But the proverbial cart is being placed afore the horse here, is it not? Forecasting errors are being posited as such before they have had even 0.1% of a chance to pan out so that their accuracy or otherwise may be evaluated.
As a general follow-up to the dismissal of the literature by some commentators on here, I'll repost the comment that nails it IMO: from Ray Ladbury, who is - OK - known for being outspoken (who can blame him frankly given some of the absurd accusations echoed about regarding climate scientists in general), but when one digests his words slowly they do tend to have a ring of truth about them. Ray is a sound bloke once you get to know him. This was posted elsewhere some 18 months ago, but it is still good advice - indeed it is the best advice that a newcomer to this whole barney could have, and the "IGNORANT" in the first sentence is not an insult - it's implying there's a fascinating world out there once you start reading the literature instead of the Tabloids - so please set forth on that journey. I've appended my comments in square brackets:
"If you don’t know about or understand the evidence that shows incontrovertibly that we are warming the planet, you are IGNORANT. No sin here. You can rectify your ignorance by hard study. [JM - that's the vast majority of us including me, though I'm striving to rectify it]
If you refuse to put in the hard study, then you are WILFULLY IGNORANT and your opinion is worthless. [JM - applies to anything pretty much - sea-angling for example - if you don't work at it, gaining experience and understanding, you'll never up your catch-rate, and blaming e.g. the local East European population might make you feel briefly more comfortable, but will it help? Will it heck!]
If you refuse even to look at the evidence even when it is shoved in front of your face and still insist you understand better than all the experts, then you are a DENIALIST. [JM - true - and I specifically reserve the term these days for people who are paid to spread misinformation for political purposes - the well-known U.S. rightwing thinktanks come immediately to mind. The term "skeptic" is utterly abused with regard to these people: ALL scientists need to maintain skepticism to counter the very human phenomenon of confirmation-bias with which we are every one of us afflicted]
Finally, if you insist that all the scientists are engaged in a global hoax to preserve their lucrative grants (which amount in salary to about what a mid-level IT administrator would make), then you are an IDIOT." [JM - can anybody in their right minds really envision a truly global conspiacy, involving a few thousand scientists from countries as diverse in politics and faiths as China, Iran, the USA, Germany, Russia, Bolivia, etc etc etc managing to achieve same right under the noses of their extemely diverse political systems? Consider for one moment: not ONE religion has ever accomplished such a takeover, despite myriad wars fought in its name, over very many centuries if not longer...]
No: I think Ray nailed it fair and square with those four points. Perhaps the most succint post ever made on the subject, though I expect howls of derision for reposting it!
Cheers - John
Originally Posted by: John Mason