GEFS 35 day charts INVENTORY

Select location to view the 35 day forecast spreads for 2m temperatures, 850hPa temperatures, Mean surface level pressure and precipitation.


  • London
  • Birmingham
  • Belfast
  • Cardiff
  • Edinburgh
  • Newcastle
  • Aberdeen
  • Berkhamsted
  • Brighton
  • Cairngorms
  • Carlisle
  • Glasgow
  • Inverness
  • Liverpool
  • Manchester
  • Norwich
  • Nottingham
  • Peterborough
  • Plymouth
  • Reading
  • Snowdonia
  • York

850hPa temperatures

Temperatures at approximately 1500m above sea level. They aren't subject to diurnal variation and provide a check on how cold or warm the air mass is. Unit of measurement is Celsius.

2m temperatures

Temperatures that we experience at the surface level. Unit of measurement is Celsius.

Mean surface level pressure

Pressure at the surface level. Unit of measurement is mB.


Can be rain, snow, hail. Unit of measurement is mm.



Up to 5 days
Up to 16 days
Up to 180 days

View full inventory

16 day day ensemble forecasts

Charts showing all individual model pertubations for days 0 to 16 are available on the Ensemble forecast viewer


GEFS is run by National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)


The 16 daymodel updates 4 times per day 07:15 GMT, 13:15 GMT, 19:15 GMT, 01:15 GMT

The 35 day model updates daily using the 00z data. It takes approximately 24 hours for NCEP to complete the full run.