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Maunder Minimum
27 March 2020 19:32:04

Vindication of a sort in response to Xioni on Chinese statistics:


Doubts surface over Chinese virus death toll after thousands of urns spotted in Wuhan

Thousands of urns awaiting collection in Wuhan, the city that was the first epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic, have raised questions about the true scale of the death toll in China.

New photos circulating online showing long lines of relatives waiting outside funeral homes in the Chinese city for the remains of their loved ones have renewed pressure on the ruling Communist party to reveal the full truth about impact of the Covid-19 virus.

According to Chinese government figures, 2,535 people in Wuhan died of the virus. But images and information obtained by the Caixin media outlet appear to contradict the official narrative."


New world order coming.
Justin W
27 March 2020 19:34:03

The horse-riding set have all been out in twos and threes today. The same people you see in the East Kent Hunt only this time they are out murdering our vulnerable people instead of foxes.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Northern Sky
27 March 2020 19:40:32

People STILL aren't taking this seriously !

Normally I go for my "Boris perambulation" very early or late and rarely see anyone.   Today I took off at 2.PM  and probably got a more realistic view of what is going on in my small part of the world (village /  mainly rural walk).

First I encountered "loves young dream" couple  hand in hand - had to jump into the hedge to avoid the daft bint -  no way were they going to go single file. They obviously couldn't give a "monkeys" !  

Then I encountered  the "old crone" with dog around the back of  Toad Hall (the local Banksters house) narrow path- 0.05 MPH with no passing place - did she step aside  when she could to let me pass with 2M- no,  she beckoned for me to pass her with 2" to spare and got annoyed when I refused to go pass and  scrupulously maintained my 2M   Given her age I could well be responsible for killing her if I pushed by and happened to be carrying it.

Finally, along the back field  of the estate it was like f'king  Butlins. amusement park  dogs, kids, balls and   parents all running about in groups and intermingling. 

I gave up at that point and diverted from my route.

There really is no bloody hope- a reasonable slice of people in this country give every impression of being congenital idiots

Not sure what the Govt. can do  except shoot a few of the b'stards as an example  maybe


Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

Strange to hear that Chris. It's very quiet in my part of Leeds and everyone seems to be obeying the instructions. Not much traffic on the roads and I've noticed a big difference living under the flight path for LBA. You get used to noise but I much prefer this quiet. 

The air is just filled with birdsong. 

John Mason
27 March 2020 19:40:50

The horse-riding set have all been out in twos and threes today. The same people you see in the East Kent Hunt only this time they are out murdering our vulnerable people instead of foxes.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

And where are the police? Those types always seem to think they're above the law!

Here I'm trying to work out the best strategy for picking up some fresh meat and veg tomorrow in the shortest time possible - for the first time in five days, so the only potential contact with people in that time...

Gandalf The White
27 March 2020 19:43:07


Same applies around here in spades - guess there may be problems in some big cities however.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Ditto - just a few people who live in the village out walking; although we did come across two people who had driven to the area and parked their car before strolling off down a footpath.

On the way to/from buying food we did come across a couple of drivers who seemed to think that the light traffic was an excuse to break the speed limit and overtake. Plus an idiot who decided our lane was a good replacement for a race track and that the 30 limit didn't apply to him.

In town it was quiet and people were following the distancing rules reasonably well.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Maunder Minimum
27 March 2020 19:43:15



Well  I'm about as far from living in a city as you can get and a sizeable minority appear to be treating the rules with utter contempt (see above).

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

Just read your account - well I presume that there must be numpties everywhere. I went for my daily walk along the lane and met a family of four (Mum, Dad, two kids and a dog) - we passed each other on opposite sides of the road - well over the 2m, then as I walked back I encountered another couple out for a walk, but they too kept their distance and I don't think it was because I smell bad :-)

New world order coming.
27 March 2020 19:43:39

India is the one place I really can see tens of millions dying from this and it would appear the cat is well out the bag.

Originally Posted by: Tom Oxon 

Mathematically possible, but given the time frame a lot of boll ocks IMO  

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
27 March 2020 19:50:45
Here in northern Sheffield it has definitely been quieter. As it has been fine weather, I've been walking into work at my school. I've done three days this week but from next week we'll be going in in teams of 2 as we're expecting very few kids. Many of us will be working from home on the other days we're no in (most of them) helping set up more home learning resources.

There have been a few walkers around, but not many. All have respected the social distancing when I've passed them. The weather and birdsong has been lovely! I agree with Gandalf about some drivers. I live close to one main road which I walk along and the amount of drivers going way, way over the speed limit has increased. A hot Ford Focus hatch overtook two cars yesterday on the quiet road (never mind that there's a school less than half a mile ahead of said motorist!).

Not been into town, but then I don't need to :)

A close friend of mine, and a SENCO at my school was emotional on our work WhatsApp group earlier today as her neighbour was taken away in an ambulance with respiratory distress from Covid-19. It's got real for her today.

27 March 2020 19:54:21


My view is the government remains behind the curve. We should now be implementing a stricter lockdown in the UK. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 


A stricter lockdown?? What measures would you propose??

27 March 2020 19:59:51


To be fair I haven't seen scientists being ridiculed here. Maybe I missed it; do you have examples?

Given the lead times and the well-discussed global sourcing constraints, I doubt that even if the government had started to gear up a month earlier that it would have much difference yet.

No country can put resources in place for a possible pandemic. If for no other reason, you don't know what form of pandemic, how virulent, how serious, what ailments, what complications.  You can't have tens of thousands of intensive care beds unused for most of the time nor anything that has a 'due by' date sitting on the shelves unless you want to keep spending money constantly.

The only real solution is constant, intense vigilance. That's where the WHO and many developed nations put their focus; Trump cut funding for those activities, which was another ignorant, reckless decision.  I won't repeat the list of viruses that have emerged in the last half century but it proves that the risk is always there and, as we are seeing with SARS-Cov-2, fighting a virus once it's started to spread is a real challenge.  This pandemic may seem really bad but it could be a heck of a lot worse: something with higher mortality and transmission rates and a long incubation period, for example.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

I'm not talking about here. I'm talking about the media and certain Government ministers in particular (Gove) ridiculing experts. It made the public not trust them. And in the year 2020 with documentaries showing the almost certainty of a pandemic just like this I don't agree that a decent contingency couldn't have been put in place in the last 10 years. The main is clearly there and in a planned scenario, with a raise in taxes, it could have been funded.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
27 March 2020 20:07:12

Michael Gove will be holding the daily press conference from Downing Street today

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Is that the same one who told us to ignore experts?

S.Essex, 42m ASL
27 March 2020 20:11:19

Many stories like it but the thread which starts with the tweet below is a bit of an instructive read as to how bad it can be for an otherwise healthy 38 year old.


27 March 2020 20:14:59

Breaking: Italy have reported 919 new deaths

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

It is worrying that 46 doctors are amongst those. Surely they were not elderly or having pre-existing conditions.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
27 March 2020 20:17:59



I am quite opinionated in my political beliefs but I could see how the government were trying to do the right thing, trying not to impose and hoping the people would comply. Sadly we have a lot of belligerant morons who think they know the answers and won't be told anything, even if it's by experts in the field.

The price for that stupidity is coming home to roost

I only hope the lessons of this disaster are learnt when another event occurs as it surely will

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

"Sadly we have a lot of belligerant morons who think they know the answers and won't be told anything, even if it's by experts in the field."

But who has engendered people to take that attitude in recent years?

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Gavin D
27 March 2020 20:21:47
The Government now think the peak of Convid-19 in the UK will be the week beginning April 12th. They we're previously expecting the peak around mid-May.
27 March 2020 20:23:59

It’s the same here. People are respecting the advice and life is very calm and quiet as there are very few people about and those who are seem to be doing as asked.  I don’t think anything else could make things better than they are here!  I can’t speak for city’s though and from what we’ve seen in news reports etc, perhaps they need stricter measures. 

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Same here.   Took an "essential" trip to Aldi this afternoon (mainly for wine ... ) and the town was empty.   Fewer than usual in the shop too.



Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
27 March 2020 20:24:36

People STILL aren't taking this seriously !

Normally I go for my "Boris perambulation" very early or late and rarely see anyone.   Today I took off at 2.PM  and probably got a more realistic view of what is going on in my small part of the world (village /  mainly rural walk).

First I encountered "loves young dream" couple  hand in hand - had to jump into the hedge to avoid the daft bint -  no way were they going to go single file. They obviously couldn't give a "monkeys" !  

Then I encountered  the "old crone" with dog around the back of  Toad Hall (the local Banksters house) narrow path- 0.05 MPH with no passing place - did she step aside  when she could to let me pass with 2M- no,  she beckoned for me to pass her with 2" to spare and got annoyed when I refused to go pass and  scrupulously maintained my 2M   Given her age I could well be responsible for killing her if I pushed by and happened to be carrying it.

Finally, along the back field  of the estate it was like f'king  Butlins. amusement park  dogs, kids, balls and   parents all running about in groups and intermingling. 

I gave up at that point and diverted from my route.

There really is no bloody hope- a reasonable slice of people in this country give every impression of being congenital idiots

Not sure what the Govt. can do  except shoot a few of the b'stards as an example  maybe


Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
27 March 2020 20:27:08


It is worrying that 46 doctors are amongst those. Surely they were not elderly or having pre-existing conditions.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

No,but they would have been in close contact for a prolonged period of time.

Brief contact = mild symptoms.  The more exposed you are to the virus, the worse it is.  Which is good news for most of us

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
Joe Bloggs
27 March 2020 20:27:41



Well  I'm about as far from living in a city as you can get and a sizeable minority appear to be treating the rules with utter contempt (see above).

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

It hasn’t been too bad here. Although people don’t seem to like doing the “single file” thing. It’s annoying as I always make the effort to take a wide birth from people. 

I’ve run/walked past the odd person at perhaps a distance of a metre or so, usually at a fair speed. Even if they were positive for COVID-19 I’d hope this would be low risk. I even hold my breath I’m that paranoid!

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Gavin D
27 March 2020 20:27:56
Belgium has extended its lockdown by two weeks until the weekend of April 18th-19th
27 March 2020 20:29:55

No,but they would have been in close contact for a prolonged period of time.

Brief contact = mild symptoms.  The more exposed you are to the virus, the worse it is.  Which is good news for most of us

Originally Posted by: Essan 

Aha, thank you. I wondered why. Hadn't heard that about length of exposure increasing risk of death. Thought you either got it or you didn't.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
27 March 2020 20:34:07


Aha, thank you. I wondered why. Hadn't heard that about length of exposure increasing risk of death. Thought you either got it or you didn't.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

It's not certain, but one of the things being looked into to explain the difference in peoples reaction tp it.  Makes sense to me.

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
27 March 2020 20:38:20

Same here.   Took an "essential" trip to Aldi this afternoon (mainly for wine ... ) and the town was empty.   Fewer than usual in the shop too.

Originally Posted by: Essan 

Our community Facebook group has been reporting that local supermarkets are fairly well stocked and not busy.  So tomorrow, we’ll be going to Morrisons for our usual Saturday morning shop and then Aldi.  We just need fresh salad, wine and a few other bits. 

It is really earily quiet around here, although peaceful. We have none of the usual background noise, no sirens, no voices and it’s quite novel to hear a car engine once in a while.  I’m rather proud that people around here are taking this seriously and are following advice.  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Darren S
27 March 2020 20:38:22

I know someone who lives close to Southampton docks.
They report that the docks are normally noisy and can be heard at night. They are unusually quiet so I think that means many goods aren't moving at all.

Originally Posted by: Ulric 

They are one of my main customers (DP World run Southampton Container Terminal). I’ve not heard from them in ages, I must contact them next week.

Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2023/24 0 cm; 2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
27 March 2020 20:38:46

Been incredibly quiet on my side street here with hardly anyone going by. Haven't been out since Monday and back then people were swerving to give some kind of gap and the very long post office queue had a roughly 2 metre gap between each person. Richmond Park is closed to non-NHS cyclists tomorrow which is a good move as otherwise I can see a lot of people cycling round.

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