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05 April 2020 08:56:09


I expect they're big party donors though.

Originally Posted by: Ulric 

Bang on , I should imagine 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Gandalf The White
05 April 2020 08:56:24


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I watched that on Twitter this morning; John Simpson (that excellent BBC reporter) retweeted it. 

It is, of course, the same basic line that Trump was following for the first few weeks.  It's indicative of the state of US politics and 'political thinking' on the right (now there's a misnomer) that their minds can be so warped and they don't even realise it.

Again, that famous line applies: 'those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad"

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gandalf The White
05 April 2020 08:57:26


I expect they're big party donors though.

Originally Posted by: Ulric 

Please don't indulge him.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gavin D
05 April 2020 09:01:31
Matt Hancock

"London's rate of hospitalisation due to coronavirus is "under control", so the next NHS Nightingale field-type hospital will be in Birmingham"
05 April 2020 09:03:56

I suspect what could happen (I could be spectacularly wrong)

  • the lockdown will continue until at least the end of April but I suspect longer 

  •  Daily death figures will continue to be awful for the next 2 weeks or so before slowly improving 

  • The Government will continue to plough resources into building mass hospitals, opening several across the UK, with inroads made in the availability of ventilators, and hopefully improvements to testing (with the arrival of the antibody test)

  • Once the latter bullet point is reached to a satisfactory level, and the UK is way past the peak of infections, the lockdown will be relaxed, and the UK will gradually make an attempt at returning to normal . This will take a long time. 

  • the very vulnerable will need to continue to self isolate for the foreseeable 

  • Foreign travel will be banned for most of the year 

  • Pubs will reopen in June 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

Seems a sensible take on what could happen. 

Beast won't like that last bullet point though šŸ˜œ

Gavin D
05 April 2020 09:06:43
More from Matt Hancock

"If you donā€™t want us to ban exercise outside of the home, you have to follow the rulesā€
Heavy Weather 2013
05 April 2020 09:18:39
There are two things infuriating me this morning.

1. Some people on the the news are saying that sunbathing in isolation should be allowed. Now here is the problem. Lemming syndrome. If one person sits there on their own, whatā€™s to to say another person who walks past and then thinks ā€˜Iā€™ll sunbatheā€™. Then there a reports of a few people sunbathing and another 10 people think. Iā€™ll go and sunbathe if they are. You then have hundreds sunbathing. It infuriates me that some people are making an effort to quarantine themselves and others think they are above the rules.

2. It seems that there is a clamour amongst the very rich and those who value the economy more than life to stop the lockdown. It seems to me that they are now scared, prettified even, that their millions are suddenly under threat. Thatā€™s all they seem to care about.

Letā€™s be absolutely clear, if lockdown is eased to soon and the deaths go up even more then I do think the people will blame the government.

In fact, itā€™s already starting to happen. Letā€™s not forget, at a minimum 10k deaths will impact a large circle of people and that will influence opinion.

Latest opinion polls while still relevantly favourable do suggest that things can turn very quickly - body bags piling up will not look good for the government:
Public approval for Governmentā€™s handling of coronavirus crisis drops fast. Opinium: last week two-thirds approved; this has now fallen to 52%. Disapproval rises to 29%, giving handling of Covid-19 a net positive of +23%, a drop of almost half from the +42% figure 7 days ago.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Brian Gaze
05 April 2020 09:21:18


Jeez, since when did they start charging £15-£26 per month for a subscription!

Originally Posted by: John p 

Going OT but I think it's a good product and worth the money. I actually like the subscription based model on the internet and hope we will finally move in that direction more widely.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
05 April 2020 09:26:00


Seems a sensible take on what could happen. 

Beast won't like that last bullet point though šŸ˜œ

Originally Posted by: SJV 

Yep , good post from Joe , though I do think having ALL pubs open in 7 weeks perhaps too soon IMO , but who really knows 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

05 April 2020 09:27:22


Jeez, since when did they start charging £15-£26 per month for a subscription!

Originally Posted by: John p 

How much does the paper cost nowadays?

At least it will be mild!
Ally Pally Snowman
05 April 2020 09:27:39

I suspect what could happen (I could be spectacularly wrong)

  • the lockdown will continue until at least the end of April but I suspect longer 

  •  Daily death figures will continue to be awful for the next 2 weeks or so before slowly improving 

  • The Government will continue to plough resources into building mass hospitals, opening several across the UK, with inroads made in the availability of ventilators, and hopefully improvements to testing (with the arrival of the antibody test)

  • Once the latter bullet point is reached to a satisfactory level, and the UK is way past the peak of infections, the lockdown will be relaxed, and the UK will gradually make an attempt at returning to normal . This will take a long time. 

  • the very vulnerable will need to continue to self isolate for the foreseeable 

  • Foreign travel will be banned for most of the year 

  • Pubs will reopen in June 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 


This is a good attempt at something which is going to be exceptionally difficult to do.  I would add masks may well come into play as there is growing evidence that they do indeed help stop the spread it wouldn't surprise me that masks become mandatory for everyone when out in public at least for a while.

Also when it comes to pubs and restaurants some sort of staggered opening maybe to do with surnames i.e.. A - G can go on this date H- M on another date otherwise as soon as they open everyone is going down the boozer for a massive piss up.


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Heavy Weather 2013
05 April 2020 09:28:39

I suspect what could happen (I could be spectacularly wrong)

  • the lockdown will continue until at least the end of April but I suspect longer 

  •  Daily death figures will continue to be awful for the next 2 weeks or so before slowly improving 

  • The Government will continue to plough resources into building mass hospitals, opening several across the UK, with inroads made in the availability of ventilators, and hopefully improvements to testing (with the arrival of the antibody test)

  • Once the latter bullet point is reached to a satisfactory level, and the UK is way past the peak of infections, the lockdown will be relaxed, and the UK will gradually make an attempt at returning to normal . This will take a long time. 

  • the very vulnerable will need to continue to self isolate for the foreseeable 

  • Foreign travel will be banned for most of the year 

  • Pubs will reopen in June 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

Joe, thanks for posting this. A really sensible take on matters and one which looks perfectly feasible. I agree particularly on foreign travel. I can’t see many countries taking many risks. 

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
05 April 2020 09:32:30


Well, if the culture rewards dishonesty and lies then that's the behaviours you're encouraging. It's about leadership and installing the right culture: it shouldn't be difficult. It's a variant on the quality mantra that fixing a problem is far more expensive than getting it right in the first place.  The dishonesty will have consequences and costs and that means senior management is failing in its responsibilities.

As for the quoted part of the note; I would have thought it pretty obvious when there's reference to 'unprecedented global demand on the supply chain' and working 'to secure additional supplies' that all is not well. Do you really think it needs to be spelt out in big letters?  Nobody with an ounce of brains when reading that could possibly conclude that all is well, could they?

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

In your first paragraph I'm afraid that although you are quite correct in your assessment that honesty is the best policy, that does not stop it [dishonesty] happening in practice.

With regard to the second, although challenges are indeed admitted there is no suggestion that they will not be overcome or that supplies will fail, and no hint of any backup plan, or advice should that be the case. Where's the honesty there?

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
Maunder Minimum
05 April 2020 09:34:16

Carried forward from yesterday - comment by Gandalf:

"Yes, and you were calling for nonsensical measures in the early days. 

 Neither of us wanted to end up here but if you have learned anything from the global pandemic it should be that almost every country has struggled to contain the Covid-19 outbreak.

 I hope you really don't want another round of exchanges about the issue of closing borders. "


This morning on Andrew Marr, Dr Neil Ferguson stated: "People were flying in and spreading the virus".

What on earth would have been "nonsensical" in stopping flights from infected regions in January and February and putting in place the kind of border screening which saved Taiwan and South Korea from the kind of situation western Europe (and the USA) find themselves in now?

Nonsensical? What is "nonsensical" is having to shutdown the entire economy because strict border controls were thought to be "nonsensical" when they really would have made a massive and incalculable difference. Finding and isolating those infected and doing full contact tracing is only viable in the context of strict border controls!

New world order coming.
05 April 2020 09:39:23

Joe, thanks for posting this. A really sensible take on matters and one which looks perfectly feasible. I agree particularly on foreign travel. I can’t see many countries taking many risks. 

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Even if foreign travel is allowed it will be difficult to plan ahead. If, when regulations are relaxed, i was to plan a trip to, say, France in September, there is the risk that my holiday will be at least disrupted if there is some kind of second wave, not just in the UK, but France as well. If i was to plan a trip going through several different countries then that risk is magnified. To me, just looks like a year to not plan foreign travel, or book at the last minute.

05 April 2020 09:41:27


Even if foreign travel is allowed it will be difficult to plan ahead. If, when regulations are relaxed, i was to plan a trip to, say, France in September, there is the risk that my holiday will be at least disrupted if there is some kind of second wave, not just in the UK, but France as well. If i was to plan a trip going through several different countries then that risk is magnified. To me, just looks like a year to not plan foreign travel, or book at the last minute.

Originally Posted by: JHutch 

On a brighter note it might boost the UK industry - spending more in the UK 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Maunder Minimum
05 April 2020 09:44:07

Got a mention in the Sunday Times this morning:

"Three bottles down
My proudest achievement from the lockdown so far is drinking three bottles of wine in one night.
Richard, Worcestershire "

New world order coming.
05 April 2020 09:46:23

Got a mention in the Sunday Times this morning:

"Three bottles down
My proudest achievement from the lockdown so far is drinking three bottles of wine in one night.
Richard, Worcestershire "

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

I see they do a sub for £43 a month which includes digital and paper.

At least it will be mild!
The Beast from the East
05 April 2020 09:48:04

Got a mention in the Sunday Times this morning:

"Three bottles down
My proudest achievement from the lockdown so far is drinking three bottles of wine in one night.
Richard, Worcestershire "

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

But I assume your wife helped you? Unless you are a bigger p*ss head than me!


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Brian Gaze
05 April 2020 09:50:14
If a) infection rates are still moderate to high b) I've not had it c) pubs reopen I will be going nowhere near them whether it is May, June or December.

Interesting reading in The Sunday Times the UK government is very worried that immunity may only last a few months.
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
The Beast from the East
05 April 2020 09:50:58


Doesn't Sweden currently have a worse death rate per population than us?

Originally Posted by: westv 

I don't know, but I am taking into account  deaths from economic collapse, mental illness and other health issues that will worsen under a strict lockdown (obesity, alcohol and substance abuse), and undiagnosed Cancers

The Great Depression in 1929 led to many more deaths indirectly than the Spanish Flu

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
05 April 2020 09:51:49

This is a good attempt at something which is going to be exceptionally difficult to do.  I would add masks may well come into play as there is growing evidence that they do indeed help stop the spread it wouldn't surprise me that masks become mandatory for everyone when out in public at least for a while.

Also when it comes to pubs and restaurants some sort of staggered opening maybe to do with surnames i.e.. A - G can go on this date H- M on another date otherwise as soon as they open everyone is going down the boozer for a massive piss up.

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Going on surname wouldn’t work as it would mean most unmarried couples and friends would have to go separately.  

I think, given they closed pubs and restaurants first, before this general lockdown, they won’t lift those closures until later in the relaxation.

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
05 April 2020 09:52:38


On a brighter note it might boost the UK industry - spending more in the UK 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

That will only happen if the lockdown is ended by mid june at the very latest. I can`t see pubs,restaurants,hotels being opened by then.These will be the last of the restrictions to be lifted.

The Beast from the East
05 April 2020 09:53:38

If a) infection rates are still moderate to high b) I've not had it c) pubs reopen I will be going nowhere near them whether it is May, June or December.

Interesting reading in The Sunday Times the UK government is very worried that immunity may only last a few months.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

The lockdown should never have been universal. Some parts of the country have no cases. Why should pubs close in these areas?

We should ease restrictions in areas with no cases and protect the economy in these areas at least

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
05 April 2020 09:54:45


The lockdown should never have been universal. Some parts of the country have no cases. Why should pubs close in these areas?

We should ease restrictions in areas with no cases and protect the economy in these areas at least

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I am trying to work if you genuinely “don’t get it”.

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