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Heavy Weather 2013
11 August 2020 19:02:40
Huge tower just gone up to my west. Looks like the cap is starting to break here
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Heavy Weather 2013
11 August 2020 19:11:31 

She just popped up on the radar five minutes ago
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
11 August 2020 19:12:35

Just as it was starting to look as though this event was over for now, I then saw another very bright flash of lightning a very short while ago which was once again, immediately followed by some loud thunder.

There are also some other distant rumbles of thunder from which, I haven't been able to see any lightning so far.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Fun in the Sun
11 August 2020 19:19:31
Some impressive towers and rumbles to my north west, amazing mix of colours too. Seems to be just to the north of Heathrow.
Location: Teddington SW London 14m asl

'Kid in the snow, way to go, it only happens once a year, it only happens once a lifetime, make the most of it.'

'Fox in the Snow' - Belle and Sebastian.
11 August 2020 19:27:44
Frequent rumbles of thunder and the occasional flash of lightning still ongoing here, although most of the rain from this is still to our east.

Adding all of that up, this is turning out to be our best storm of this year so far although there is now some easterly muck coming in from off the North Sea which is spoiling that view to my east a bit.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Phil G
11 August 2020 19:38:14

Not sure if its sferics or something playing havoc with instruments but there appears to be a number of isolated storms popping up almost anywhere. One flash though and many are gone.
Two main areas over northern France appear to be shrinking, but whether something will reignite them again?

Crepuscular Ray
11 August 2020 20:38:57
More flashes both to the east of Edinburgh and a new cell over the Forth to the NW. Cells popping up all around
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
Crepuscular Ray
11 August 2020 20:49:44
Flashing every few seconds now over Edinburgh! Not sure of direction
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
11 August 2020 20:49:54

Incredibly, we still have some thunder and lightning ongoing from earlier on and if anything, the lightning has actually become even more frequent over the last wee while. In addition to that, we also had a burst of torrential rain a short while ago.

This is all now reminding me of what happened at around the same time last year when we had constant thunder and lightning for several hours along with constant torrential rain, all caused by an actual area of low pressure moving directly over here from off the Atlantic.

We haven't had the constant rain this time, but the radar maps have showed something very interesting happening. From that, it would appear that the convergence line which is causing all of that is now moving away eastwards and northwards. As that has happened though, we have remained over some sort of hook which has formed out of that.

That would suggest that an actual secondary area of low pressure has just formed in-situ, right over here, which now appears to be centred over the Firth of Forth, and that it is the resulting instability from that which has kept all of this activity going.

Over time though, I am expecting all of that to eventually move away northwards, and it shouldn't be too much longer before all of that clears away as a result.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
The Beast from the East
11 August 2020 21:15:39

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Rob K
11 August 2020 21:17:27
Haha, I took some photos of that exact same cloud from my evening bike ride near Basingstoke (Watership Down)
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Crepuscular Ray
11 August 2020 21:23:31
Absolutely unbelievable storm in Edinburgh.
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
Crepuscular Ray
11 August 2020 21:25:13
Many people in Edinburgh will have never seen a storm like this. It is constant lightening and deafening thunder
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
noodle doodle
11 August 2020 21:29:52
F**k me
noodle doodle
11 August 2020 21:34:12
Thunder/lightning - cool

Absolutely torrential rain overflowing my gutters, tea towels at the doors, garden an inch under water - not so cool.
11 August 2020 21:34:34

The lightning is now very bright here, and occurring every second at least. In addition to that, we now have some very torrential rain and I won't be surprised if we get some flash flooding from that in this part of this world.

I certainly can't remember seeing anything in my entire life, which is anything like what I am seeing just now and this is probably now, making up quite a lot for what up until now, had been a very quiet summer on that front, in comparison with what we had last year.

However, this is not going to be a very good night for trying to get to sleep here, if this carries on for much longer.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
noodle doodle
11 August 2020 21:39:42
Yeh, I'm up a hill John and the water is sheeting down the road and pavements to some poor sod at the bottom. Be interesting to see the braidburn water level spike...
Crepuscular Ray
11 August 2020 21:44:10
Incredible....worst storm i've ever seen. 2 hrs worth now. Frightening stuff
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
Crepuscular Ray
11 August 2020 21:53:58
Guys we are experiencing a serious event in Edinburgh. Constant lightning and biblical rain for 2 hrs. Flooding must be intense
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
  • howham
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
11 August 2020 21:54:08
Wonder if it will work its way up here...
11 August 2020 22:03:08

Yeh, I'm up a hill John and the water is sheeting down the road and pavements to some poor sod at the bottom. Be interesting to see the braidburn water level spike...

Originally Posted by: noodle doodle 

In addition to everything else which I have mentioned here, this is also going to make my next post on this month's PW thread very interesting indeed.

When we had our wettest February on record earlier on this year, the highest daily total within that month was set so high that it would never be expected to be beaten this year. That in turn was compounded by the fact that up until now, this summer had been nowhere near as wet as last summer.

Of course, rainfall totals don't always end up being as high as I would expect them to be at any given time. However, I wouldn't be surprised if tonight's weather was to end up giving us a high enough rainfall total to at the very least, challenge that total which we had back in February as our wettest day of this year so far., especially as the current official observation day for rainfall doesn't end until 10am tomorrow morning.

The actual figure to beat for that is 39.6 mm as recorded at Edinburgh Gogarbank on 8 February 2020 and if today's rainfall total beats that figure in the end, that will already have confirmed this summer's status as a wetter than average summer, as well as this month's status as a wetter than average month regardless of what happens between now and the end of this month.

Last year's wettest day at Edinburgh Gogarbank resulted in a higher total than that, with a total of 45.6 mm on 24 June 2019, so there is every chance that today could in the end, go down as our wettest day of this year so far, solely as a result of this incredible weather which is ongoing just now.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Phil G
11 August 2020 22:09:18
Seems tonight may have rewritten some accounts for the ‘Best TWO thunderstorms’ thread. Take care all!
noodle doodle
11 August 2020 22:09:20
Kitchen ceilings sprung a leak - weakness with the type of house we have

See you on the other side 🙂
Crepuscular Ray
11 August 2020 22:14:39
Amber thunderstorm warning for here. Lightning still every 1-2 seconds for over 2 hours now
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
  • howham
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
11 August 2020 22:17:49
Amber warning now in force suggesting things moving NE as the night progresses.
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