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The Beast from the East
06 April 2020 13:00:23


Maybe he just hates the job now and he finds shelter at the hospital until the storm passes and he can go back to brexit.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Perhaps he has taken a shine to some of the nursing staff King Bozo still has virulent spunk, like Henry VIII


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Justin W
06 April 2020 13:01:24


He looks like a ~30 to me? 

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

5ft 9 and 16 st 7lbs = BMI of 34.2


Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
06 April 2020 13:02:47

 5ft 9 and 16 st 7lbs = BMI of 34.2


Originally Posted by: Justin W 

I know you've spent a few nights together, but did you really weigh him up? (with apologies for the mediocre humour).

The Beast from the East
06 April 2020 13:03:12

Johnson has a BMI of 34.5 AFAIK. He lost weight in 2018 but then piled it back on during the election campaign last year. His weight doesn't put him in the 'extremely vulnerable' category (he would be shielding for 12 weeks if it did), but it does class him as obese and, therefore, vulnerable. 

Those carrying a lot of extra weight seem to be more at risk of serious breathing difficulties.


Originally Posted by: Justin W 

I dont know what my BMI is, but it must be similar. Looks like I'll be toast if I get it!

Though the amount of alcohol in my bloodstream may stop the old Corona from latching on


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
06 April 2020 13:05:06


Feels a long time since we were both in Singapore doesn’t it? 

At the time of our travels there wasn’t a huge amount of evidence that this was going to become QUITE such a global issue. 

Sadly a few people on here were correct from the outset. Genuinely glad I made that trip as it could be the last for a while. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

  Me too Joe!  I was in Singapore the same time as Gandalf. When we went on 22nd January, there was very little being said, or even known about it, there was little evidence of it in the Asian countries we visited either.  It wasn’t until we got home, on February 6th/7th, that we started to hear how far it had spread.

Yes, there were a couple on here who were saying in late January that it was going to get bad and they were right.  Although they also suggested Singapore was in lockdown, which it clearly wasn’t, so it looked like a case of gross exaggeration.  Nobody here had suggested closing borders at that time either, so I doubt even they thought it would get this bad!  

With hindsight, we could probably have done a lot more but I doubt anyone really believed just how serious this would get.  I still wonder if any of the measures any country has taken, is going to have any affect on the long term results. 

Anyway, we had planned to take another cruise this month as a bit of convalescence after hubby’s op, which he still hasn’t had.  We usually have three or four holidays a year but at least we got one!  Our daughter was due to go to Sicily in May, two of my brothers should have now been in Cyprus and two of my sisters and their families should be in a holiday cottage in Wales - all cancelled obviously.  The tourism industry is losing a lot!

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Gandalf The White
06 April 2020 13:05:16


Also, according to the BBC the main reason people go into hospital is breathing difficulties.


Originally Posted by: westv 

Well, they did report that he had been given oxygen. But that could be playing it safe pending the result of tests or just being cautious.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Justin W
06 April 2020 13:05:31


I know you've spent a few nights together, but did you really weigh him up? (with apologies for the mediocre humour).

Originally Posted by: xioni2 


Can't remember where I read it. Was early in the year, an interview in which he had said he had piled back on all the weight he lost in 2018 (prior to which he had been 16st 7lbs). 

He is a fat bugger in the flesh.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
The Beast from the East
06 April 2020 13:07:38


Anyway, we had planned to take another cruise this month 

Originally Posted by: Caz 

I think cruising is going to be a thing of the past for while.....that kind of cruising anyway

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
06 April 2020 13:08:14

8 London Bus drivers have now died due to coronavirus.

Gandalf The White
06 April 2020 13:09:08


I dont know what my BMI is, but it must be similar. Looks like I'll be toast if I get it!

Though the amount of alcohol in my bloodstream may stop the old Corona from latching on


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

If you Google BMI there are several calculators you can use; I'd recommend the BUPA site as it has other measures there such as well.

All you need are your height and weight and gender. It takes about a minute. It's accurate because mine came out the same as when I had my health check late last year.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Saint Snow
06 April 2020 13:10:02


5ft 9 and 16 st 7lbs = BMI of 34.2


Originally Posted by: Justin W 


Is he only 5'9"?

Never really considered his height, and always assumed he was taller, around the 6' mark. Perhaps I've just seem him stood next to little Matty Handjob and the half-pintsized Brigadier-Major-General.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Phil G
06 April 2020 13:11:51

I've been cleaning my patio with a biodegradable, wild-life friendly, solution. The results have been brilliant but the lady of the house has found some dead worms, which is apparently my fault. There has been quite a lot of saucepan clanging and bearing in mind it's not Thursday I'm now concerned I may also be admitted to hospital with "underlying health conditions"......  

Originally Posted by: llamedos 

Yes, there's a 25% increase in abuse. I just hope you agreed with her and didn't try to argue!

  • pfw
  • Advanced Member
06 April 2020 13:14:13

He is a fat bugger in the flesh.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Definitely a "big chungus" as the kids call the horizontally enhanced in our house!

I hope he pulls through. There are clearly major factors like age and weight in determining who gets this badly but even so this virus sometimes just seems capricious, for want of a better word.

Phil G
06 April 2020 13:15:31


I think cruising is going to be a thing of the past for while.....that kind of cruising anyway

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

We were going to book a cruise to the Med in October, visiting Spain and Italy. A no no on three counts.

Yes cruising will need a lot of time to bounce back from this. Something that will stick in the mind early on was that stricken Princess ship.

The Beast from the East
06 April 2020 13:17:08


If you Google BMI there are several calculators you can use; I'd recommend the BUPA site as it has other measures there such as well.

All you need are your height and weight and gender. It takes about a minute. It's accurate because mine came out the same as when I had my health check late last year.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Thanks, but I don't even want to know!

I can't even look at myself naked in the mirror these days it's so depressing as I used to have a proper sixpack 20 years ago. Now I just drink them!

but as long as I can still see my willy when I pee, I wont change my habits!


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Gandalf The White
06 April 2020 13:17:43

  Me too Joe!  I was in Singapore the same time as Gandalf. When we went on 22nd January, there was very little being said, or even known about it, there was little evidence of it in the Asian countries we visited either.  It wasn’t until we got home, on February 6th/7th, that we started to hear how far it had spread.

Yes, there were a couple on here who were saying in late January that it was going to get bad and they were right.  Although they also suggested Singapore was in lockdown, which it clearly wasn’t, so it looked like a case of gross exaggeration.  Nobody here had suggested closing borders at that time either, so I doubt even they thought it would get this bad!  

With hindsight, we could probably have done a lot more but I doubt anyone really believed just how serious this would get.  I still wonder if any of the measures any country has taken, is going to have any affect on the long term results. 

Anyway, we had planned to take another cruise this month as a bit of convalescence after hubby’s op, which he still hasn’t had.  We usually have three or four holidays a year but at least we got one!  Our daughter was due to go to Sicily in May, two of my brothers should have now been in Cyprus and two of my sisters and their families should be in a holiday cottage in Wales - all cancelled obviously.  The tourism industry is losing a lot!

Originally Posted by: Caz 

I must admit I assumed that if they could control the outbreak in Singapore that we'd be able to do likewise.  I must admit that my confidence was dented somewhat when we breezed through T5 at Heathrow with absolutely no checks or questions being asked.

But I think if we turn the clock back to mid January the level of risk was still an unknown, both transmissibility and mortality rates. Over two months later and the position has evolved as data and understanding have increased.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

06 April 2020 13:18:28

but as long as I can still see my willy when I pee, I wont change my habits!

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Using how many mirrors?

Gavin D
06 April 2020 13:18:57
Breaking: NHS England have announced 403 new deaths another big drop

Patients were aged between 35 and 106 years old. 15 of the 403 patients (aged between 52 and 94 years old) had no known underlying health condition.
The Beast from the East
06 April 2020 13:19:10


Using how many mirrors?

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

a periscope

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
06 April 2020 13:19:29

Should point out the further down the path to a severe form of COVID you go (asymptomatic->mild->Hospital->ICU->ventilator) the less your demographics matter. Older men are far more likely to end up in hospital than younger women but have almost the same odds of dying by the time they get to the ventilator.


Twitter: @QuantumOverlord (general), @MedicaneWatch (medicane/TC stuff)
2023/2024 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):
29/11 (-6), 30/11 (-6), 02/12 (-5), 03/12 (-5), 04/12 (-3), 16/01 (-3), 18/01 (-8), 08/02 (-5)

Total: 8 days with snow/sleet falling.

2022/2023 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

18/12 (-1), 06/03 (-6), 08/03 (-8), 09/03 (-6), 10/03 (-8), 11/03 (-5), 14/03 (-6)

Total: 7 days with snow/sleet falling.

2021/2022 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

26/11 (-5), 27/11 (-7), 28/11 (-6), 02/12 (-6), 06/01 (-5), 07/01 (-6), 06/02 (-5), 19/02 (-5), 24/02 (-7), 30/03 (-7), 31/03 (-8), 01/04 (-8)
Total: 12 days with snow/sleet falling.
The Beast from the East
06 April 2020 13:20:13

Breaking: NHS England have announced 403 new deaths another big drop

Patients were aged between 35 and 106 years old. 15 of the 403 patients (aged between 52 and 94 years old) had no known underlying health condition.

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Great news

We can now end the lockdown next week!

Well done Boris


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
06 April 2020 13:20:46

Even most of the goats use social distancing


Darren S
06 April 2020 13:21:12


We were going to book a cruise to the Med in October, visiting Spain and Italy. A no no on three counts.

Yes cruising will need a lot of time to bounce back from this. Something that will stick in the mind early on was that stricken Princess ship.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

We are supposed to be on a cruise (Princess Cruises) from Rome to Athens in August - our first one ever. Booked last autumn obviously. So far Princess have only cancelled cruises up until May and we know the cruise has no chance of happening, it's just a case of wondering how long it will be until our cruise is cancelled and a full refund is available. So far we've only paid our deposit, but wondering if they'll cancel before the balance is due.

In fact I was supposed to be in Antigua currently, our main holiday of the year which was cancelled too. I'm wondering when I will next leave Berkshire, let alone the UK!

Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2023/24 0 cm; 2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
06 April 2020 13:21:17


The life of the Avios hoarder is that you have to book a year in advance - which I duly did last October, snagging flight to Japan during the half-term. I'm hopeful that we'll be between waves in October, but we'll see.


Originally Posted by: Retron 

Yes, and a son in law who flies 4 to 6 times a month to Europe, and several trips to the States who books some of my flights with his left over points. Lucky as little bro got a place in Spain hat he spends 6 months of the year at, he was home in uk when all this happened. He’s got flights booked for 20 September, he thinks he might JUST get out there then. 

The Fenlands of Cambridgeshire
06 April 2020 13:23:01

Breaking: NHS England have announced 403 new deaths another big drop

Patients were aged between 35 and 106 years old. 15 of the 403 patients (aged between 52 and 94 years old) had no known underlying health condition.

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Good to see a drop but for now I remain very sceptical that we've already been past the peak. We've been told to expect a rise in deaths this week from multiple credible sources. Add to that the fact we have inconsistencies with our numbers from day to day and I think the only time for optimism would be at the end of the week if we end up achieving better figures than expected, which seems unlikely.


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