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04 February 2017 09:40:20

Yet another putrid wet Saturday as this horror show of a winter does everything it can to wrestle the title of 'worst winter of my lifetime' from 2013/14

Current model output suggests it will win the battle with ease as there is no end in sight to the most revolting of SE'ly synoptics that have hung round like a bad smell for the past 10 days. Should be noticing an improvement in the weather by now with lengthening daylight and stronger sunlight. Fat chance of either of those things becoming apparent under these filthy and disgusting synoptics.

Hard to believe a winter as bad as this has been could get any worse never mind this much worse. Grim beyond belief when even the hunt for frost is proving fruitless. Just one in two weeks and two in the second half of winter and absolutely zero likely in the coming week

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
04 February 2017 11:17:44

6.6 mm of rain had fallen so far this morning, that's twice as much than what "Doris" gave us yesterday evening.     

Folkestone Harbour. 
04 February 2017 12:45:44
Quite a nice day today with sunshine and light winds. I think we're now at the point where the sun starts to have an effect on daytime temperatures. The period where large diurnal temperature ranges are possible will be here soon.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
04 February 2017 12:51:29
Well, it is certainly windier than what it was yesterday, and it looks as though we still have that same weather system in place as what moved in yesterday evening (i.e. the remnants of that French storm system). Apart from the wind though, the weather wasn't too bad earlier on this morning. The Sun had come out for a while, and it had even looked as though this area of rain had already cleared away from the south, especially as the radar map as showing all of the rainfall sitting to the north of us.

Since that weather system moved in a bit quicker last night than what was originally forecast, I therefore assumed tnis system would also have moved away a bit quicker than what was originally forecast. Over the last hour or so though, it has been raining quite heavily once again and upon looking at the latest radar map, it now looks as though this sytem has actually come back southwards a bit once again, leaving us right in the midst of it and of course, I can't find a single forecast which had even hinted about any possibility of this happening since all the forecasts until now, were pointing towards an improvement in the weather as we went into the afternoon, which is clearly not happening so far.

I'm pretty sure that something similar to that happened last Saturday as well because back then, it rained throughout the morning, though never all that heavily. That rain was then forecast to clear away later on but instead of that, it actually got worse as the day wore on with the rain getting a lot heavier, and even turning to snow at higher altitudes which in turn, left quite a covering over the Pentland Hills. This clearly shows how the forecast models have such a problem predicting what the weather will be like even on the same day and if they can't even get that right, it is difficult to see how on Earth, we can be expected to trust those longer term forecasts such as those which are predicting the possibility of a Scandy High becoming more influencial by the end of next week.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Chunky Pea
05 February 2017 08:35:19

Roads, pavements and cars covered in a glaze of black ice currently. Had to hold onto the wall just to get to the front gate! Yet only  slight air frost recorded though, currently -1.1c.

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
05 February 2017 13:15:31

Absolutely disgusting yet again. Grey, wet and vile easterly muck and the outlook: more of the same 

Yet to go below 2C this month and more rain at weekends than weekdays this year. Not just in terms of average but in absolute terms as well. Just insufferable. The most revolting winter weather that anywhere on the planet has to endure. A living hell

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
05 February 2017 16:51:07

And please spare me the 'there is still time it's only late January' replies, any pattern change will only bring the Atlantic back so a cold spell is a million miles away. Check the CET record and you will see a mild December and January is NEVER followed by a cold February. The cast is set and the only relief from this miserable excuse for a winter will be the arrival of spring in 6 weeks time.

I often thought about moving to Lanzarote for my retirement but now that escape has gone due to bloody Brexit, the U.K. feels on its own these days in more ways than one.


Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

I am reminded of this......

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
05 February 2017 17:07:47

Absolutely disgusting yet again. Grey, wet and vile easterly muck and the outlook: more of the same 

Yet to go below 2C this month and more rain at weekends than weekdays this year. Not just in terms of average but in absolute terms as well. Just insufferable. The most revolting winter weather that anywhere on the planet has to endure. A living hell

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Didn't you experience that crack of thunder this afternoon? Apparently it was seen - or rather, felt - by most in the Aberdeen area.

Folkestone Harbour. 
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
05 February 2017 17:11:11

For the next week or so this site is forecasting continuous heavy snowfall - stuck in the middle of the North Sea What a waste!


(But there is a glimmer of hope at the end of the forecast period)

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
Solar Cycles
06 February 2017 12:57:42
For the life in me I just can't get excited at the prospects of a SE/E flow IMBY, unless we see some kind of Atlantic incursion then the thoughts of dry, cold and grey laden skies isn't my idea of winter nirvana.
06 February 2017 13:22:14

I've just mowed my lawn, even worked up a sweat whenever the weather did brighten up (only had jogging bottoms and a cardigan on).

Folkestone Harbour. 
07 February 2017 18:22:24
Regrettably it appears we've yet again managed to dodge a decent easterly by a whisker as the low uppers and dps rapidly moderate from Sunday. No amount of analysis and abbreviations can disguise the fact that what could of been, won't. Shame but I'm not so bothered these days as my work now involves truckloads of travel and I can't be having snow disrupting my calendar 😎
Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
07 February 2017 19:40:07

My prediction of February being catastrophically wet to rival December 2012, Winter 13/14 and January 2016 has become a reality Continuous rain since 9pm yesterday totalling 33.4mm and monthly average close to being reached already following the wet weekend. 72.2mm in the last 10 days - absolutely repulsive and almost a repeat of last January really.

Funny how the models picked up on these toxic SE winds weeks ago, and they have come off, but anything decent just keeps getting watered down until it disappears completely. Another week at least of this suicide-inducing crap to endure according to this exhibit from the Chamber of Horrors: 

As vile a forecast as it’s possible to get with almost zero sunshine over the next week, stupid amounts of rain and another write-off weekend worse than the last one. The snow will be flurries at best and I doubt the temperature will even get to -2C due to cloud. In any case even if what’s shown does transpire it’ll only equal what was recorded in the week of 2-8 May 2015. An absolute disgrace for February and in no way constitutes a cold spell.

Could there be any worse a synoptic chart than this nauseating, mind-numbing rubbish? and when we finally get rid of the SE’ly muck we end up with drizzly mild dross spewing in off the Atlantic courtesy of a high sitting in the wrong place yet again when it should be to the NW

Absolute torture from a February hell-bent on rivalling the record breaking dull and wet write-offs of 1923 and 1994

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
07 February 2017 20:24:04
I honestly feel concerned for your mental well-being, Richard.
Have you ever thought of moving to Canada? 😂
Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
07 February 2017 20:53:56
Wow what a turn up, another borefest cold snap blink and you miss it fiasco.
Roll on spring, this winter is utter pants.
07 February 2017 21:48:02
Just typical...when we do eventually get a blocking pattern with a Scandi high the temps in the Baltic region are pretty balmy by their standards, even in Moscow it's only -2degC...! hence all the UK will get is a couple of chilly days with patchy rain for most, before it all breaks down and winter will have eluded us once again...maybe for good...!!! lordy...we just can't catch a break...
08 February 2017 08:26:34
It's been a bit like this trying to get a cold spell into the UK this winter - this is my head most mornings after looking at the model runs: 

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
08 February 2017 09:19:37

Real cold spells always come out of the blue. We have scared them away with our weather models. Winter 16/17 will be remembered as a dire season that promised so much and delivered NIL!

Not even one snow flurry here that lasted more than half an hour. No snow cover for over four years now 

08 February 2017 10:34:37

Was really hoping to show my 3yr old snow this year.... oh well, there's always next winter :)

08 February 2017 11:05:50

Well, one bit of good news: if the models are to be believed, I won't need to worry about changing the duvet cover next week, cos it'll be going in the cupboard till next "winter"

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
08 February 2017 14:20:05

I honestly feel concerned for your mental well-being, Richard.
Have you ever thought of moving to Canada? 😂

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Canada is actually having a very mild winter so far.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

08 February 2017 17:52:30


Canada is actually having a very mild winter so far.

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 


Still its better than here


Lower Test Valley, 20m ASL
08 February 2017 22:50:37



Still its better than here


Originally Posted by: chiversa56 

It normal for some winters to be mild that happen once or twice a decade, they had 2 brutal winters in 2014-15 and last year normal winter so I am sure next year will be much colder again.  Even it mild this winter they still get some very deep short lived cold spells which is better than nothing.

08 February 2017 23:19:18
What on Earth is it going to take to get a proper, prolonged cold spell during the winter in this part of the country? We have just had not just one, but two quite big stratospheric warming events in the space of not much more than a week so if one of those didn't send us into a much colder pattern of weather somewhere down the line, you would think that the other SSW event would. Indeed, it is thought that a SSW event during the winter of 2012/13 was responsible for setting up that really cold and snowy period which we had during March 2013 and even after last winter which was one of the wettest winters on record and which also encompassed the mildest December on record, we still managed to experience a SSW event which is thought to have led to that really cold weather which we had at the end of last April.

I suppose that if these latest SSWs are going to have any such similar effect, both the AO and NAO would need to be trending negative over time which would result in more cold air coming out of the polar regions into the mid-latitude regions with that northern blocking being set up in such a way that this favours higher pressure to the north of us and lower pressure to the south. According to Gavin P's second video today though, the NAO never actually goes negative, and actually ends up going positive again whilst the AO after going negative for a while, also ends up going positive again. Surely, this isn't what you would expect to be seeing when you have just had a couple of very strong SSW events over a fairly short period of time.

Even the actual forecasts aren't very indicative just now, of the fact that we have just had those SSW events. We do have a Scandy high in place just now which is starting to feed in an easterly wind and in fairness, that is probably the first Scandy high which we have had at any point during the winter, since the winter of 2012/13 even if it is only around for a very brief period (which shows just how stormy and Atlantic-driven, those other recent winters have been). Yet despite the fact that we have had those SSW events, the current forecasts are seeing that same old story which we have been seeing right throughout this winter where that high pressure sinks south and we end up with yet more of that same old mild dross and yet more of those "if only, it were summer" sorts of charts.

That really takes the p@*s and just sums up this winter to a tee because it just seems now that regardless of what is thrown at the atmosphere, we are always going to end up with that same old borefest which we have had throughout this winter, and it now seems as though not even a couple of SSW events can change that. Not long ago, I would have been slated on this forum for suggesting that winter is over. However, I now believe that whilst we might get a little bit of winter weather from that easterly over the next few days if we're lucky, our winter apart from that surely now has to be well and truly over with time now fast running out until the start of spring (it wouldn't surprise me actually, if that was when finally decided to start in this part of the world).

In the meantime, whilst I would never regard anyone on this forum as a liar, I will never again believe anyone who comes onto this forum and still manages to suggest in any way that this could end up being a cold month in the end because just now, I just cannot see that happening, or even how that might end up happening.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
09 February 2017 01:15:07



Still its better than here


Originally Posted by: chiversa56 

As Jiries said-  that's actually what it should be for Torontonian's. - It's actually been very mild in Toronto this year /winter rather. also reading that forecast it looks like the cold spell will not last. I was in Toronto in early 2005 and lived there for 3 months until March before moving to Calgary. Jiries and I (by coincidence) were there the same time. But I wasn't a member of TWO back then. - We all remember the milder blip mid January 2005 Jiries!? Then winter really kicked in from 20th Jan 2005 and lasted until the second week of March. !?? Remember, the blizzard of 20th Jan 2005 that hit Toronto city!?

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

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