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21 March 2020 13:55:53


I know the feeling. I’ve just got back from Tesco and worrying about I’d touched, avoided touching my face, etc. Washed my hands thoroughly as soon as I got in, before and after I’d put the shopping away. 

It’s enough to drive anyone potty. 

We have to remember that despite nothing being risk-free at the moment, the risk is significantly lower if you don’t come into contact with someone who is actively displaying symptoms. Surfaces will always be a risk which is why we need to wash our hands frequently and not touch our face when out in public. 

If you follow these steps and avoid too much contact with others then I’d like to think the risk of contracting the virus is still RELATIVELY small. Relatively being the key word. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

Went to pick up my son's work pack from his school yesterday. Had mask and a glove on. Secretary was coughing (!). but a glass screen between us. She handed the plastic pack through the latch. I picked up with gloved hand and shoved in book, under a compartment, so pretty sure no contact there. BUT.. I opened the door by leaning on the door handle with my coat sleeve, so now I'm wondering whether it could have got on my coat and whether it will have been transferred to other things via that and got goodness knows where!

[email protected]
The Beast from the East
21 March 2020 13:56:53

To be fair to Boris, he’s having the most difficult and testing peace time term of office than any other PM has.  With Brexit, flooding and now this virus!  At least he’s stuck with it and hasn’t bottled out, unlike the last two PM’s.

Originally Posted by: Caz 

To be fair, Brexit is an entirely self inflicted crisis


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
21 March 2020 13:59:14


Went to pick up my son's work pack from his school yesterday. Had mask and a glove on. Secretary was coughing (!). but a glass screen between us. She handed the plastic pack through the latch. I picked up with gloved hand and shoved in book, under a compartment, so pretty sure no contact there. BUT.. I opened the door by leaning on the door handle with my coat sleeve, so now I'm wondering whether it could have got on my coat and whether it will have been transferred to other things via that and got goodness knows where!

Originally Posted by: NickR 

You cant avoid it. Eventually you will get it. Just embrace it. Trump says the new malaria drug will solve the problem anyway and is the major breakthrough we are looking for, until the Vaccine is made


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
21 March 2020 14:01:03


You cant avoid it. Eventually you will get it. Just embrace it. Trump says the new malaria drug will solve the problem anyway and is the major breakthrough we are looking for, until the Vaccine is made


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Fck. You.

Enough trolling. Especially when you know my health background.

[email protected]
Joe Bloggs
21 March 2020 14:02:39


Went to pick up my son's work pack from his school yesterday. Had mask and a glove on. Secretary was coughing (!). but a glass screen between us. She handed the plastic pack through the latch. I picked up with gloved hand and shoved in book, under a compartment, so pretty sure no contact there. BUT.. I opened the door by leaning on the door handle with my coat sleeve, so now I'm wondering whether it could have got on my coat and whether it will have been transferred to other things via that and got goodness knows where!

Originally Posted by: NickR 

I’d say that’s a low risk exposure even if the secretary had COVID-19. 

By the sounds of things you’re doing all you can to protect you and your family Nick. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

21 March 2020 14:02:58

Saw John Mason trending on twitter and thought it was John Mason who sometimes appears on uk weather forums! Turns out to be a Scottish politician with a lot of trust in god.


Gandalf The White
21 March 2020 14:03:42


Thankfully it's absolute garbage.

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

I would agreed that it’s unlikely but we don’t know everything and in a subtle sense it’s correct.

Nature doesn’t like imbalance; if it’s pushed towards an extreme then usually forces come into play to achieve a new balance or restore the previous one.

But I know you're dismissive of Malthus so I can see why you would put Gaia into the same box.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

21 March 2020 14:03:51


  1. That’s his job.

  2. He has only been at it a 3 months

  3. May was effectively forced out

  4. Agree regarding Cameroon

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Yes poor chap having to do his job , must be a shock to him 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

The Beast from the East
21 March 2020 14:04:09


Well, it looks as if Gaia has decided that Homo sapiens is taking up too much space and resources and needs cutting back in the interests of sustainability. Ouch!

Originally Posted by: DEW 

I've mentioned this before, but those bored at home need to watch the new Anglo-French Canal plus remake of "War of the Worlds". Set entirely in England and France. Available on FOX

In this version, the aliens wipe us out in order to save the Earth  and all the other species on the planet 


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
21 March 2020 14:05:26


Fck. You.

Enough trolling. Especially when you know my health background.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Nick. You’re better than that.  Don’t get hooked by such petty comments. Just ignore the childishness!  Better still, use the ‘hide user posts’ button!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Lionel Hutz
21 March 2020 14:06:02


You cant avoid it. Eventually you will get it. Just embrace it. Trump says the new malaria drug will solve the problem anyway and is the major breakthrough we are looking for, until the Vaccine is made


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

That's nonsense, Beast. I am sure that anyone who is very careful will avoid it. I understand where Nick is coming from in terms of being afraid he's caught it having let his guard down once, but I'm sure he'll be ok, his slip today won't affect him, unless he is fantastically unlucky. 

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

21 March 2020 14:06:17


Our local Garden Centre is open as normal and packed with elderly socialising. I was shocked. This lockdown is farcical.

Either you do it properly or don't bother at all and "let it rip"

I suspect its going to rip anyway, so why wreck the economy for nothing?


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I'm with you , do it or don't bother , its a complete joke if i'm honest 

Just watching the press conference again so out of touch , the working week just gone has seen a shortage in Iceland and Sainsburys every day of the week 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Heavy Weather 2013
21 March 2020 14:06:26


Yes poor chap having to do his job , must be a shock to him 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Exactly. When you PM a crisis can strike at anytime. Do t take the job if your not up to it. 

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
The Beast from the East
21 March 2020 14:06:59


Fck. You.

Enough trolling. Especially when you know my health background.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Sorry, I had forgotten about your health 

But still, the malaria drug should protect you if you get it so you don't need to panic

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
21 March 2020 14:10:55

To be fair to Boris, he’s having the most difficult and testing peace time term of office than any other PM has.  With Brexit, flooding and now this virus!  At least he’s stuck with it and hasn’t bottled out, unlike the last two PM’s.

Originally Posted by: Caz 

If you want to be PM then you have to realise you are stepping up into the big league where problems can come flying at you from all angles and you may be defined by a choice you have to make with insufficient evidence - and what evidence there is may be 50:50. Brexit - he can't complain about that, he wanted it. Flooding - yeah, those kind of problems turn up. Virus - agreed that is very extreme but he doesn't help himself by going missing for a week.

Heavy Weather 2013
21 March 2020 14:14:24
Sky Journalist:

Aren’t closure of restaurants just putting more pressure on supermarkets.

What a stupid question, especially the fact that people have been shopping all week and there has been a lot of pressure (correct) to close restaurants
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Brian Gaze
21 March 2020 14:14:32

Just spoken to a member of family in northern Italy. My 93 year old Auntie, as well as her children and grandchildren are all currently fine at the moment. It appears none of them have yet had the coronavirus, unless of course they were asymptomatic. They are "locked at home" but have plenty of food and all the utilities (obviously including internet) are working fully. They actually are sounding and acting in a calmer manner than some Brits at the moment. As noted before some of the stereotypes about Italians are not always well founded. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
21 March 2020 14:15:23

Oh dear so so out of touch 

" please consider your neighbours when shopping , there is plenty of food to go around " ………. so people when shopping will stop and think about the man two streets away ………….wake up you blinkered people  

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

21 March 2020 14:15:23

Antibody testing remains the key to unravelling the extent of the infection. We're now reaching the stage where huge numbers of people are convinced they had it in January or February. I'm very sceptical. Other respiratory infections are always widespread in the winter months. We still eagerly await the results from Holland. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Iam one of those that suspect I may of had this virus in January.For a few days I felt all the classic symptoms of coming down with something,aching body,no energy,coughing and then as it wore on I started experiencing breathing difficulties especially first thing in the morning and any busy periods at work I was gasping for breath.Slowly though I started to feel better and went to the Dr`s,explained the syptoms and immediately was given an ECG and blood test.At the time the Dr could not say what I had but did indicate I could have pneumonia.The following day the Dr phoned to say the ECG was ok but he had booked me in to hospital for a CT scan and xray in 2 hours time as he suspected from the blood test a possible blood clot on the lungs.

So off I went more blood tests,the CT scan and x-rays were done and was given the all clear,no blood clots,clear lungs(which surprised me as iam a lifelong smoker) and blood tests came back good.I asked what was wrong with me as ive never experienced anything like this especially the breathing difficulties. They didn`t know and just pleased I was ok as I was!

I for one would love to have this antibody test and also I strongly believe Covid-19 has been here a lot longer that most people think.

21 March 2020 14:16:02
This will tell 'em 🙄
21 March 2020 14:17:08

Sky Journalist:

Aren’t closure of restaurants just putting more pressure on supermarkets.

What a stupid question, especially the fact that people have been shopping all week and there has been a lot of pressure (correct) to close restaurants

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Agreed , daft blood question , cringed at it 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Brian Gaze
21 March 2020 14:17:53

But still, the malaria drug should protect you if you get it so you don't need to panic

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Is this a joke? There is anecdotal evidence the malaria drug could help in some cases. It almost certainly will not be a magic bullet.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
21 March 2020 14:19:33

Just spoken to a member of family in northern Italy. My 93 Auntie as well as her children and grandchildren are all currently fine at the moment. It appears none of them have yet had the coronavirus, unless of course they were asymptomatic. They are "locked at home" but have plenty of food and all the utilities (obviously including internet) are working fully. They actually are sounding and acting in a calmer manner than some Brits at the moment. As noted before some of the stereotypes about Italians are not always well founded. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Indeed.  I used to work with an Italian  tech.  He never flailed his hands around and was one of the calmest, most analytical people I have ever met. If you wanted a problem analysed and solved in a logical and cool manner Nico was your man !


Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
John p
21 March 2020 14:20:49


Went to pick up my son's work pack from his school yesterday. Had mask and a glove on. Secretary was coughing (!). but a glass screen between us. She handed the plastic pack through the latch. I picked up with gloved hand and shoved in book, under a compartment, so pretty sure no contact there. BUT.. I opened the door by leaning on the door handle with my coat sleeve, so now I'm wondering whether it could have got on my coat and whether it will have been transferred to other things via that and got goodness knows where!

Originally Posted by: NickR 

I often use coat sleeves to push doors etc, apparently it can only live on fabric for a few hours.

Camberley, Surrey
John p
21 March 2020 14:22:16


Is this a joke? There is anecdotal evidence the malaria drug could help in some cases. It almost certainly will not be a magic bullet.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

He’s trolling us all Brian and I’m sure many would like him to stop it.

Camberley, Surrey
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