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David M Porter
22 January 2012 22:00:57

It's days like this when I wonder whether there is any point watching football. Incompetent refs are killing the game.

Originally Posted by: haghir22 

And billionaire foreign businessmen are killing the game. As with Chelsea, I can't take Man City seriously as a big club. Another average sized club who have bought their way to success at the expense of pretty much every club in the football leagues below them. Football is dead as the great sport it used to be.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Well said Matty, couldn't agree more.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Whilst I appreciate the moral correctness, I couldn't disagree more. A fantastic afternoon of football if only for the City v Spurs game. Feel sorry for Spurs and have just left a South London pub absolutely rocking with atmosphere over todays games. Admittedly I have an alcohol influenced glow, but thought far...has been excellent. I admit I wasn't around in the 70's when money was less of an influence, but if moiney keeps bringing such classic games to our country I for one will happily watch the excellent entertainment on show.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

As far as entertainment goes, for me nothing beats Serie A in Italy back in the early-mid 90's, now that was real entertainment with real naturally gifted footballers.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
22 January 2012 23:17:56

It's days like this when I wonder whether there is any point watching football. Incompetent refs are killing the game.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

And billionaire foreign businessmen are killing the game. As with Chelsea, I can't take Man City seriously as a big club. Another average sized club who have bought their way to success at the expense of pretty much every club in the football leagues below them. Football is dead as the great sport it used to be.

Originally Posted by: haghir22 

Well said Matty, couldn't agree more.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Whilst I appreciate the moral correctness, I couldn't disagree more. A fantastic afternoon of football if only for the City v Spurs game. Feel sorry for Spurs and have just left a South London pub absolutely rocking with atmosphere over todays games. Admittedly I have an alcohol influenced glow, but thought far...has been excellent. I admit I wasn't around in the 70's when money was less of an influence, but if moiney keeps bringing such classic games to our country I for one will happily watch the excellent entertainment on show.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

As far as entertainment goes, for me nothing beats Serie A in Italy back in the early-mid 90's, now that was real entertainment with real naturally gifted footballers.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

..oddly wasn't that when Serie A was the 'most expensive league' in the world paying the highest wages???

Matty H
  • Matty H
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
22 January 2012 23:47:32

It's days like this when I wonder whether there is any point watching football. Incompetent refs are killing the game.

Originally Posted by: haghir22 

And billionaire foreign businessmen are killing the game. As with Chelsea, I can't take Man City seriously as a big club. Another average sized club who have bought their way to success at the expense of pretty much every club in the football leagues below them. Football is dead as the great sport it used to be.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Well said Matty, couldn't agree more.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Whilst I appreciate the moral correctness, I couldn't disagree more. A fantastic afternoon of football if only for the City v Spurs game. Feel sorry for Spurs and have just left a South London pub absolutely rocking with atmosphere over todays games. Admittedly I have an alcohol influenced glow, but thought far...has been excellent. I admit I wasn't around in the 70's when money was less of an influence, but if moiney keeps bringing such classic games to our country I for one will happily watch the excellent entertainment on show.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

At the expense of the other teams in that league. At the expense of the other teams in the other leagues. At the expense of the game in general. It's not about morals, it's about the financial structure of the game in this country. But as long as there's a couple of hours decent football for the same 4 or 5 of the countries 90-odd league sides every few weeks then bollox to it. You build anything in life so top heavy and unstable and it collapses eventually.

We'll have to agree to completely disagree on that, mate.
David M Porter
23 January 2012 00:28:35

It's days like this when I wonder whether there is any point watching football. Incompetent refs are killing the game.

Originally Posted by: haghir22 

And billionaire foreign businessmen are killing the game. As with Chelsea, I can't take Man City seriously as a big club. Another average sized club who have bought their way to success at the expense of pretty much every club in the football leagues below them. Football is dead as the great sport it used to be.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Well said Matty, couldn't agree more.

Originally Posted by: haghir22 

Whilst I appreciate the moral correctness, I couldn't disagree more. A fantastic afternoon of football if only for the City v Spurs game. Feel sorry for Spurs and have just left a South London pub absolutely rocking with atmosphere over todays games. Admittedly I have an alcohol influenced glow, but thought far...has been excellent. I admit I wasn't around in the 70's when money was less of an influence, but if moiney keeps bringing such classic games to our country I for one will happily watch the excellent entertainment on show.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

As far as entertainment goes, for me nothing beats Serie A in Italy back in the early-mid 90's, now that was real entertainment with real naturally gifted footballers.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

..oddly wasn't that when Serie A was the 'most expensive league' in the world paying the highest wages???

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Maybe it was, but I still maintain that the players in Serie A then were of a higher quality than those in the PL now. There have been many occasions when I have watched MOTD on the Beeb on a Saturday or Sunday night and ended up putting another channel on becuase I have become so bored- that's how impressed I am with the "greatest league in the world".

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
23 January 2012 14:51:28

Why the Bindippers really bought Downing.

No, forget the Queen Kenny bullshine in the preamble, I refer you to paras 7,8,9, 10 & 11.

I would be tempted not to take the story seriously, except for two reasons - It's not April 1st and it's utterly believable in the general scheme of things.

23 January 2012 19:06:05
Balotelli has been charged by the FA for his kick of Parker - that's a 4 match ban heading his way
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
23 January 2012 19:56:08

A pity that they didn't get Lescott as well.

Anyway, they can give Balotelli no ban for all I care, because it doesn't roll-back the travesty of yesterday's result.

Karl Guille
23 January 2012 22:03:15

A pity that they didn't get Lescott as well.

Anyway, they can give Balotelli no ban for all I care, because it doesn't roll-back the travesty of yesterday's result.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Absolutely!   Howard Webb's blunders have cost Spurs a further six point deficit against City in just one game!!  No excuses for his incompetence and no ban will compensate Spurs for this outrageous refereeing display - that's assuming the FA don't decide that Balotelli was just regaining his footing on Parker's head having initially tried to halt his fall by thigh smashing him in the face!!  Ugly disgusting display of violence from a truely disgracefull player.  If Spurs can't make up this 8 point deficit then United (yes, United the team I used to hate almost entirely based on the continuous rub of the green they get when playing Spurs) are my preference as they probably deserve it more!  


Lecott in my opinion was lucky but I had to laugh when I saw Crouchy "fondle" an opposing player at the weekend and now anxiously await the possible wrath of the FA!!  

St. Sampson
24 January 2012 11:43:26

Liverpool brought over a Nigerian on a week long trial and at his first training session Kenny Dalglish held up a ball and said "Ball, B-A-L-L".

He then placed the ball on the ground and motioned to kick it saying "Kick, k-i-c-k".

Pointing towards the goal Kenny then shouted "Goal, G-O-A-L, understand?"

The Nigerian said "But Mr. Dalglish I speak perfect English and fully understand the game."

"Shut the fukc up sonny" replied Kenny, "I was talking to Andy Carroll".

Saint Snow
24 January 2012 11:51:13

Question for you Spurs fans. Do you think Joe Jordan has what it takes to be good caretaker manager whilst 'Arry's being careful not to drop the soap?

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Matty H
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24 January 2012 12:05:21

Question for you Spurs fans. Do you think Joe Jordan has what it takes to be good caretaker manager whilst 'Arry's being careful not to drop the soap?

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I think Merc will be happy enough. He wanted Arry sacked a year ago because he'd taken Spurs as far as he could.
24 January 2012 12:50:17

Question for you Spurs fans. Do you think Joe Jordan has what it takes to be good caretaker manager whilst 'Arry's being careful not to drop the soap?

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I don't think it will make much difference. The team picks itself and the players know what to do. Hopefully, Joe will play Parker AND Sandro, which 'Arry seems reluctant to do a lot of the time.

As for 'Arry, if he's found guilty it's game over not only as far as the England job is concerned but also football in general if the FA decide to suspend him like they did with George Graham.

It could all work out rather nicely, given Mourinho is reportedly leaving Real on June 30. Unlikely he'll come to Spurs, but one never knows.

That's the best case scenario.

On the other hand, Benitez is still unemployed. I shudder when I think about this.

There's also Moyes, potentially. Ipray to God that Levy doesn't subscribe to the fantasy that Moyes is a good manager becuase he has managed his teams on a shoestring budget.

Benitez or Moyes, either way it's a bloody frightening prospect.

For me the dream team would be Klinsmann and Sherwood. It will never happen, unfortunately.

24 January 2012 13:07:43

Question for you Spurs fans. Do you think Joe Jordan has what it takes to be good caretaker manager whilst 'Arry's being careful not to drop the soap?

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

I think Merc will be happy enough. He wanted Arry sacked a year ago because he'd taken Spurs as far as he could.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


Be the end of England and Arry that is for sure,  I don't see how he can get out of it, tell me who the hell would be stupid enough to have a secret bank account named after his dog (Rosie ) and his year of birth(47)

I like Arry but I think if guilty his days at Spurs could well be over


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

24 January 2012 13:21:21
Could anything happen to Mandaric? I'd rather he stay on as chairman of Wednesday - we need him!
24 January 2012 13:28:51

Given the interviews to the News of the Screws (and others) back in 2009 - as the prosecution is now reminding the jury of - it looks as if 'Arry's defence will be to try and throw Mandaric under the bus.

24 January 2012 13:30:57

Could anything happen to Mandaric? I'd rather he stay on as chairman of Wednesday - we need him!

Originally Posted by: CAPE-steve 

Could well be stopped being involved with a club again, for a period of time at least. In a time where alot of clubs are struggling, financial wrong doings will be frowned upon

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

24 January 2012 13:33:15

Given the interviews to the News of the Screws (and others) back in 2009 - as the prosecution is now reminding the jury of - it looks as if 'Arry's defence will be to try and throw Mandaric under the bus.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

after he took the money of course lol

I dont see how he can get off this to be honest, nothing to do with it being Spurs , I like the bloke and would love him to manage England, but the FA wont have that now.

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

24 January 2012 13:36:29

Why the Bindippers really bought Downing.

No, forget the Queen Kenny bullshine in the preamble, I refer you to paras 7,8,9, 10 & 11.

I would be tempted not to take the story seriously, except for two reasons - It's not April 1st and it's utterly believable in the general scheme of things.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

with that and the 35million spent on the geordie boy, 55 million quid well spent

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

24 January 2012 13:45:10

Given the interviews to the News of the Screws (and others) back in 2009 - as the prosecution is now reminding the jury of - it looks as if 'Arry's defence will be to try and throw Mandaric under the bus.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

after he took the money of course lol

I dont see how he can get off this to be honest, nothing to do with it being Spurs , I like the bloke and would love him to manage England, but the FA wont have that now.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Unless I misheard, the Crime Correpsondent on SkyNews - citing one of 'Arry's' interviews - said that 'Arry said he thought the bonus was taxed.

Which of course would explain why he set-up 'Rosie47' in Monaco.

24 January 2012 15:38:45

Given the interviews to the News of the Screws (and others) back in 2009 - as the prosecution is now reminding the jury of - it looks as if 'Arry's defence will be to try and throw Mandaric under the bus.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

after he took the money of course lol

I dont see how he can get off this to be honest, nothing to do with it being Spurs , I like the bloke and would love him to manage England, but the FA wont have that now.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Unless I misheard, the Crime Correpsondent on SkyNews - citing one of 'Arry's' interviews - said that 'Arry said he thought the bonus was taxed.

Which of course would explain why he set-up 'Rosie47' in Monaco.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

LOL Oh dear , is the best he can come up with

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

24 January 2012 16:29:17

24 January 2012 16:57:53

Originally Posted by: CAPE-steve 

Thats quality

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

David M Porter
24 January 2012 18:21:59

Originally Posted by: CAPE-steve 

I didn't know that 'Arry wears specs!

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
24 January 2012 19:52:36

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

I didn't know that 'Arry wears specs!

Originally Posted by: CAPE-steve 

He does, they are the sort Eric Morecombe used to wear

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Matty H
  • Matty H
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24 January 2012 20:00:28

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Thats quality

Originally Posted by: CAPE-steve 

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