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01 May 2024 13:05:15
As have entered into a brand new month, it's time to  start a new thread any anyone who wishes to record their rainfall totals here for this month.

At the same time, we have also just entered into the final month of the meteorological spring with both March and April being exceptionally wet.

Normally, April would be our driest month of the year average but that was our wettest month of the year so far with more than twice our monthly rainfall.

With both of those months having been so exceptionally wet, we have now already exceeded our 1991-2020 spring average rainfall during this spring.

This means that regardless of what happens between now and the end of this month, this spring will go down as being wetter than average here and in addition to that, only at least 5 official rain days need to be recorded during this month in order for this spring to go down as being wetter than average in terms of the number of rain days.

However, the second half of April was a lot drier and although the spring has been really wet overall, this doesn't necessarily mean that we can't end this spring with a drier than average month.

However, this month gives us our last chance to get a drier than average month during this spring and as I write, the models appear to be pointing towards certain areas at least, becoming more unsettled and therefore wetter once again.

Regardless of how all of that pans out though, this is  the very place to report those all important rainfall totals for this month.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Northern Sky
04 May 2024 09:14:40
2mm here so far. For once the forecast yesterday overestimated the rain!
04 May 2024 10:50:07
1.6mm, fingers crossed for a drier month
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
05 May 2024 06:14:48
The latest rainfall data for Edinburgh Gogarbank is as follows:

Data For Recent Days

24 total up to 10AM BST (09:00 UTC yesterday morning: 0.8 mm
Total since 10AM BST (09:00 UTC yesterday morning: 1.0 mm (as at 06:30 AM BST (05:30 UTC) this morning on Sunday 5 May 2024)

Monthly Data

Total for this month so far: 1.8 mm (3.6% of 1991-2020 May average)
Number of rain days during this month so far: 1 (9.3% of 1991-2020 May average)
Number of dry days during this month so far: 2

This has already been a much drier start to the month than what we've been used to lately.

Seasonal Data

Total for this spring so far: 214.2 mm (144.2% of 1991-2020 spring average)
Number of rain days during this spring so far: 27 (89.3% of 1991-2020 spring average)
Number of dry days during this spring so far: 23

This means that only at least another 4 official rain days now need to be recorded between now and the end of this month in order for this spring to go down as being wetter than average in terms of the number of rain days.

If we could somehow get a really dry month this time though, there could still be an outside chance of that target for the number of rain days actually never being met in the end.

Annual Data

Total for this year so far: 340.4 mm (43.4% of 1991-2020 annual average)
Number of rain days during this year so far: 54 (39.3% of 1991-2020 annual average)
Number of dry days during this year so far: 40


This data has been obtained from  in raw BUFR format, and then converted into a more readable form by my own python script.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
06 May 2024 13:28:41
The latest rainfall data for Edinburgh Gogarbank is as follows:

Data For Recent Days

24 total up to 10AM BST (09:00 UTC this morning: 7.4 mm
Total since 10AM BST (09:00 UTC this morning: 3.2 mm (as at 01:40 PM BST (12:40 UTC) this afternoon on Monday 6 May 2024)

Monthly Data

Total for this month so far: 12.4 mm (24.7% of 1991-2020 May average)
Number of rain days during this month so far: 3 (27.9% of 1991-2020 May average)
Number of dry days during this month so far: 2

Seasonal Data

Total for this spring so far: 224.8 mm (151.3% of 1991-2020 spring average)
Number of rain days during this spring so far: 29 (95.9% of 1991-2020 spring average)
Number of dry days during this spring so far: 23

This means that only at least another 2 official rain days now need to be recorded between now and the end of this month in order for this spring to go down as being wetter than average in terms of the number of rain days.

Annual Data

Total for this year so far: 351.0 mm (44.8% of 1991-2020 annual average)
Number of rain days during this year so far: 56 (40.7% of 1991-2020 annual average)
Number of dry days during this year so far: 40


This data has been obtained from  in raw BUFR format, and then converted into a more readable form by my own python script.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Tim A
07 May 2024 21:10:17
64.5mm so far, wet month already! 

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
08 May 2024 17:42:36
8mm to date
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
08 May 2024 18:14:41
19mm. Pretty much all of it from Monday evening’s thunderstorm.
Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
11 May 2024 21:11:32
Given that we have had such a wet spring overall this year, the last thing which anyone would be expected to be discussing just now is water shortages and yet, that hasn't prevented SEPA from releasing their first water scarcity report of this year on Thursday 9 May 2024.

The format for that is slightly different because instead of being contained within a PDF file which can easily be viewed in any browser, the latest report is now in the form of a Microsoft Word document which automatically gets downloaded to your device when you click (or tap if you're using a mobile device) on the link for that.

This means that to see that report, you now have to open that downloaded file in something like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice and the only way in which you can now see that in your browser is if you have a Microsoft account which then allows you to upload that file into OneDrive (that is done automatically when you're doing that in Windows if you download the file into your OneDrive folder) and then use the online version of Microsoft Word to view that in your browser.

That latest water scarcity report from SEPA can be downloaded from here .

What these reports are clearly showing is just how much water is around after all of the recent rainfall and how the south and east of Scotland in particular, has been bearing the biggest brunt of that.

Here, river levels and groundwater levels are running very high and it should come as no surprise that the vast majority of the country is at normal status as regards to water scarcity according to this report.

However, the north and west of Scotland have been drier compared with average and in those areas, the river levels and groundwater levels are average to slightly below average.

Indeed, this has even been enough for parts of NW Scotland to be at early warning status as regards to water scarcity at the time of this report.

Furthermore, it has actually been a lot drier here since the middle part of last month and the report show the 30 day running rainfall totals to be no more than average, even in the south and east of Scotland.

It is therefore going to very interesting to see how this all develops as we head into the summer, especially if the overall pattern ends up being much drier overall.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
12 May 2024 18:35:53
The latest rainfall data for Edinburgh Gogarbank is as follows:

Data For Recent Days

Total since 10AM BST (09:00 UTC this morning: 2.8 mm (as at 07:00 PM BST (18:00 UTC) this evening on Sunday 12 May 2024)

Monthly Data

Total for this month so far: 15.6 mm (31.1% of 1991-2020 May average)
Number of rain days during this month so far: 4 (37.2% of 1991-2020 May average)
Number of dry days during this month so far: 6

Seasonal Data

Total for this spring so far: 228.0 mm (153.5% of 1991-2020 spring average)
Number of rain days during this spring so far: 30 (99.2% of 1991-2020 spring average)
Number of dry days during this spring so far: 27

This spring will go down as being wetter than average in terms of the number of rain days if any more official rain days are recorded between now and the end of this month.

Annual Data

Total for this year so far: 354.2 mm (45.2% of 1991-2020 annual average)
Number of rain days during this year so far: 57 (41.5% of 1991-2020 annual average)
Number of dry days during this year so far: 44

Note  in raw BUFR format, and then converted into a more readable form by my own python script.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
13 May 2024 07:18:23
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
13 May 2024 07:45:52
8.2mm. A dry month so far...
Leysdown, north Kent
Tim A
13 May 2024 19:48:11
70mm now after 5mm last night from the band of thunderstorms. 
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
  • four
  • Advanced Member
13 May 2024 20:17:39

8.2mm. A dry month so far...

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Just 5mm here, not a lot likely tomorrow either, 2mm or less I suspect.
13 May 2024 20:34:05
7.3mm here so far this month.
13 May 2024 21:24:36
18.8mm for the month

We’ve been on the edge on the rain band for about 4 hours now and 0.6mm to show for it but it should start to cross us soon 
West Berkshire Downs AONB
135m ASL

VP2 with daytime FARS
Rainfall collector separated at ground level
Anemometer separated above roof level
WeatherLink Live (Byles Green Weather)
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
14 May 2024 05:21:44

18.8mm for the month

We’ve been on the edge on the rain band for about 4 hours now and 0.6mm to show for it but it should start to cross us soon 

Originally Posted by: tierradelfuego 

That rain band sat over this part of Dorset from about 11am to the early hours today. Just steady moderate rain but notable for the long duration.
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
14 May 2024 05:50:26

That rain band sat over this part of Dorset from about 11am to the early hours today. Just steady moderate rain but notable for the long duration.

Originally Posted by: NMA 

We finished with 7.2mm overnight with 6mm after midnight. Nothing over 3mm/hr so steady as you noted.
West Berkshire Downs AONB
135m ASL

VP2 with daytime FARS
Rainfall collector separated at ground level
Anemometer separated above roof level
WeatherLink Live (Byles Green Weather)
Northern Sky
14 May 2024 13:25:38
75mm here so far, raining very heavily again as I type. 
Tim A
14 May 2024 14:48:40
9mm today from bursts of heavy rain. 
Now 79mm for the month. 
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
15 May 2024 06:07:01
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Northern Sky
17 May 2024 16:37:09


Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

I'm on 81mm so far Jim. That's a crazy difference to say you're just the other side of Leeds! 

Tim A
18 May 2024 06:14:10
79mm here too. The Met Office rainfall will be interesting this month, they should show exactly where the big storms were. 
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
18 May 2024 18:27:16
29mm here. 17mm of that fell on the 6th. 
Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
18 May 2024 18:59:49

I'm on 81mm so far Jim. That's a crazy difference to say you're just the other side of Leeds! 


Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

It's interesting. If you look at the data for the likes of Bramham (my local) and Topcliffe they've had very little rain this month. Move further west to the likes of Bradford and Pateley Bridge and it's a very different story.
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
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