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Global Warming
31 August 2019 20:42:12

This thread is for all comments, discussion and analysis of temperatures in the UK during September, with particular emphasis on the Central England Temperature (CET), for the simple reason that it is the longest running temperature series in the world with over 360 years of data. But you can comment on any interesting temperature statistics or data from across the UK, including your own back yard.  

August has been a slightly above average month overall. 

For those taking part in the competition all CET predictions for September should be sent directly to me via the forum private message system. Do not post them directly into the thread. 

The deadline for predictions is 2359 tonight (Saturday evening). 

Now on to some data for September

Historic CET summary for September

1971-2000 13.7C (30 years)  

1981-2010 14.0C (30 years) 

1999-2018 14.4C (last 20 years)  

September last year was average with 13.7C with 13.5C in the previous year. 2016 was very warm with 16.0C whereas 2015 was cool with 12.7C. 

Here is a chart of the September CET for all years since 1961

Direct link to chart


Latest model output 850hPa and T2m temperatures - 28 Jul (12z) 

SHORT RANGE (2 weeks)

GEFS (12z) - mean is below average but huge scatter

T2m temperatures are really quite cool

GEM ENS (00z) - Similar to GFS

T2m's on the cool side

The 00z ECM ENS T2m temperatures for De Bilt are also cool.


Met Office contingency planners outlook  

Probability is for higher than average temperatures to be the most likely option.

Monthly outlook at BBC website

Cool first half but potentially warmer towards the latter part of the month 


Cool start returning to average


After a cool start it gradually turns warmer with potentially slightly above average conditions by the end of the month

Beijing Climate Centre  

Slightly above average for the UK


Close to average perhaps slightly above in the east of the UK

Global Warming
01 September 2019 20:29:22

Here is the list of predictions for September


Full sized table

01 September 2019 20:41:29

Thanks GW. An interesting spread of predictions there. Col could open up a significant lead if a decent September heatwave manifests. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

  • Col
  • Advanced Member
02 September 2019 06:54:28

Thanks GW. An interesting spread of predictions there. Col could open up a significant lead if a decent September heatwave manifests. 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

That's what I'm counting on. I feel that summer hasn't finished with us yet and like the past few months there will be a dose of heat towards the end of the month. This  line of thinking paid off in August and I'm hoping the weather pattern continues and it pays off in September as well. It is something of a gamble though, it could go badly wrong and if one of my closest rivals has a good month I could lose my lead entirely!

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
02 September 2019 10:34:35

Met Office Hadley            12.4c.         Anomaly      -1.6c.

Metcheck                         13.6c          Anomaly      -0.12c

Netweather                      13.99c        Anomaly       0.3c

PSJ                                  12.74c        Anomaly      -1.98c. 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
02 September 2019 19:01:16
Damn, missed another month, forgot to message mine for September before I went on Holiday.
Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
03 September 2019 10:15:44

That's what I'm counting on. I feel that summer hasn't finished with us yet and like the past few months there will be a dose of heat towards the end of the month. This  line of thinking paid off in August and I'm hoping the weather pattern continues and it pays off in September as well. It is something of a gamble though, it could go badly wrong and if one of my closest rivals has a good month I could lose my lead entirely!

Originally Posted by: Col 

A strong warm spell is certainly plausible with the background drivers bearing some similarity to Sep 2011 for example.

I've factored that in too, but couldn't drum up enough confidence to anticipate a long and strong enough warm spell to do more than neutralise the CET anomaly after the unusually cool opening 10 days or so.

Perhaps I'll regret that - after all, anticipating a big turnaround worked well in July & August.

The 00z ECM looks promising for a mid-month very warm spell, but the 00z FV3/GFS could hardly be more different. The two models have been at odds for several 00z/12z runs now.

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
03 September 2019 10:24:55

 A strong warm spell is certainly plausible with the background drivers bearing some similarity to Sep 2011 for example.

I've factored that in too, but couldn't drum up enough confidence to anticipate a long and strong enough warm spell to do more than neutralise the CET anomaly after the unusually cool opening 10 days or so.

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

Same here SC. I'm spotting the potential mid month heatwave but I can't ignore these first 10 days. Nigh time temps are starting to drop into single digits with increasing frequency.

I didn't dare go above 14.32 as a result.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

03 September 2019 10:50:03

Met Office Hadley            13.5c.       Anomaly     -1.4c. Provisional to 2nd.

Metcheck                         14.15c      Anomaly      0.43c

Netweather                      14.46c      Anomaly      0.77c

Peasedown St John           13.8c.       Anomaly      -0.92c  Using a 6-year average.            

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
04 September 2019 09:52:46

Met Office Hadley            14.5c.        Anomaly          -0.4c. Provisional to 3rd.

Metcheck                         14.86c       Anomaly          1.14c

Netweather                      15.33c       Anomaly          1.64c

Peasedown St John            14.8c        Anomaly          0.08c 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
04 September 2019 19:53:14

We finally have a GFS run that depicts a big mid-month warm-up, albeit only lasting a week.

It's enough to rocket a rough CET estimate upward from just 13.4*C as of 10th to 14.7*C as of 18th. 

So, it goes to show how rapidly the 'flavour' of the month can change.


Worth noting the seasonal cooling trend with time though; applying long-term average from 21st onward temps thereafter results in the CET estimate dropping from the mid-14s as of 20th (end of FV3 run) to the low 14s as of month's end.

Sep 2011 was, however, an extremely strong reminder that the seasonal trend doesn't always apply! 

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
05 September 2019 10:31:39

Met Office Hadley             14.7c.       Anomaly      -0.1c. Provisional to 4th.

Metcheck                          14.63c      Anomaly      0.91c

Netweather                       15.44c      Anomaly      1.73c

PSJ                                   14.85c      Anomaly      0.13c


Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
06 September 2019 09:50:39

Met Office Hadley           14.5c         Anomaly      -0.2c  Provisional to 5th.

Metcheck                        14.35c      Anomaly       0.63c

Netweather                     15.0c        Anomaly       1.31c.

Peasedown St John          14.18c      Anomaly       -0.54       

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
06 September 2019 20:02:13

Here is the list of predictions for September


Full sized table

Originally Posted by: Global Warming 


Can you help me (or anybody please?)

Whenever I view  a posting of yours - nothing shows. The posting is totally blank.

If I reply  (as per this note) then I am able to see your posting, but not able to access any of your links outside of this forum.

If I access your profile I can then 'see' the last 10 postings of yours.

I was trying to ensure that my entry for this months competition was OK, but I am unable to see the table you have shown above.


It must be some 'option' somewhere, but I am lost as to where to start to resolve the issue. I wondered if I had accidently blocked you but can find no evidence of it..

Anyone else had the same problem?





Just found a shoe/hide option at the end of your post.

If I click on 'show' the post appears. So how do I turn the 'hide' feature on/off is probably the question I need to ask? 


Oh no.... now I cannot see this post?     Can anyone else?

PS  I can see everyone elses posts OK>>>



PSS... Problem solved.....

I have found a 'show' all user  posts if I access the profile for Global Warming or anyone else.

I was not aware the option existed and must have turned it to 'hide' when I sent the PM for Sept CET  to you over2 weeks ago, before my hols.

I have just got back from holidays and I could not see any of my own (or more importantly) your posts.





07 September 2019 09:51:36

Met Office Hadley           14.5c.      Anomaly      -0.2c. Provisional to 6th.

Metcheck                        14.20c     Anomaly      0.47c

Netweather                     14.81c     Anomaly      1.12c

Peasedown St John           14.38c     Anomaly      -0.34c   


Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
08 September 2019 09:47:23

Met Office Hadley         14.4c.      Anomaly       -0.2c Provisional to 7th.

Metcheck                      13.79c     Anomaly       0.07c

Netweather                   14.58c     Anomaly       0.89c

Peasedown St John        13.94c     Anomaly       -0.78c. 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
08 September 2019 15:36:20

GFS 00z possibly showed us the ultimate warmest possible outcome for mid-Sep with a prolonged southerly delivering a dozen days of increasingly impressive warmth. This catapults a rough CET estimate of mine up to 15.6*C as of 22nd, to the sound of much gleeful chuckling from Col in my overactive imagination.

Even exactly average conditions thereafter would land the final CET around the 15*C mark.

The 06z is more restrained, but still suggests that the CET may be a good way through the 14s by 23rd. ECM shows good support for the precursor UK high setup D6-D10.

Starting to wonder if I'll regret punting for a total balance of cool and warm this month.

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
  • Col
  • Advanced Member
08 September 2019 15:53:42

GFS 00z possibly showed us the ultimate warmest possible outcome for mid-Sep with a prolonged southerly delivering a dozen days of increasingly impressive warmth. This catapults a rough CET estimate of mine up to 15.6*C as of 22nd, to the sound of much gleeful chuckling from Col in my overactive imagination.

Even exactly average conditions thereafter would land the final CET around the 15*C mark.

The 06z is more restrained, but still suggests that the CET may be a good way through the 14s by 23rd. ECM shows good support for the precursor UK high setup D6-D10.

Starting to wonder if I'll regret punting for a total balance of cool and warm this month.

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

I did see that run and to be honest couldn't quite believe what I was seeing. It was apparently very much a warm/hot outlier though. So no 'gleeful chuckling' here at camp Col, at least not yet. It's more of a cautious optimism, after all the forecast warm weather is still a week away.

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
09 September 2019 09:44:41

Met Office Hadley         14.1c.       Anomaly        -0.6c.   Provisional to 8th.

Metcheck                      13.67c      Anomaly        -0.05c

Netweather                   14.21c      Anomaly        0.52c

Peasedown St John        13.8c       Anomaly        -0.92c. 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
  • Col
  • Advanced Member
09 September 2019 11:46:51

Met Office Hadley         14.1c.       Anomaly        -0.6c.   Provisional to 8th.

Metcheck                      13.67c      Anomaly        -0.05c

Netweather                   14.21c      Anomaly        0.52c

Peasedown St John        13.8c       Anomaly        -0.92c. 

Originally Posted by: ARTzeman 

Ouch! That's quite a drop, presumably primarily due to low overnight minima. It will take another hit today as well, this time mainly because of low maxima. After that I expect it will make a general steady rise, hopefully for some time to come!

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
09 September 2019 14:04:24

GFS 00z possibly showed us the ultimate warmest possible outcome for mid-Sep with a prolonged southerly delivering a dozen days of increasingly impressive warmth. This catapults a rough CET estimate of mine up to 15.6*C as of 22nd, to the sound of much gleeful chuckling from Col in my overactive imagination.

Even exactly average conditions thereafter would land the final CET around the 15*C mark.

The 06z is more restrained, but still suggests that the CET may be a good way through the 14s by 23rd. ECM shows good support for the precursor UK high setup D6-D10.

Starting to wonder if I'll regret punting for a total balance of cool and warm this month.

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

I’d be delighted if we end the month at 15c, but I won’t hold my breath!  Although I’m nowhere near the top of the table, so I hope it’s a bit higher for Col, who has far more at stake than me. 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
10 September 2019 11:15:48

Met Office Hadley           13.9c.     Anomaly       -0.6c  Provisional to 9th.

Metcheck                        13.53c    Anomaly       -0.19c

Netweather                     14.07c    Anomaly        0.38c

Peasedown st john           13.98c    Anomaly        -0.74c.           

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
10 September 2019 14:02:25

Well, I imagine Col nearly keeled over when the 12z GFS of yesterday rolled out. The 00z of today wasn't much better either, but the 06z has upped the temperatures markedly for the 2nd half of next week onward.

This takes it toward the ECM 00z, which itself is warmer than the preceding 12z from that model, which was already much warmer than a downright chilly 00z before that.


So overall, we've been a big downward dip in the temp signals for late month - with a CET well down in the 13s being put on the table - followed by a considerable resurgence, with the GFS 06z giving me a rough estimate in the high 14s for the CET to 25th.

The ECM 00z looks to have less of a fresher interlude during the middle part of next week, so would likely yield an even higher CET estimate if I had the time for that.

I daresay Col has little reason to worry at this time (now just watch the 12z runs all align to the northerly outcome for mid-next week...!).

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
  • Col
  • Advanced Member
10 September 2019 17:11:28

Well, I imagine Col nearly keeled over when the 12z GFS of yesterday rolled out. The 00z of today wasn't much better either, but the 06z has upped the temperatures markedly for the 2nd half of next week onward.

This takes it toward the ECM 00z, which itself is warmer than the preceding 12z from that model, which was already much warmer than a downright chilly 00z before that.


So overall, we've been a big downward dip in the temp signals for late month - with a CET well down in the 13s being put on the table - followed by a considerable resurgence, with the GFS 06z giving me a rough estimate in the high 14s for the CET to 25th.

The ECM 00z looks to have less of a fresher interlude during the middle part of next week, so would likely yield an even higher CET estimate if I had the time for that.

I daresay Col has little reason to worry at this time (now just watch the 12z runs all align to the northerly outcome for mid-next week...!).

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

Yes indeed, that did come as something of a shock! However the stunning previous charts were still for a week away and I've watched enough cold spells on the MOD thread unravel at that timeframe or shorter to know that nothing is remotely 'nailed on' at that distance. Conversely of course (as has happened to some degree) there is still time for the output to make it's way back again.

Thing is though due to the predictions of my closest rivals, I don't even have to be extremely close to preserve my lead. Even in the high 14s I will extend it.


Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
  • four
  • Advanced Member
11 September 2019 09:16:46
11.8C (-0.5) to this morning here, it will go up for a while the next few days.
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