I wonder what the panickers do with all the extra stuff that they don't really need? Toilet rolls, for example; this new form of flu doesn't make you crap any more than you normally would, and if it zonks you like regular flu you won't really care about using the loo either - you'll be asleep.
One of my friends at work said they're going to (panic) buy some toilet roll this evening. They didn't have an answer as to why they suddenly needed it!
Talking of work, I was summoned to a meeting earlier about their plans if the school has to shut for two weeks. Google Classroom, apparently, with work set by teachers and live classes (delivered from the teachers' homes) by Google Meet. Of course, getting the kids to actually "tune in" or download / complete / upload the homework is another matter!
The ironic thing is if this a) turns out to be needed and b) works, it shows that you don't need 10 teachers teaching 10 classes the same thing... you could do it just as well with a fraction of staff. Add in a spot of AI ("It looks like you're struggling at maths, here are some easier / alternative problems") and I have to wonder what schools will look like in the years ahead!
Originally Posted by: Retron