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03 April 2020 05:05:18

Morning all - another rocky ride ahead

First Covid death in Kyrgyzstan reported

03 April 2020 06:13:10

Interesting graph showing traffic levels in various cities compared to normal, London seems to still have more traffic than New York or Wuhan

03 April 2020 06:14:52

God help the United States if you have goons like the governor of Georgia running this situation


"What we've been telling people from directives from the CDC for weeks now that if you start feeling bad stay home, those individuals could have been infecting people before they ever felt bad. But we didn't know that until the last 24 hours," said Kemp


Where the hell has he been? His head up his own arse?!


Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
03 April 2020 06:17:54

Hancock said the Govt has bought 3.5 million home testing kits.

In fact, it hasn’t bought any. Hancock lied.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Yes, the lies are getting really tiresome now.

Brian Gaze
03 April 2020 06:20:13

Justin mentioned this in the last thread but I think it is worth highlighting again. The Tory Tele is basically saying Hancock lied. I think it was Hancock who made a fool out of himself a number of years ago when talking about "apps". Although I can't recall the details he came across as completely clueless. It does seem as though he is way out of his depth in the cabinet. On the other hand with utter clowns like Robert Jenrick serving in government I can only assume the talent pool is suffering from a severe drought.

Government has bought no Covid-19 home testing kits despite Matt Hancock's claim millions had been purchased


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
03 April 2020 06:24:08

I assume this is on no way connected to the large order of test components they had in place which had to be stopped because of traces of contamination?

Justin W
03 April 2020 06:32:42

I assume this is on no way connected to the large order of test components they had in place which had to be stopped because of traces of contamination?

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

No. Not connected. 

“But on Thursday, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) conceded that the Government had not actually bought the tests but had put agreements in place to allow them to buy 3.5 million kits from a number of manufacturers, provided they receive official approval.

"What we have done is agreed to buy testing kits in subject to testing," said a DHSC spokesman, adding: "We have not yet bought any tests but we do have contracts agreed subject to testing. We have secured small numbers with potential to get much larger orders.”

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
03 April 2020 06:35:07


No. Not connected. 

“But on Thursday, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) conceded that the Government had not actually bought the tests but had put agreements in place to allow them to buy 3.5 million kits from a number of manufacturers, provided they receive official approval.

"What we have done is agreed to buy testing kits in subject to testing," said a DHSC spokesman, adding: "We have not yet bought any tests but we do have contracts agreed subject to testing. We have secured small numbers with potential to get much larger orders.”

Originally Posted by: Justin W 


Brian Gaze
03 April 2020 06:50:56
Interesting to hear Hancock say his main symptom was a very sore throat.
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
03 April 2020 06:53:40

Interesting to hear Hancock say his main symptom was a very sore throat.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Someone should tell him not to swallow.

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
Brian Gaze
03 April 2020 06:57:57
Hancock on LBC making an utter fool out of himself. God knows why the press is fawning all over him this morning.
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Roger Parsons
03 April 2020 07:03:21

Hancock said the Govt has bought 3.5 million home testing kits.

In fact, it hasn’t bought any. Hancock lied.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Common Form 
If any question why we died, 
Tell them, because our fathers lied.
A Dead Statesman 
I could not dig: I dared not rob: 
Therefore I lied to please the mob. 
Now all my lies are proved untrue 
And I must face the men I slew. 
What tale shall serve me here among 
Mine angry and defrauded young?



Epitaphs of the War

Rudyard Kipling 1914-18 [remember - he lost his son.]

West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire
Everything taken together, here in Lincolnshire are more good things than man could have had the conscience to ask.
William Cobbett, in his Rural Rides - c.1830
Maunder Minimum
03 April 2020 07:08:57

Good morning. This may be of interest - it is a google translate of a post on an Italian site by someone who lives in the worst affected region - clearly he thinks that the corona virus crisis has been severely compounded by panic measures taken by the authorities:

''In recent weeks, most of the Eastern European nurses who worked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week supporting people in need of care in Italy have left the country in a hurry. This is not least because of the panic-mongering and the curfews and border closures threatened by the ''emergency governments“. As a result, old people in need of care and disabled people, some without relatives, were left helpless by their carers.

Many of these abandoned people then ended up after a few days in the hospitals, because they were dehydrated, among other things. Unfortunately, the hospitals lacked the personnel who had to look after the children locked up in their apartments because schools and kindergartens had been closed. This then led to the complete collapse of the care for the disabled and the elderly, especially in those areas where even harder ''measures“ were ordered, and to chaotic conditions.

The nursing emergency, which was caused by the panic, temporarily led to many deaths among those in need of care and increasingly among younger patients in the hospitals. These fatalities then served to cause even more panic among those in charge and the media, who reported, for example, ''another 475 fatalities“, ''The dead are being removed from hospitals by the army“, accompanied by pictures of coffins and army trucks lined up.

However, this was the result of the funeral directors‘ fear of the ''killer virus“, who therefore refused their services. Moreover, on the one hand there were too many deaths at once and on the other hand the government passed a law that the corpses carrying the coronavirus had to be cremated. In Catholic Italy, few cremations had been carried out in the past. Therefore there were only a few small crematoria, which very quickly reached their limits. Therefore the deceased had to be laid out in different churches.

In principle, this development is the same in all countries. However, the quality of the health system has a considerable influence on the effects. Therefore, there are fewer problems in Germany, Austria or Switzerland than in Italy, Spain or the USA. However, as can be seen in the official figures, there is no significant increase in the mortality rate. Just a small mountain that came from this tragedy."


New world order coming.
03 April 2020 07:26:40
Every quote I can find says that 3.5 million kits have been ordered. Not purchased, but ordered. This will be based on testing the kits actually work before making the purchase.
Justin W
03 April 2020 07:30:06

Every quote I can find says that 3.5 million kits have been ordered. Not purchased, but ordered. This will be based on testing the kits actually work before making the purchase.

Originally Posted by: warrenb 

"Of course it really matters for getting people back to work, so we have now bought 3.5 million antibody tests."

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
03 April 2020 07:30:29

Every quote I can find says that 3.5 million kits have been ordered. Not purchased, but ordered. This will be based on testing the kits actually work before making the purchase.

Originally Posted by: warrenb 

He did actually say “we have now bought three and a half million antibody tests”. 

I suspect he had hoped that was the case and stated they had bought them rather than the reality of what you suggest.

Maunder Minimum
03 April 2020 07:33:46


He did actually say “we have now bought three and a half million antibody tests”. 

I suspect he had hoped that was the case and stated they had bought them rather than the reality of what you suggest.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

We are nit picking and Ministers should learn to be more precise with their language. Meanwhile, Justin just keeps digging his putrid hole in these comments.

New world order coming.
03 April 2020 07:34:12


He did actually say “we have now bought three and a half million antibody tests”. 

I suspect he had hoped that was the case and stated they had bought them rather than the reality of what you suggest.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

I think that's far more likely than the out and out lie being suggested.

At least it will be mild!
03 April 2020 07:35:02
On the 24th he said ordered, he may have said bought yesterday, and if he did then I apologise. But even manufacturing 3.5 million tests when the go button is pressed is not an overnight job. I think the reality of time is catching people in our want it/can get it right now world.
Justin W
03 April 2020 07:38:42


We are nit picking and Ministers should learn to be more precise with their language. Meanwhile, Justin just keeps digging his putrid hole in these comments.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Putrid hole! 

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Brian Gaze
03 April 2020 07:41:01

Does anyone know when the UK is supposed to stop tracking Italy? We've actually gone past them in the last couple of days. That wasn't expected and I hope it is just a statistical anomaly.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Maunder Minimum
03 April 2020 07:50:55

From the Telegraph:

"Meanwhile, in Israel, the authorities have closed off a town largely populated by ultra-orthodox Jews, Bnei Brak, which is suffering from a particularly severe outbreak of coronavirus. 

Saudi Arabia has reported around 1,800 cases of coronavirus and 30 deaths, while in Israel around 6,000 people have been infected and has also seen 30 deaths. 

In Iraq, the government has expelled Reuters, an impartial news agency, for three months after it filed a report which said the country had more cases of coronavirus than the government had admitted. 

It mirrors Egypt's decision in March to force a Guardian correspondent to leave the country after she filed a similar report, even though the accuracy of the scientific study on which her story was based has not been disputed. "

  • the situation in Israel makes for an interesting control on the subject of social distancing. Orthodox Jews in Bnei Brak are refusing to do it on the basis that whatever happens is up to Jehovah. The consequence is that the virus is spreading exponentially in that district, which at least demonstrates that social distancing does work to reduce the spread of the virus.

  • Yet Saudi Arabia has had strict measures for a while now and they still have cases, so social distancing is not sufficient in and of itself.

  • And some governments are throwing out journalists as they try to cover up the true picture on the ground.

New world order coming.
Heavy Weather 2013
03 April 2020 07:55:04


We are nit picking and Ministers should learn to be more precise with their language. Meanwhile, Justin just keeps digging his putrid hole in these comments.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Nit picking. People are dying. This isn’t nit picking. It’s holding the government and ministers to account for this bare faced lies.

Yesterday there was clip of Hancock saying we were prepared 2 months ago. If we were prepared why all this desperation now. 

Even today the government are allowing people off planes from regional hotspots with no quarantine or checks.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Brian Gaze
03 April 2020 07:57:40

Even today the government are allowing people off planes from regional hotspots with no quarantine or checks.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

There's an article about this in The Times today. I'm beginning to wonder if some influential Tory backers are making money out of these flights. What other possible reason could there be for allowing them to continue.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Maunder Minimum
03 April 2020 08:03:41


Nit picking. People are dying. This isn’t nit picking. It’s holding the government and ministers to account for this bare faced lies.

Yesterday there was clip of Hancock saying we were prepared 2 months ago. If we were prepared why all this desperation now. 

Even today the government are allowing people off planes from regional hotspots with no quarantine or checks.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

We can certainly debate what Ministers say, whether they are ill advised, using language incorrectly, being economical with the truth or telling plain falsehoods. But Justin's repeated playground taunts of "liar! liar! pants on fire!" is getting tiresome and his comments about Himmler are beneath contempt.

P.S. Agree 100% about allowing in flights without proper screening and quarantine - bonkers!

New world order coming.
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