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03 March 2012 22:17:12

Any thoughts, anyone about the Spurs v Utd game.

After the trashing last week from Arsenal, one would hope that Spurs will play better especially at home, however I'm a bit of a glass is half empty person. Spurs last week, seemed like the same old same old. Which I had hoped had gone away.

So, I'm not getting my hopes up.. 

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
04 March 2012 12:01:06

Any thoughts, anyone about the Spurs v Utd game.

After the trashing last week from Arsenal, one would hope that Spurs will play better especially at home, however I'm a bit of a glass is half empty person. Spurs last week, seemed like the same old same old. Which I had hoped had gone away.

So, I'm not getting my hopes up.. 

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

We have got to play better thats for much as i hate to say it i see nothing more than an away never forget that match a few years back when Spurs were 3-0 up half time and then it all went very very wrong,Utd are Tottenham's bogey team it used to be Liverpool(80's)-Arsenal-Chelsea and Utd,now it just seems to be Utd full stop...maybe this will change but credit where its due Utd NEVER (well 99% of the time)..give up on a game,where like youve alluded to Spurs in the past have tended to

score prediction 1-2,back to back defeats in the prem on the back of that rubbish show in the cup.....Arsenal's having a purple patch and if the Spurs arnt careful they will nick 3rd place and Spurs will drop to 4th,liverpool and chelsea will help us get that postion(being so hot n cold performance wise) if we are which looks like...going through a bad patch.

and if this reverse psychology works il be well happy

04 March 2012 13:36:48

Looking forward to the Spuds v United Game ....just can't call it though, I was tempted with a 1-1 draw or a 3-1, If Spurs can get a lead I can't see them throwing it away again.

United just keep on plugging away though, quite remarkable and the old guard still going strong, take note AVB ....


P.S AVB gone, last seen heading to Heathrow

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
04 March 2012 13:51:59

Chelsea sack AVB

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
04 March 2012 13:52:55

Excellent win for West Brom 1-0

How long can AVB last?

Originally Posted by: DTHFCJ 

To late for a change now so....itl be errrr...errrr goodbye at the errrrr end of the errrrr season errrrr for him me errrr thinks...(he was interviewed the other day and all could make out was errrrr errrr...errr)

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

Would have though theyd have waited till the end...cant see a change now making any difference tbh...

04 March 2012 13:53:01

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
04 March 2012 13:54:26

It was always going to be the case wasn't it?

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
04 March 2012 13:55:58

Chelsea sack AVB

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

Hardly a surprise.

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
04 March 2012 14:02:50

I'm slightly surprised they've done it now. I was expecting the mad Russian to pull the plug after the second leg against Napoli.

One of the posters on the Spurs board said it was a sad day for football because Chelsea will probably improve now.

Snow Hoper
04 March 2012 14:07:50

Chelsea sack AVB

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

Had to happen, They couldn't continue the way they were with the players not playing for him (or the club) so again player power rules and we change to something new.

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
04 March 2012 14:13:33

Chelsea sack AVB

Originally Posted by: Snow Hoper 

Had to happen, They couldn't continue the way they were with the players not playing for him (or the club) so again player power rules and we change to something new.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

This is the kind of lesson Spurs learned (at the second attempt) after they appointed the hapless Ramos. Just because a manager does well on the Continent doesn't necessarily mean he will do so here.

AVB, for whatever reason, was out of his depth. The only way the problem will be solved over the longer term is to ship out the likes of Cashley, Fat Frank, Drgba and Terry. They're too old and too lippy. Best shot of them.


Gavin D
04 March 2012 14:22:57

The writing has been on the wall for ages now it was just a case when and not if IMO, who will take over? The Special one?

Snow Hoper
04 March 2012 14:23:24

Chelsea sack AVB

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Had to happen, They couldn't continue the way they were with the players not playing for him (or the club) so again player power rules and we change to something new.

Originally Posted by: Snow Hoper 

This is the kind of lesson Spurs learned (at the second attempt) after they appointed the hapless Ramos. Just because a manager does well on the Continent doesn't necessarily mean he will do so here.

AVB, for whatever reason, was out of his depth. The only way the problem will be solved over the longer term is to ship out the likes of Cashley, Fat Frank, Drgba and Terry. They're too old and too lippy. Best shot of them.


Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

I actually agree with that (not that many blues would)

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
Matty H
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04 March 2012 14:35:14
AVB sacked. Oh dear Chelski. What on earth is going on there?
David M Porter
04 March 2012 14:45:10

Chelsea sack AVB

Originally Posted by: llamedos 

Hardly a surprise.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

Indeed, especially given Abramovich's history of hiring and firing managers during the time he's been in charge at Chelsea.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
04 March 2012 14:54:50

And of course the Twatter rumours have already started - the one that caught my eye being the Fat Spanish Waiter allegedly turned down £3m to manage Chelsea until the end of the season because he wanted the job full time.

04 March 2012 15:18:30

And of course the Twatter rumours have already started - the one that caught my eye being the Fat Spanish Waiter allegedly turned down £3m to manage Chelsea until the end of the season because he wanted the job full time.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I'd would have taken the 3mill, Chelsea are pretty well out of it anyway, how bad else could it get.

3mill for 3 months no brainer.

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
Snow Hoper
04 March 2012 15:25:26

A game Chelsea were destined to lose until today was that against Brum in the cup. I wonder now if we'll spank them

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
04 March 2012 15:26:59
I think I'm in love with Pogrebnyak.
04 March 2012 15:38:14

No Bale against United, so 'Arry has (rightly) gone with two DMs. Spurs will need a big big game from Sandro today. I'm not entirely sure he's 100 percent match fit, however.

I'm less confident about this one.

EDIT: Thinking about how unbalanced this line-up is, it could be a bloodbath.

04 March 2012 17:01:02

United 1-0 up - Fergie should be able to sub Atkinson in the second half now.

04 March 2012 17:04:03

United 1-0 up - Fergie should be able to sub Atkinson in the second half now.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
Karl Guille
04 March 2012 17:06:44

United 1-0 up - Fergie should be able to sub Atkinson in the second half now.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

When will it ever end, yes Adebayor accidentally handled but would Atkinson have seen it had it been Utd and then disallowed it - no chance!?  Average first half with Spurs in control and Utd offering nothing and then, as usual, they score with seconds of the half to go!!  No wonder we haven't beaten them for some 10yrs!   

St. Sampson
04 March 2012 17:09:13

United 1-0 up - Fergie should be able to sub Atkinson in the second half now.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

thats a suprise Spurs playing Utd and a decision goes Utd's way (at least it was a right one)

Spurs playing well though a draw up to now would be the very least id expect after my earlier fears

Karl Guille
04 March 2012 17:29:57

F'n joke, all Tottenham, 2-0 Utd!!

St. Sampson
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