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Chunky Pea
12 February 2017 10:47:24

Despite clear skies last night and a good dry air mass, the temperature did not fall below 2.4c here last night, which is actually above the monthly mean minima for Feb.

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
12 February 2017 18:19:45
So we are just saying goodbye to the latest attempt at anything wintery in this country and despite one or two on here getting excited in the run up to the latest non event, it was garbage, a bit of snow, sleet, drizzle and even in the best places barely a covering my location, not even a frost from the bitter easterly and in the coming days an early Feb easterly with winds gusting to 40-50mph and temps of 9-10c....what the f**k is going on?.....does it get any worse?
12 February 2017 18:29:46
From a meteorological point of view, you could definately argue that this has been a very poor attempt at an easterly. IMBY, the lowest temperature I have recorded has been 1C and brief, light snow flurries is all I could manage. No frost and no snow cover, despite it feeling very cold today in that bitter gale-force wind. For winter lovers, that must be the final nail in the coffin for winter 2016-17 (apart from the opportunities that early spring can still hold, mind you).

From a personal and selfish point of view, it has been a "good" winter easterly for me. No accumulating snow and no frost, which I'm glad to have finally missed for once. Still, that bitter easterly gale was pretty unpleasant though.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
12 February 2017 19:06:53

Today saw some of the sunniest skies this month:


This is no joke. A whopping 38 minutes worth taking the monthly total to the dizzy heights of 15.2 hours.

That was before we got more drizzly cold rain showers and the temperature has been stuck between 2 and 4C all day. Winter at it's vilest courtesy of the ever-loathed easterly


Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
13 February 2017 18:34:16

Still on 15.2 hours after yet another disgusting day of sunless SE’ly murk and flatlining temperatures. So bad it's like there's been no change in light levels since the solstice  

Even my weather station is so sick fed up of this dross it took a half hour nap this afternoon:

I know the feeling as I only managed as far as the next five days of model output before I nodded off 

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
17 February 2017 20:03:46

Yet another snowless winter draws to a close. We had one thin dusting that lasted a few hours and that was it. We actually had less snow than last winter which is some achievement as that was practically snowless too. It's now over 4 years since we had a proper fall of snow. I can't remember such a long snowless period, even in the mild winters of the 90s and early 00s we usually had at least one decent snowfall.

This winter has also been really bad in the complete lack of any weather of interest. At least last winter we had some big storms, downpours, even thunderstorms. This winter.. nothing. It seems it's been week after week of average temperatures, cloud, fog at night and light winds. I can only hope we get some good thunderstorms come summer so we finally have something interesting happening. The entire past year of weather has been really boring IMO.

Chunky Pea
17 February 2017 20:32:18

This winter has also been really bad in the complete lack of any weather of interest. At least last winter we had some big storms, downpours, even thunderstorms. This winter.. nothing. It seems it's been week after week of average temperatures, cloud, fog at night and light winds. I can only hope we get some good thunderstorms come summer so we finally have something interesting happening. The entire past year of weather has been really boring IMO.

Originally Posted by: Fothergill 



Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
17 February 2017 23:35:20

I seriously envy those who have been lucky enough to have been blessed with four completely snowless winters on the trot. Annoying how my area can't get one of those. I'm only 93m above sea level after all. Even the winter of 2013-14 failed to do it with half an hour of the rubbish on one evening in February.

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Solar Cycles
18 February 2017 08:27:27




Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 


18 February 2017 10:22:32

The weather here just gets more and more boring, depressing, non-eventful and uninteresting with each year that passes. Worst of all is the rotten weekend weather and we are now into the 4th year of enduring worse weekend weather than weekday something that there is no rational explanation for.


Saturday Sunshine Hours with weekdays in brackets

2014: 3.54hrs (3.87hrs)

2015: 4.05hrs (4.57hrs)

2016: 3.91hrs (3.99hrs)

2017: 2.62hrs (2.99hrs)


Saturday Rainfall mm with weekdays in brackets

2014: 2.69mm (2.23mm)

2015: 2.87mm (1.91mm)

2016: 2.78mm (2.08mm)

2017: 4.33mm (2.07mm)


Just ridiculous with a significant difference in each of the past three years and it keeps on getting worse. Friday on the other hand, which had notably poor weather last year, is so far the sunniest day this year whereas the ghastly Saturdays just go on and on

Today is the fourth crap Saturday in a row and it's just intolerable when this is the fourth such run in 15 months. It's grey, it's overcast and 9.6C following a min of 6.2C. Utterly awful weather. I just can't see what anyone, either a member of the public or weather enthusiast, could get out of this. It's just soul destroying



Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
Chunky Pea
18 February 2017 10:36:36

Richard, may I ask how you record sunshine totals? is it possible to do this with an add on for the Davis V2 pro?

No sun at all here the last few days and I really need some to kick my Pro 2 back into life, as the 'supercap' is gone caput so the station will only transmit data when there is sunshine . Going to cost me 150 quid to replace the ISS transmitter, but given that it is 11 years old now I suppose it is time for an upgrade.

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
18 February 2017 15:36:30

Experiencing the curse of the sea fog at this time of the year.

Folkestone Harbour. 
Chunky Pea
19 February 2017 16:31:35

Nearest reporting official station (which records sunshine) to me recorded a whopping 0.8hrs (or 45 minutes) of sunshine over the entirety of the last 7 days   and I'd well believe it. The sun came out yesterday afternoon here for literally 10 seconds before disappearing again for the day. To be honest, it isn't the lack of sun that bothers me, but despite the fact that it has rained very little, the place is just so damp and dreary and soggy, and made all the more depressing by the constant blanket of white grey low maritime stratus. And looking at the forecast, even more of this to come for the entirety of coming working week. C'mon weather gods, give me a fecking break! Am I not chastised enough by now?

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Chunky Pea
20 February 2017 09:02:53

Current cam image from Moycullen weather, a nearby weather station website. Sums up the vista here since last Monday.


'Going to be a fine, fine, sunshiny day'.

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Severe Blizzards
20 February 2017 12:30:47

no heatwave here, there is a breeze with lught drizzle. Sunday was not upto much shakes either, so saturday was the nicest day when the sun made an appearance.

20 February 2017 17:53:34
17C today, what a waste of winter.

At least there's some nice cold eye-candy on display in the models, but it's the same old mirage stuff... it'll take more than a vague northerly waft at this time of year to get anything of interest down here.

I saw more snow (on the mountains) in Japan when I went there in December than we've had here this winter.

While I've all but given up on ever seeing powder snow and icicles down here again, it *would* be nice to get a whole centimetre of snow... last seen in January 2013 here.
Leysdown, north Kent
20 February 2017 18:19:33

Already set a new record winter min back on 31st Dec with a foul 11.1C and less than two months later it’s broken with a ridiculous 11.6C to be followed by a crap, cloudy and windy day with a max of 14C: akin to the worst days of summer. It’s not welcome then and it’s not welcome now. No doubt we’ll be seeing several summer maxes below 11.6C even in July. Pretty much a given in this putrid era of seasonless dross

After the last few winters I didn’t think it was possible to get an even worse winter then we get this stinking pile of muck. After two months of this stinking muck I thought it couldn’t be possible to get even worse, then we get this month which is so bad as to defy classification

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
20 February 2017 18:54:45

Already set a new record winter min back on 31st Dec with a foul 11.1C and less than two months later it’s broken with a ridiculous 11.6C to be followed by a crap, cloudy and windy day with a max of 14C: akin to the worst days of summer. It’s not welcome then and it’s not welcome now. No doubt we’ll be seeing several summer maxes below 11.6C even in July. Pretty much a given in this putrid era of seasonless dross

After the last few winters I didn’t think it was possible to get an even worse winter then we get this stinking pile of muck. After two months of this stinking muck I thought it couldn’t be possible to get even worse, then we get this month which is so bad as to defy classification

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

would a fetid mire of effluent do it?


Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
Andy Woodcock
23 February 2017 08:04:57

So winter goes out with a final 'kick in the teeth' as the snow promised for Cumbria today shifts a 100 miles north into Scotland leaving the County to enjoy another day of rain.

Oh well at least this pathetic excuse for a winter is nearly over and we won't have to chase dream FI charts any longer, instead I can get my life back and do something else.

Whether is GW or not winters in the UK have got disproportionately warmer compared to any other season over the last 30 years, it's a shame we haven't seen a similar rise in summer temperatures during the same period!

I thought the winters of the 1990's were bad but every winter of that decade had at least 4 days with lying snow here, but it looks like 2017 will the the third winter without ANY lying snow in the past 11 years! That is a remarkable set of snowless winters, Penrith has snowfall data going back to 1903 and until 2006 no winter in history had been totally snowless!

Other parts of the Country are equally affected, I fully understand Richard's frustration in Aberdeen, that used to be the snow Capital of the U.K. and home of the Polar Low but now snow is a rare luxury in a place just a few hundred miles from Norway!!

Its crap, crap, crap, 

Iam as mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore!


Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
Saint Snow
23 February 2017 11:43:44

So winter goes out with a final 'kick in the teeth' as the snow promised for Cumbria today shifts a 100 miles north into Scotland leaving the County to enjoy another day of rain.

Oh well at least this pathetic excuse for a winter is nearly over and we won't have to chase dream FI charts any longer, instead I can get my life back and do something else.

Whether is GW or not winters in the UK have got disproportionately warmer compared to any other season over the last 30 years, it's a shame we haven't seen a similar rise in summer temperatures during the same period!

I thought the winters of the 1990's were bad but every winter of that decade had at least 4 days with lying snow here, but it looks like 2017 will the the third winter without ANY lying snow in the past 11 years! That is a remarkable set of snowless winters, Penrith has snowfall data going back to 1903 and until 2006 no winter in history had been totally snowless!

Other parts of the Country are equally affected, I fully understand Richard's frustration in Aberdeen, that used to be the snow Capital of the U.K. and home of the Polar Low but now snow is a rare luxury in a place just a few hundred miles from Norway!!

Its crap, crap, crap, 

Iam as mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore!


Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 


One of the crappiest winters I can remember - no lying snow at all, and just the odd brief snowfall (which was actually most frequently graupel). I think what's made it feel worse is having the blocks for a good winter seemingly in place, and indeed having some great output at times, only for promising charts to evaporate a few days out.

One point I will take issue with you on is the comparison of winters in the 90's to the 00's/10's. I don't doubt what you say is absolutely the case for Cumbria, but IMBY, late 80's and 90's winters seemed much poorer than what we've had since 2000, when we seem to have had snow falling & sticking most years. Perhaps we've just been lucky (or perhaps I've just been taking more notice!). Obviously, we've had some snowless stinkers, too, but also quite a few good (10cm+) snowfalls.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Andy Woodcock
23 February 2017 12:22:12



One of the crappiest winters I can remember - no lying snow at all, and just the odd brief snowfall (which was actually most frequently graupel). I think what's made it feel worse is having the blocks for a good winter seemingly in place, and indeed having some great output at times, only for promising charts to evaporate a few days out.

One point I will take issue with you on is the comparison of winters in the 90's to the 00's/10's. I don't doubt what you say is absolutely the case for Cumbria, but IMBY, late 80's and 90's winters seemed much poorer than what we've had since 2000, when we seem to have had snow falling & sticking most years. Perhaps we've just been lucky (or perhaps I've just been taking more notice!). Obviously, we've had some snowless stinkers, too, but also quite a few good (10cm+) snowfalls.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Dont get me wrong Saint winters of the 1990's weren't good but as I said all had at least 4 days with lying snow, but just look at my recents stats.


2012: 4 days

2013: 12 days (East Cumbria missed out massively that year)

2014: Nil

2015: 9 days

2016: 4 days

2017: Nil

The winter of 1992 was very similar to this year but I still had two 8cms snowfalls that covered the ground of 6 mornings.

I guess this winter coming so soon after the snowless winter of 2014 makes me feel hard done by.

Its pure pants mate!




Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
Saint Snow
23 February 2017 12:31:06


Dont get me wrong Saint winters of the 1990's weren't good but as I said all had at least 4 days with lying snow, but just look at my recents stats.


2012: 4 days

2013: 12 days (East Cumbria missed out massively that year)

2014: Nil

2015: 9 days

2016: 4 days

2017: Nil

The winter of 1992 was very similar to this year but I still had two 8cms snowfalls that covered the ground of 6 mornings.

I guess this winter coming so soon after the snowless winter of 2014 makes me feel hard done by.

Its pure pants mate!


Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 


My recent years are probably little different to yours (except MBY was oddly in a sweet spot in 2013); I think the difference was that the 90's winters here were worse.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
23 February 2017 14:03:15
Been a pretty good week for winter weather. 15°C+ on Monday and now a notable windstorm in this area today. If you ask me, this beats bloody horrid white crap by a country mile.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
23 February 2017 15:16:11
Looks like quite a substantial amount of snow that fell over Scotland, - I saw some pics - but was it all wet snow and sleety rain or pure snow Richard & Mike?
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

23 February 2017 15:54:02

The only thing that is preventing me from getting fed up with this wind (even though it's not that exceptional) is how it's coming with regular bursts of sunshine as well as drying everything up in double quick time.

Folkestone Harbour. 
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