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27 March 2020 23:54:29


We must just have a pocket of idiots living  round here then. 

I  just had an email from my mate  whose currently billeted at the other end of the village looking after his elderly mum and he's also encountered  groups of people  not complying with the  2M rule.  It's especially important for him not to bring the ruddy thing back to his Mum

I'm going to take some piccys if I see anything like that out of control group of kids and dogs again and email them to someone in authority .



Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

Meanwhile an elderly woman was apprehended by the police and told to go home because she had been out walking her dog for thirty minutes. Today there was a report of youths deliberately coughing at people at our local shopping precinct. The police were informed but took two hours to arrive.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
27 March 2020 23:59:04

Just watching "lessons learned" on Newsnight, but no mention of the true lessons to be learned. Here is my list:

1. When a novel virus breaks out in January, take note immediately and take action. Start ordering PPE for health staff and carers. Start ordering whatever looks like it will be required - in this case, ventilators and compressed oxygen.
2. As other places start to show signs of infection, enforce mandatory and monitored quarantine for everyone coming from such regions, whether citizen or foreigner.
3. Tell your own citizens to cancel their foreign holidays and assure them that if they still travel,it is entirely at their own risk.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

I would change 1. to:-

When a serious pandemic has been widely predicted for ten years by experts invest in your Health Service ten years ago and have a stock of all of the equipment required stored in warehouses. Also have a contingency plan in place that can have flexibility to deal with the nature of the outbreak.

This not hindsight it is forethought.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
28 March 2020 00:11:20

The biggest tragedy of course will be for those who have lost their lives or lost loved ones. But we will be left with thousands more who will be emotionally distraught and I fully expect the suicide rate of youngsters to rocket. Sad for planned events like weddings but they can be postponed. Tragic if you have had to have your long awaited operation cancelled. But a young generation will feel marginalised in never having been able to celebrate their 18th or 21st birthdays properly, never to have been able to enjoy the elation or otherwise of opening their GCSE or A'level results. Something that stamps a mark on their lives that will never be recaptured. My grandson told me over Whats App video link he was sad today, and I felt for him.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
28 March 2020 02:35:11
So, in a moment of drunken solace at 2.30 in the morning, I wanted to state that my 82 year old mother has been taken to hospital with a raging temperature and I’ve today been furloughed with a wide and three kids to support. Apologies for the self indulgence and reliance on booze to get through it tonight, but so be it.
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