A total of 11.4 mm of rain fell at Edinburgh Gogarbank during the 24 hour period which ended at 9am this morning, along with 9.8 mm at the botanic gardens.
In addition to that, a total of 3.4 mm of rain has fallen at Edinburgh Gogarbank since 9am this morning, along with 3.2 mm at the botanics in Edinburgh as at 8pm this evening.
For Edinburgh Gogarbank, this brings the total for this month to 146.4 mm, the total for this winter to 291.6 mm and the total for this year to 222.0 mm as at 8pm this evening.
For the botanic gardens in Edinburgh, this brings the total for this month to 120.2 mm, the total for this winter to 236.8 mm and the total for this year to 187.8 mm as at 8am this evening.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.