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The Beast from the East
31 December 2013 08:38:33

rain rain and yet more rain so it would seem as we head into 2014

Some real flood issues possible again after tomorrows deluge. And it could get worse over the weekend


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
31 December 2013 08:39:03

Thank you Martin


and thanks for all your forecasts throughout the year.

Nobody likes a smartass, especially another smartass...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Gandalf The White
31 December 2013 08:49:55

Back with the ECM and it's noteworthy that the op also shows a ridge to the west at 216 (yesterday's 240!) 

In this case it doesn't really do much as it soon collapses, but it's interesting nonetheless that ECM is keen on at least a temporary lull from this zonal crud.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Hi Darren,
That's why I wasn't enthusiastic about yesterday's ECM 00z - at T+240 you could see the next surge of the jet exiting North America. It just looked like a weak transient ridge and so it appears 24 hours on.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

31 December 2013 09:02:11
We have a cluster of high heights ne of iceland on the day 10 ecm spreads. Without it the jet will likely power back through and flatten the ridge.

I did think the london ens last night looked much drier, colder and less breezy post the 8th

Andy Woodcock
31 December 2013 09:03:33
God, this is just dreadful model watching.

The models tease us with a change in FI that vanishes as time gets closer only to be replaced by endless zonality and an intense form of zonality at that.

It will end eventually but it's more likely that pressure will then rise to the south rather than the north.

We haven't had a totally dud winter for years and maybe 2013/14 is payback, the run of good winters couldn't last for ever.

Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
31 December 2013 09:20:05


In Summary it seems my innitial encouraging thoughts towards a break in the pattern to something more wintry last night was a tad premature as any such thoughts from this morning's output have been largely dwarfed or removed as the seemingly immovable train of Atlantic weather systems remain. There does seem some indication of a slow down of intensity of the wet and windy period later in the outputs as High pressure does show more of a hand but not necessarily in the right place for cold weather to become established.

Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 

The Atlantic is too powerful at the moment. 

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

The GFS 0h ENS  confirm Atlantic dominance.At both 240h and 360h the split is 70% Zonal 30% Anticyclonic.A ray of hope at 240h where several members show a strong Atalantic ridge building NE behind a LP moving east.So worth watching to see if something more permanent can emerge.However ensembles currently show this feature is currently snuffed out by the mighty Atlantic just like last nights ECM ridge.

David M Porter
31 December 2013 09:26:51

God, this is just dreadful model watching.

We haven't had a totally dud winter for years and maybe 2013/14 is payback, the run of good winters couldn't last for ever.


Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

As one of two others have commented recently, some parts of the country didn't see any wintry stuff last winter until around the 3rd week of January or later, and we went through a zonal spell not too dissimilar to this one (in terms of excessive rainfall although without the very stormy winds like we saw last week) over last Xmas and New Year. If by the time we reach mid-late February there hasn't been any change, then yes I would agree with your view above. But that's a long, long way off right now.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
31 December 2013 09:32:43

God, this is just dreadful model watching.

We haven't had a totally dud winter for years and maybe 2013/14 is payback, the run of good winters couldn't last for ever.


Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

As one of two others have commented recently, some parts of the country didn't see any wintry stuff last winter until around the 3rd week of January or later, and we went through a zonal spell not too dissimilar to this one (in terms of excessive rainfall although without the very stormy winds like we saw last week) over last Xmas and New Year. If by the time we reach mid-late February there hasn't been any change, then yes I would agree with your view above. But that's a long, long way off right now.

Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

And even then some of us only had faux wintry stuff with no lasting snow or decent frosts - just a few days of wet slushy stuff!

I agree though, the prospect of some decent cold weather isn't over till the ides of March.

(and I've seen my best snow of the year fall in April before)

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
31 December 2013 09:54:38

Slightly OT but looking upstream the American forecasters are seeing quite a difference between the GFS and Euro models.  Interestingly they make specific reference to this on their public forecasts too, with regards to a winter storm that is expected to track NE across the US.  According to the video in the link below the GFS doesn't model it quite so strongly. I'm sure this will have a knock-on effect for us but either way it's yet another LP heading in our direction unfortunately.


Langstone, SE Hampshire
31 December 2013 10:10:34

rain rain and yet more rain so it would seem as we head into 2014

Some real flood issues possible again after tomorrows deluge. And it could get worse over the weekend


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

WOW or is that woe? What a persistent pattern this seems to be Beast. Tomorrow as you say looks to have perhaps been a tad upgraded? certainly a lot of rain to come and more waiting in the wings- this is a very persistent and worrying trend as we are bound top hear about more flooding issues. The weekend looks awful, and no colder weather in sight. 

Maunder Minimum
31 December 2013 10:16:30

God, this is just dreadful model watching.

We haven't had a totally dud winter for years and maybe 2013/14 is payback, the run of good winters couldn't last for ever.


Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

As one of two others have commented recently, some parts of the country didn't see any wintry stuff last winter until around the 3rd week of January or later, and we went through a zonal spell not too dissimilar to this one (in terms of excessive rainfall although without the very stormy winds like we saw last week) over last Xmas and New Year. If by the time we reach mid-late February there hasn't been any change, then yes I would agree with your view above. But that's a long, long way off right now.

Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

As I have pointed out several times in the past couple of weeks, a cruddy, zonal winter like this one usually (though not invariably) lasts throughout January. It is towards the second half of February that we have to look for the hope of a decent spell of proper winter.
In the meantime, look at all the precipitation going to waste! Makes one feel fairly demented to look at all that potential snowfall going down the plug hole ;-)

New world order coming.
Rob K
31 December 2013 10:16:55

rain rain and yet more rain so it would seem as we head into 2014

Some real flood issues possible again after tomorrows deluge. And it could get worse over the weekend


Originally Posted by: JACKO4EVER 

WOW or is that woe? What a persistent pattern this seems to be Beast. Tomorrow as you say looks to have perhaps been a tad upgraded? certainly a lot of rain to come and more waiting in the wings- this is a very persistent and worrying trend as we are bound top hear about more flooding issues. The weekend looks awful, and no colder weather in sight. 

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Not really that notably persistent. There was virtually no rain for many in December until mid-month (remember people in this thread saying how it could be the driest December on record?) The first heavy rainfall was around the 15th/16th IIRC.


Is a three-week zonal spell really that unusual?



Just to jog people's memory - not to single out BftE unfairly but his is the first such post I found. Lots of people were saying the same thing (including me!)


On the positive side all this rain is topping up the groundwater nicely, which was very low a month ago. Best to get the rain in before the trees come into leaf and use it all up.

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
31 December 2013 10:48:04

Thank you Martin


and thanks for all your forecasts throughout the year.

Originally Posted by: Osprey 


War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
31 December 2013 10:54:03

Endless run of LP's

Hopefully things will even themselves out soon

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Matty H
31 December 2013 10:57:01
Apart from the amount of rain, this has been a dream first third of winter for some of us.

I hope it stays mild until at least the 17th as I have a couple of long trips up north to make.

After that you can have your cold snap. Still a long way to go for coldies.
Matty H
31 December 2013 10:57:21

Thank you Martin


and thanks for all your forecasts throughout the year.

Originally Posted by: DEW 


Originally Posted by: Osprey 

Saint Snow
31 December 2013 11:00:57

Apart from the amount of rain, this has been a dream first third of winter for some of us.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 


'The freaks' as the rest of us like to call you mildie lot









Edit: Jacko, don't take this personally, fella; it's not bullying  








Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
31 December 2013 11:26:01
This all looks very poor for winter fans - its looking increasingly likely Jan is one for the scrapheap

Surely the atlantic will run out of steam at some point ?
Sedgley, West Midlands ( just south of Wolverhampton )
162m ASL
31 December 2013 11:26:19

Apart from the amount of rain, this has been a dream first third of winter for some of us.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


'The freaks' as the rest of us like to call you mildie lot









Edit: Jacko, don't take this personally, fella; it's not bullying  








Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Saint, as you know mines a pint of mild, but you can keep the rain pal

31 December 2013 11:27:21

This all looks very poor for winter fans - its looking increasingly likely Jan is one for the scrapheap

Surely the atlantic will run out of steam at some point ?

Originally Posted by: sriram 

Not sure- in fact does any one know of the longest spell of zonal weather recorded in UK?

David M Porter
31 December 2013 11:30:59

This all looks very poor for winter fans - its looking increasingly likely Jan is one for the scrapheap

Surely the atlantic will run out of steam at some point ?

Originally Posted by: JACKO4EVER 

Not sure- in fact does any one know of the longest spell of zonal weather recorded in UK?

Originally Posted by: sriram 

Most of 2012 would surely have to be a contender for that!

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
31 December 2013 11:39:00

This all looks very poor for winter fans - its looking increasingly likely Jan is one for the scrapheap

Surely the atlantic will run out of steam at some point ?

Originally Posted by: JACKO4EVER 

Not sure- in fact does any one know of the longest spell of zonal weather recorded in UK?

Originally Posted by: sriram 

The Atlantic wont run out of steam unless we see a big block to our NE forming, only other way is mid Atlantic ridging but thats very difficult when you have so much cold air locked in over Canada.

The NH pattern next week is very amplified but things don't look like falling in the right place yet even if the second half of the 06z is colder at times. The cold blast over the US next week is quite something on the GFS but it doesn't appear to look like it will cause any more change further downstream..... yet.

As far as the longest spell of zonality goes 1868 / 1869 was probably the worst. December 2013 had an NAO several deviations above normal and it doesn't look like going into a negative phase for a while.

Lets hope that changes later this month.

David M Porter
31 December 2013 11:40:09

God, this is just dreadful model watching.

We haven't had a totally dud winter for years and maybe 2013/14 is payback, the run of good winters couldn't last for ever.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

As one of two others have commented recently, some parts of the country didn't see any wintry stuff last winter until around the 3rd week of January or later, and we went through a zonal spell not too dissimilar to this one (in terms of excessive rainfall although without the very stormy winds like we saw last week) over last Xmas and New Year. If by the time we reach mid-late February there hasn't been any change, then yes I would agree with your view above. But that's a long, long way off right now.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

As I have pointed out several times in the past couple of weeks, a cruddy, zonal winter like this one usually (though not invariably) lasts throughout January. It is towards the second half of February that we have to look for the hope of a decent spell of proper winter.
In the meantime, look at all the precipitation going to waste! Makes one feel fairly demented to look at all that potential snowfall going down the plug hole ;-)

Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

Point taken, Maunder, but I'm not sure I agree that we're stuck in this rut for sure for the whole of January and it won't be until later in February that things will change. I mentioned the zonal spell that dominated last Xmas and New Year; look at how quickly that blew itself out once we were past the first week of January. February at the moment is more than 4 weeks away, and even if the first half of January continues this current unsettled theme, at the moment none of us can say for sure whether by the time we are past mid-January, the models will still be indicating a continuation of this unsettled spell, orwhether they'll be showing something more promising.

I think some of us are making too many assumptions about the following few weeks. Yes, the models look far from great right now, but they can only give us a guide to what will happen and how many times before have we seen big changes in the model output occur fairly quickly. No need to panic yet, IMO.


Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
31 December 2013 11:43:40

This all looks very poor for winter fans - its looking increasingly likely Jan is one for the scrapheap

Surely the atlantic will run out of steam at some point ?

Originally Posted by: JACKO4EVER 

Not sure- in fact does any one know of the longest spell of zonal weather recorded in UK?

Originally Posted by: sriram 

In 2000 and something, there was a continuation of rain with no let up causing much flooding in Glos, Hereford and a few other areas, unlike this winter which does give us a break every so often; I remember the Wye and the Severn burst their banks

It wouldn't suprise me to see the models, how'd you say, flip? in the next 10 - 14 days

I need an easterly to dry out the ground

Nobody likes a smartass, especially another smartass...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
David M Porter
31 December 2013 11:44:46

This all looks very poor for winter fans - its looking increasingly likely Jan is one for the scrapheap

Surely the atlantic will run out of steam at some point ?

Originally Posted by: sriram 

Don't see how anyone can say at this time that all of January is likely to be a write-off. The GFS runs at the moment only go out to mid-January, and I think it goes further ahead than any of the other models.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
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