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29 March 2020 14:25:29


As mentioned before, this was probably an older paper when the virus was still mostly in Asia and high mortality had only been observed in Wuhan/Hubei. We proved them wrong...

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Thanks for all replies.

I had googled ADE but it went in the face of all my previous understanding of prior infection conferring immunity (time dependant on pathogen). 

I realise the paper was written a while ago, before the disease toll was obvious in other parts of the world but does that negate the hypothesis or does it suggest the prior infection was something more widespread. 

Is it possible that we are currently experiencing wave II? 

The Beast from the East
29 March 2020 14:28:24


It makes me think whether or not we may see a restructuring of the world order after the virus? I don't think we'll see a complete overhaul, but we could definitely see changes along the lines of a turn away from neo-liberalism or a resurgence of the nation state.

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

We are going to see a massive rise in nationalism just like the period post the 1929 crash

Far from countries working together, we are more likely to have another global war

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
29 March 2020 14:28:24

 On my walk today I saw a car had been broken into, glass everywhere. It happened overnight as the car was fine on my evening walk yesterday. If this lockdown carries on for a long time, there are going to be massive crime issues and other social problems like domestic abuse and alcoholism


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Actually crime has gone down significantly in European countries with a lockdown and I think some police forces in the UK have also reported significant drops in crime.

29 March 2020 14:30:43

 Actually crime has gone down significantly in European countries with a lockdown and I think some police forces in the UK have also reported significant drops in crime.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Coronavirus crisis leads to steep drop in recorded crime

David M Porter
29 March 2020 14:31:51


You mean apart from HIV, Ebola, MERS, Bird Flu and Zika.

The common denominator in pretty much every case is proximity to/capture/killing/eating of wild animals.


Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

I think a lack of good hygiene standards in some countries has had a part to play as well. I very much doubt that coronavirus would have started in a country with generally high standards of hygiene such as the UK for instance, and most other developed western countries.

The question that keeps coming to my mind is why has this virus been so much worse in terms of the way it has spread over the vast majority of the world and the number of people infected than those other diseases.

IIRC, the Ebola outbreak in 2014 was largely contained within the continent of Africa. I remember the Zika virus was in Brazil around the time that country hosted the 2016 Olympics; I seem to recall that a few UK athletes across a number of sports withdrew from those games amid fears over that virus. Yet, despite Brazil being a country with a huge population, I don't recall hearing any reports at that time of that disease spreading throughout a number of other countries.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
29 March 2020 14:36:08


I am using this one (probably about 10 times a day) and my hands are still not dry.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Antibacterial soap might sound like a silver bullet on the surface, but according to the US Food and Drug Administration, there’s no evidence to suggest it’s any better at killing viruses than standard soap.

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
Northern Sky
29 March 2020 14:36:43


We are going to see a massive rise in nationalism just like the period post the 1929 crash

Far from countries working together, we are more likely to have another global war

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Not like you to look on the gloomy side Beast...

David M Porter
29 March 2020 14:36:50


Im sorry but we and the rest of the world have every damm right to force them to change!!Covid-19 and every other nasty virus originated from there.There disgusting barbaric culture has the world to its knees and impacted everyone on the earth for the worse,people have died because of their culture and you say we have no right to demand they change it,what planet are you on!! China needs to be made to pay for this big time.

Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

I think it is inevitable that China will take a huge hit for this in a number of ways, whether the start of this disease was accidental or not.

For instance, it would not surprise me at all in the long run if many international companies, including some UK businesses, who currently have manufacturing plants etc in places across China decide in the coming years to withdraw from the country. We spent a long time in the Brexit threads in this forum discussing the possibility of major international businesses potentially leaving the UK after Brexit took place; I can sure see this happening in China for a very different reason.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
29 March 2020 14:39:53

 Antibacterial soap might sound like a silver bullet on the surface, but according to the US Food and Drug Administration, there’s no evidence to suggest it’s any better at killing viruses than standard soap.

Originally Posted by: RobN 

Yes, indeed. I only use it because I had bought ten of them back in January and they seem to be quite gentle on the skin. 

The Beast from the East
29 March 2020 14:41:23


A lockdown of 3 month is both incomprehensible and totally impossible.It will lead to so many many serious problems. A lot of people will just not abide by it for length of time.The longer it goes on the harder it will be to enforce and the biggest danger will become food shortages.

As ive said before we cannot led the remedy become worse than the disease!

Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

Imported food is going to become a big issue and plebs have got used to eating what they want, when they want. A diet of Turnip surprise is not going to go down well

The good news about King Boris having immunity now means that the virus is no longer a personal threat to him, so he will be very keen to get back to normal life ASAP

King Boris likes the good things in life. He likes to dine out at the best restaurants, he likes to make speeches, attending parties, and of course sex with young blondes

Hopefully, he will end the lockdown soon and ignore the scientists



"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
29 March 2020 14:41:42

 Not like you to look on the gloomy side Beast...

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

All he wants is for his pub to re-open, so he will be on an anti-lockdown crusade.

Gavin D
29 March 2020 14:44:26

Gandalf The White
29 March 2020 14:48:28


What do you mean "make them pay"? What all Chinese people? Punish them somehow, make them learn a lesson? You can see that they take this more seriously than the USA for example. I have no doubt they will be investigating the route and doing something like controlling these markets. 

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

I agree with your comments about punishment. But to be fair, SARS was almost 20 years ago and this looks almost identical in terms of source.  If little has changed in 20 years what confidence can we have of anything changing.

The key difference with 20 years ago is how much more China is interconnected with the rest of the world, making rapid spread that much more inevitable.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gandalf The White
29 March 2020 14:49:53


Imported food is going to become a big issue and plebs have got used to eating what they want, when they want. A diet of Turnip surprise is not going to go down well

The good news about King Boris having immunity now means that the virus is no longer a personal threat to him, so he will be very keen to get back to normal life ASAP

King Boris likes the good things in life. He likes to dine out at the best restaurants, he likes to make speeches, attending parties, and of course sex with young blondes

Hopefully, he will end the lockdown soon and ignore the scientists



Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I don’t know how you spent your time during your ban but clearly you didn’t pause for self-reflection.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

  • pfw
  • Advanced Member
29 March 2020 14:51:36

Canadian report: weather grim so haven't been out since the last report. At the moment boredom is the main issue. There's time to start various projects (in fact more time than ever) but somehow I don't feel like it - there is this sensation of life on hold. I suppose I'll have to start painting the dining room, which I've been putting off for months.

My younger kids are already starting to struggle a bit - we've been avoiding all contact for nearly 2 weeks now - and they are finding it tough that they can't play with their friends across the street.

I'm very aware that these are minor issues and we are in an easy position with a reasonable house and garden, plus a park behind us. I can't imagine what this will be like for those in a small apartment by say June. Or elderly people who live alone. I'm afraid we will get people losing the plot - keeping the population under partial house arrest for an extended period may just be untenable.

Sun due to appear a little this afternoon at least and we may see 15C so I may be able to run in shorts for the first time in about 6 months. This enforces social distancing from me even in normal times 

Gavin D
29 March 2020 14:54:01

Gandalf The White
29 March 2020 14:56:47


I think a lack of good hygiene standards in some countries has had a part to play as well. I very much doubt that coronavirus would have started in a country with generally high standards of hygiene such as the UK for instance, and most other developed western countries.

The question that keeps coming to my mind is why has this virus been so much worse in terms of the way it has spread over the vast majority of the world and the number of people infected than those other diseases.

IIRC, the Ebola outbreak in 2014 was largely contained within the continent of Africa. I remember the Zika virus was in Brazil around the time that country hosted the 2016 Olympics; I seem to recall that a few UK athletes across a number of sports withdrew from those games amid fears over that virus. Yet, despite Brazil being a country with a huge population, I don't recall hearing any reports at that time of that disease spreading throughout a number of other countries.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

David, it doesn’t have anything to do with hygiene standards: it’s about contact with wild animals which are a reservoir of viruses that are capable of making the species jump to humans.

As I understand it, SARS-Cov2 has spread rapidly because of the characteristics of the virus, ie contagious before symptoms appear. 

Ebola was only contained because of a significant international intervention.  Zika doesn’t pass easily from person to person, AFAIK, which limits the risk significantly.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

29 March 2020 14:56:55


I think it is inevitable that China will take a huge hit for this in a number of ways, whether the start of this disease was accidental or not.

For instance, it would not surprise me at all in the long run if many international companies, including some UK businesses, who currently have manufacturing plants etc in places across China decide in the coming years to withdraw from the country. We spent a long time in the Brexit threads in this forum discussing the possibility of major international businesses potentially leaving the UK after Brexit took place; I can sure see this happening in China for a very different reason.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

It may have started in China , doesn't mean it originated there. The world military games took place in wuhan at the end of october, any of the 100+ countries taking part could have imported it whether on purpose or not.

Zika - there was speculation that it was GM gone wrong. Some jaffa mosquitoes were released to breed with the natives and render them incapable of breeding (I think) but something didnt work and instead Zika started popping up in similar areas to the GM mosquitoe trial.


Edit, was supposed to be in response to xioni2




UserPostedImage LLTNP 105m asl 
29 March 2020 15:00:28
Following that awful news shared by Gavin D , just one tiny positive...after battling a raging fever for 11 days on the trot and that awful cough, my brother has reported from Ohio that today, the fever has dropped to more normal levels and the cough is more manageable... as a family we are so, so thankful...he is of course utterly washed out...and won’t be doing anything other than to rest.... I can’t really imagine what it is like to have a temperature between 102 and 104 for 11 continuous days...doesn’t bear thinking about. Interestingly, at no point did he have any breathing problems....that is probably what has saved him.
Heavy Weather 2013
29 March 2020 15:22:45
At these daily briefings we keep hearing about PPE. But we are still not delivering.

We keep being told we will test 10k a day but it’s not happening.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Heavy Weather 2013
29 March 2020 15:24:29
First question WOW.

Kings saying that deaths are not being reported.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Joe Bloggs
29 March 2020 15:29:03

“All areas of the country on an emergency footing, not seen since WW2.” 

“strategic gold command centres set up across the UK supported by the military.”

This is like Threads. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Heavy Weather 2013
29 March 2020 15:30:14
Clearest indication yet that lockdown will go beyond 3 weeks. In fact, it’s clear that this is going to be months.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
29 March 2020 15:31:28

“All areas of the country on an emergency footing, not seen since WW2.” 

“strategic gold command centres set up across the UK supported by the military.”

This is like Threads. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

i wouldn’t go that far! Most depressing film ever...

Gandalf The White
29 March 2020 15:32:01


It may have started in China , doesn't mean it originated there. The world military games took place in wuhan at the end of october, any of the 100+ countries taking part could have imported it whether on purpose or not.

Zika - there was speculation that it was GM gone wrong. Some jaffa mosquitoes were released to breed with the natives and render them incapable of breeding (I think) but something didnt work and instead Zika started popping up in similar areas to the GM mosquitoe trial.


Edit, was supposed to be in response to xioni2



Originally Posted by: glenogle 

The suggestion that it was brought to China during the world military games was started as part of the Chinese state propaganda drive to deflect blame.  It is completely at odds with the scientific evidence.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

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