Member area

New features will be added for registered members.


Register freely

Register and login to automatically remove adverts for five days

You will also be able to post comments and upload your weather photos


Remove adverts and access extra features*

If you would like to remove adverts, support the ongoing development of the website, and access additional features as they become available, you can make a donation using linke below. The options are:

A) £5.00 donation until 31/12/2024

B) £20.00 donation until 31/12/2025

C) £2.00 per month automatic PayPal payment indefinitely until cancelled

Donating amounts higher than above are most welcome and will help fund the development of the site further.

You can use a credit or debit card and do not need a PayPal account.

Donate to TWO


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After making a donation or setting up a scheduled automatic (manual monthly payments of £2 will not qualify) monthly payment, let us know your username and email address assigned to it by using the Contact Us form so that your account can be updated. This may take up to 7 days but will usually happen on the same day you donate.

*Extra features

  • 1) UKV zoom charts for the United Kingdom and Ireland - 2m max temp, 2m min temp, Precip + cloud, Wind gust
  • 2) UKV custom charts (In development but usable)
  • 3) UKV regional charts
  • 4) ECM ensemble rain probabilities
  • 5) ECM ensemble pressure postage stamp charts (full 50 members + control run)
  • 6) GEFS short charts
  • 7) Unrestricted access to the Central England Temperature analyser
  • 8) GEFS tracker
  • 9) Animator. Create animations from computer model forecast charts which can be downloaded and used on social media or your own websites
  • 10) 3D Earth Weather Forecas. A 3D globe showing weather forecast data and weather forecasts

Please read

1) The trial five day ad free period starts when you register and may be removed without notice

2) If you are logged in using Twitter, Facebook or Google please log out before registering. The easiest way to do this is by going to the comments section below Buzz articles (e.g. November warmth ) or photos in the Weather picture gallery (e.g. Changeable autumn weather) and using the logout button. If it doesn't appear you are not logged in.

3) Registering will not give you access to the forum