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26 January 2014 15:20:58
Great stuff, Richard.....keep your chin up!...its been disgustingly grey and wet in Chichester today...although the Sun has just now come out!
Matty H
26 January 2014 15:33:35

Horrendous Richard. Aberdeen sounds truly awful.

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Michael 😢

26 January 2014 15:36:04

] Horrendous Richard. Aberdeen sounds truly awful.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Michael 😢

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Yes, it's dreadful 😝 😂 Actually the weather has been grim for much of the last few weeks but I wouldn't say it had been much worse than anywhere else and certainly less "awful" than those areas unfortunate enough to have suffered severe flooding. Today has been total rubbish so far, although I did see a few snowflakes in the rain earlier...desperate times and all that!

Saint Snow
26 January 2014 19:56:42

those areas unfortunate enough to have suffered sever flooding.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


Is that when you get cut off by rising waters?


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
26 January 2014 19:58:50

those areas unfortunate enough to have suffered sever flooding.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


Is that when you get cut off by rising waters?


Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Saint Snow
26 January 2014 20:02:30

I've had enough this winter. I've got bad model fatigue, searching for a sustainable cold spell and sick of trying to figure out models which all seem to take turns disagreeing with each other. Every time a carrot has been dangled, it's soon been whipped away. (oo-er, missus!)

If snow comes, great - but it's too late in the season for ideal (strengthening sun, less able to sustain snow depths - especially on roads). But I give up watching for it.



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
  • Snowjoke
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
26 January 2014 20:24:46

This winter has indeed been a steaming pile of cack so far with not much hope of improvement!! 

I don't think it is just here though. Just got back from a weekend trip (property hunting) in South West France and folks there were saying the weather has been miserable for several weeks! It rained all weekend and was farily mild, however much of the land was waterlogged, all the way from Bordeaux to the Dordogne. Normally they have alot of sunny cool days down there in winter, with high pressure in charge, however the messed up jetstream has done for them too!

I blame the Yanks with their record breaking cold fest!! 


Whether Idle
26 January 2014 20:25:58

I've had enough this winter. I've got bad model fatigue, searching for a sustainable cold spell and sick of trying to figure out models which all seem to take turns disagreeing with each other. Every time a carrot has been dangled, it's soon been whipped away. (oo-er, missus!)

If snow comes, great - but it's too late in the season for ideal (strengthening sun, less able to sustain snow depths - especially on roads). But I give up watching for it.



Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Is that an official WIO post, Saint? 

And if so, is it worth making a bold statement in the model output thread a la Andy Woodcock?

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Saint Snow
26 January 2014 20:44:36

I've had enough this winter. I've got bad model fatigue, searching for a sustainable cold spell and sick of trying to figure out models which all seem to take turns disagreeing with each other. Every time a carrot has been dangled, it's soon been whipped away. (oo-er, missus!)

If snow comes, great - but it's too late in the season for ideal (strengthening sun, less able to sustain snow depths - especially on roads). But I give up watching for it.



Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 

Is that an official WIO post, Saint? 

And if so, is it worth making a bold statement in the model output thread a la Andy Woodcock?

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


No - it's certainly not (and I nearly wrote such a caveat!). It's a 'que sera, sera' post.

I really don't know if winter will have a final hurrah, or meekly drift from autumn into spring. What I do know is that I can't be arsed trying to figure out which way it'll go by following flip-flopping model output.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Whether Idle
26 January 2014 20:51:36

I've had enough this winter. I've got bad model fatigue, searching for a sustainable cold spell and sick of trying to figure out models which all seem to take turns disagreeing with each other. Every time a carrot has been dangled, it's soon been whipped away. (oo-er, missus!)

If snow comes, great - but it's too late in the season for ideal (strengthening sun, less able to sustain snow depths - especially on roads). But I give up watching for it.



Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Is that an official WIO post, Saint? 

And if so, is it worth making a bold statement in the model output thread a la Andy Woodcock?

Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 


No - it's certainly not (and I nearly wrote such a caveat!). It's a 'que sera, sera' post.

I really don't know if winter will have a final hurrah, or meekly drift from autumn into spring. What I do know is that I can't be arsed trying to figure out which way it'll go by following flip-flopping model output.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I understand that perspective.  A cold spring is now looking a "sods-law" certainty.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
David M Porter
26 January 2014 21:06:43

This hateful nauseatingly awful winter keeps on plumbing new depths. Yet another hideous write-off weekend. Yesterday was supposed to be a fine day but it was another vile overcast day with rain. Today about a thousand times worse.

Yes, it's an even more revolting day than last Sunday. 3C constant rain and 40mph SE winds. It's beyond the pale. Hard to imagine how it could get any worse than this but always a possibility when stinking awful filth like this

appears in the model output. Third crap birthday weather in a row for me if that lot verifies

Should be an even worse week than last week which was the grimmest yet from this unceasing pile of excrement of a winter. Probably no more sun for the rest of the month now and there has only been 8 hours in the past 9 days. Rain every day since the 12th. No big rain totals nor any fine days just consistently awful day in day out.

I don't know what the hell we've done to deserve this but it is really starting to look like we may see the worst ever winter just 18 months on from the worst ever summer. I don't keep a winter index like I do a summer index but a simple measure to assess the worst ever winter would be to calculate the proportion of wind from the SE quarter and whatever comes out top would be the worst.


Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Horrendous Richard. The Aberdeen climate sounds truly awful. I used to envy your cold northerly snowy blasts in winter and relatively warm and dry fohn conditions in Summer. Seems it doesn't work that way these days ? 

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Aberdeen's climate may not be the best on the planet but on average it's much drier there than in the west of Scotland. I think Aberdeen usually only gets about half the rainfall in a typical year than the west (especially the NW Highlands) receives.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
26 January 2014 21:13:34

This hateful nauseatingly awful winter keeps on plumbing new depths. Yet another hideous write-off weekend. Yesterday was supposed to be a fine day but it was another vile overcast day with rain. Today about a thousand times worse.
Yes, it's an even more revolting day than last Sunday. 3C constant rain and 40mph SE winds. It's beyond the pale. Hard to imagine how it could get any worse than this but always a possibility when stinking awful filth like this 
appears in the model output. Third crap birthday weather in a row for me if that lot verifiesUserPostedImage
Should be an even worse week than last week which was the grimmest yet from this unceasing pile of excrement of a winter. Probably no more sun for the rest of the month now and there has only been 8 hours in the past 9 days. Rain every day since the 12th. No big rain totals nor any fine days just consistently awful day in day out.
I don't know what the hell we've done to deserve this but it is really starting to look like we may see the worst ever winter just 18 months on from the worst ever summer. I don't keep a winter index like I do a summer index but a simple measure to assess the worst ever winter would be to calculate the proportion of wind from the SE quarter and whatever comes out top would be the worst.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Horrendous Richard. The Aberdeen climate sounds truly awful. I used to envy your cold northerly snowy blasts in winter and relatively warm and dry fohn conditions in Summer. Seems it doesn't work that way these days ?UserPostedImage

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Aberdeen's climate may not be the best on the planet but on average it's much drier there than in the west of Scotland. I think Aberdeen usually only gets about half the rainfall in a typical year than the west (especially the NW Highlands) receives.

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 
Medlock Vale Weather
27 January 2014 13:52:59

Well it's nearly February and this thread is deserved! while the other evening we had falling snow, we still haven't had any settling snow. A very poor Winter round here, hopefully mid Feb can give us something to talk about in a positive way.

Because before then it looks rubbish with more of the same. I would just like to see settling snow before March please, fed up with seeing rain and mud 


Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
27 January 2014 15:40:27

If We had no winter, Then spring would not be so pleasant. ...

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
27 January 2014 15:45:44

I see the models wants to give the Kent Coast strong to near-gale force southerly wind for tonight and into tomorrow.

I'm not bothered about the lack of snow and the rain doesn't affect my location as such as drainage is very good around here, but can't I at least go for more than two days without experiencing this boring annoying wind type?! I hate this wind as it comes streaming straight in from the Channel so it makes everything feel cold and draughty indoors.

Still, it is nice when the sun does stay out for long enough, like it has done so today, even when the wind is being a strong west or south west.

Folkestone Harbour. 
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
27 January 2014 15:55:07

Well after two atrocious months I was unwisely thinking the other day that February might just pull a rabbit out of the hat and surprise us with some decent frosty, snowy winter weather. Alas, the latest model output suggests not, and we are in for more of the same. My nominal cut-off date for decent wintry conditions here in the lowlands is mid-Feb and from the current outlook this date is going to sail by without even a dusting of snow on the ground during the whole winter. Good riddance to this one, and I hope that whatever set of meteorological TLAs which have combined and conspired to trash this winter don't repeat this pattern again for a very, very long time

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
27 January 2014 16:23:43

For me this winter is showing the downside of having access to all kinds of lovely shiny NWP output to look over. When I was a lad, desperate for snow and cold weather in winter, all I had to look at was the contryfile (was it Farmers Weekly?) long range forecast, where an upcoming cold spell might get the forecaster giving a twinkle in the eye, and a cryptic comment. As the spell got closer then the daily forecasts would start to mention it, until finally the charts where shown... I guess a lot of the classic spells have archive video somewhere on the web (maybe the 'dark web' I keep hearing about...), so I can relive this.

The point is that maybe, just maybe, we get too much opportunity to worry about the weather, and in a winter like this, where our best chance of seeing snow is probably watching the Olympics, if you don't want to be constantly dissappointed, don't look at the models (perhaps for days or weeks at a time!).

Its not helped that we've had much snowier winters in the UK in recent times than for a while, so we've come to almost expect it as a right...

Oh well - not even Feb yet! There is still time, and while some will say that longer days and the stronger sun mean it won't be epic - I disagree - look at 1947 for potential. I bet they weren't moaning back then that the sun was too warm for the snow to lie...

27 January 2014 16:34:33
Even some of the past winters that were mediocre overall, there were still short lived events

Here's one from 10 years ago in 2004.

This season has virtually been devoid even short lived events.
Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
  • Snowjoke
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
27 January 2014 16:41:14

Worst winter I can remember, particularly in the south east, which has seen much more rain than it normally does. Even the slight continental influence on Kent's climate has been totally absent this winter. Just horrendous!! If this crap winter is followed by a cold damp spring, then we are in for a miserable few months yet!  I fear for 'Richard of Aberdeen'!! 

27 January 2014 18:30:26

Current indications point towards early February's changeable conditions persisting through much of the rest of the month.

(latest MetO extended into Feb)


I fear the 'unthinkable' spectre of a completely snowless winter for CS England is rearing it's butt ugly head now.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
27 January 2014 19:21:56

Current indications point towards early February's changeable conditions persisting through much of the rest of the month.

(latest MetO extended into Feb)


I fear the 'unthinkable' spectre of a completely snowless winter for CS England is rearing it's butt ugly head now.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

The whole of winter's icy grasp looks like being condensed into Thursday here Neil, with the promise of a few flurries that will soon melt away. Could just go to Maccy D's for that.

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
Medlock Vale Weather
27 January 2014 20:15:53

Even New Orleans and the panhandle of Florida will have snow cover this week with Winter storm warnings issued, here in pathetic blighty we have rain lol


Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
27 January 2014 20:16:32

Once again I've not needed to wear my Winter Jacket, that's when you know things are bad. Even with the dross yesterday and Saturday a water proof with a long sleeved polo shirt was sufficent enough.

Hardly seen anyone in a hat, scarf and gloves ...always Spring I guess for that

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
27 January 2014 21:20:16

Saw snowdrops today and daffs are starting to sprout - heartening in March but at the end of January? Pah!

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
27 January 2014 21:25:46

Saw snowdrops today and daffs are starting to sprout - heartening in March but at the end of January? Pah!

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

My snowdrops have actually been out here for nearly a couple of weeks. Not bad for NE Scotland (or very bad depending on one's perspective!)

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