01 December 2019 12:12:03

Potential for an Election Day snowstorm if there were small adjustments- then attempts at a Scandi high on this run. Hopefully becomes a trend

Originally Posted by: ballamar 

 Definitely a trend now that there is a southerly tracking low between 11th and 13th Dec:

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

01 December 2019 12:39:43

Big call from the owner of the site then,going for a mild winter.
Nothing looking particular mild in the models though,and we have just come off the back of two below average months in a row,which is unusual in recent years.

Looks more like a good chance of  colder than normal winter,rather than milder.
Time will tell ..

01 December 2019 13:56:49

Big call from the owner of the site then,going for a mild winter.
Nothing looking particular mild in the models though,and we have just come off the back of two below average months in a row,which is unusual in recent years.

Looks more like a good chance of  colder than normal winter,rather than milder.
Time will tell ..

Originally Posted by: Argyle77 

Its a decent call IMO but all the time we’re seeing pressure in the PV from persistent warming at 10hPa then there’s a chance that blocking may appear ‘unmodelled’ so to speak.

As for an election snowstorm, it’s as certain or uncertain as the result at this range.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
01 December 2019 14:02:59


Its a decent call IMO but all the time we’re seeing pressure in the PV from persistent warming at 10hPa then there’s a chance that blocking may appear ‘unmodelled’ so to speak.

As for an election snowstorm, it’s as certain or uncertain as the result at this range.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

just think it would be Sod’s law so whoever loses could blame the weather - research would favour conservatives winning in a bad weather polling day

01 December 2019 15:03:09

Big call from the owner of the site then,going for a mild winter.
Nothing looking particular mild in the models though,and we have just come off the back of two below average months in a row,which is unusual in recent years.

Looks more like a good chance of  colder than normal winter,rather than milder.
Time will tell ..

Originally Posted by: Argyle77 

Any 3 month weather forecast for the UK is a big call IMO 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

01 December 2019 16:04:00


Any 3 month weather forecast for the UK is a big call IMO 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

almost futile, so a big thumbs up to anyone who has had the balls to offer a coherent and well reasoned approach. Gav and Brian always back up their thoughts so credit to them both. 

David M Porter
01 December 2019 16:11:29


Any 3 month weather forecast for the UK is a big call IMO 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Indeed- just ask the MetO for starters.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
01 December 2019 16:15:37

This time last week there was a brief flurry of excitement when it looked like (in terms of model output) that a cold NE'ly flow would set in today with showers filtering in off the North Sea. With 850's on some of the 12z output suggesting -7c to -8c the words 'wintry showers' were rightly being touted.

In reality the models have been virtually spot on with the pattern here in the extreme SE but further north HP has moved across quicker cutting off the flow.

The first showers filtered in at 3pm with almost faultless precision. What didn't verify so well was the depth of cold of this NE'ly flow that has been scaled back to a 9 hour -5c (850Hpa) event.

The first rain shower came through with a temperature of 7.7c after a max of 8.3c.

A word of caution when it comes to getting excited with the prospects of cold if we didn't already know that. 



Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

01 December 2019 16:50:17

Closer to 100 hours of sub -5 850s up here and lots of very welcome dry but cold conditions.(Wintriness never looked overly likely IMO).

The 12z output is following the same trend as previous sets. With unsettled conditions in the medium to longer term. The GFS 12z op “FI” section looks very much on the stormy side at times.

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