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05 April 2020 14:58:58

Can't really disagree with this. It's easy for people who are either or both comfortably off and/or have big houses with large gardens to be sanctimonious preachers at the moment.

I'll be blunt, there will come a point I'll do what I feel I need to do for my well being and if HM Government say you can't go outside your house for a walk or a cycle that will be the point I cease making the effort to be compliant. I'll also start travelling about to do various jobs that I can get paid for instead of sitting around hoping the government furlough scheme pays out before I'm joining the herring gulls searching the park for worms! 

Put the army on the streets and the people will be on the streets too and it won't be pretty. 

Originally Posted by: haggishunter 


I'm am fortunate to live in a "nice" area in an individual house with a small garden. Even so, being told that I couldn't  go out for a daily walk would be a major blow for me.  I wouldn't appreciate that at all and think  that implementing to that levels is completely OTT.

If people are abusing the daily exercise allowance then they need  dealing   with - Stopping it  for those of us that are currently playing by the book would, I feel, be totally   counterproductive and  a lot of support for the lock-down would be lost (as Haggis illustrates above).

Personally, I would continue taking my daily exercise, I would merely take carrier bag with me.  |f challenged I would say I was  going shopping !



Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
Gavin D
05 April 2020 14:59:40

The regional breakdown shows London have seen an increase in deaths again whilst the Midlands have seen a drop

  • London 174

  • North East & Yorkshire 103

  • South East 81

  • Midlands 74

  • North West 47

  • East of England 40

  • South West 36

Phil G
05 April 2020 15:03:17



Other governments, including that of the UK, can be and are being criticised the the way they responded to the coming of the crisis and how their prepared their respective countries for it. What they cannot be blamed for though was for the damn thing arising in the first place. The Chinese authrities bear primary responsibility for that and for the way this whole sorry saga has developed.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

It's the only way to make China sit up and take notice, hit em where it hurts. In certain things they MUST change their culture and ways of doing things.

Why should the world go into recession because of their behaviours. The world needs to make an example of them.

Phil G
05 April 2020 15:10:07
Strange. BBC website says 4.04pm Hancock has started his talk. On the BBC TV news 4.07pm and just said we will go over there when he starts?
05 April 2020 15:13:11

It's the only way to make China sit up and take notice, hit em where it hurts. In certain things they MUST change their culture and ways of doing things.

Why should the world go into recession because of their behaviours. The world needs to make an example of them.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 


Go ahead and write to the Chinese Government and see if you get a reply.

In reality, this is just the usual behaviour of "free-market" advocates.

1. Something bad happens.

2. Find a scapegoat (preferably foreign).

3. Demand free money.

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
Phil G
05 April 2020 15:17:57



Go ahead and write to the Chinese Government and see if you get a reply.

In reality, this is just the usual behaviour of "free-market" advocates.

2. Find a scapegoat (preferably foreign).

Originally Posted by: Ulric 

Do you know what scapegoat means? No scapegoat here, THEY ARE THE SOURCE.

Heavy Weather 2013
05 April 2020 15:19:49
What’s happened to the conference. BBC jumped to it and already on questions from journalists.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
05 April 2020 15:19:59

Strange. BBC website says 4.04pm Hancock has started his talk. On the BBC TV news 4.07pm and just said we will go over there when he starts?

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Yep looks like bbc news completely missed it and have just joined at the questions

Phil G
05 April 2020 15:21:36
At 4.19 the TV BBC news has just gone to the update 15 mins after it started. They are just joining thr Q&A bit, no apology or reason why they missed Hancock's speech. Bored with him?
Phil G
05 April 2020 15:24:03

Beggars belief they have cancelled other programmes show they can this virus special, and when the main update comes on they bypass it. What the hell is going on??

Same the other day. The update was delayed and while it was still going on just before six they switched to the weather!

05 April 2020 15:24:26

Sky did exactly the same. Problem with the feed?

The Fenlands of Cambridgeshire
Heavy Weather 2013
05 April 2020 15:26:45
Just looking through Twitter. Their was a technical issue at the source of broadcast.

Both the BBC and Sky has the same issue.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Phil G
05 April 2020 15:26:53

Sky did exactly the same. Problem with the feed?

Originally Posted by: chelseagirl 

Don't know but would be good if they said something.

Phil G
05 April 2020 15:27:57

Just looking through Twitter. Their was a technical issue at the source of broadcast.

Both the BBC and Sky has the same issue.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Shouldn't they have stopped it then until it was sorted.

Heavy Weather 2013
05 April 2020 15:30:29


Shouldn't they have stopped it then until it was sorted.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Completly agree.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Heavy Weather 2013
05 April 2020 15:33:36
We need a clear and comprehensive update on the PMs condition.

I find it concerning this hasn’t happened. He looked extremely unwell on Friday.

We need a fit PM and I believe we are close to requiring him to step aside temporarily.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
05 April 2020 15:33:46

Do you know what scapegoat means? No scapegoat here, THEY ARE THE SOURCE.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

I'll ask the question I asked before. If it had broken out in the world's novel virus hotspot in Tanzania, would we be talking about asking the Tanzanian government for money?

It makes no difference where this broke out, it could have been anywhere. If you're going to make a point about misinformation, try suing our own government for compensation.

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
Roger Parsons
05 April 2020 15:33:49

I'm am fortunate to live in a "nice" area in an individual house with a small garden. Even so, being told that I couldn't  go out for a daily walk would be a major blow for me.  I wouldn't appreciate that at all and think  that implementing to that levels is completely OTT.

If people are abusing the daily exercise allowance then they need  dealing   with - Stopping it  for those of us that are currently playing by the book would, I feel, be totally   counterproductive and  a lot of support for the lock-down would be lost (as Haggis illustrates above).

Personally, I would continue taking my daily exercise, I would merely take carrier bag with me.  |f challenged I would say I was  going shopping !

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

Our relations in Italy had/have to write themselves a note specifying where they were going and why, as evidence of some sort that they were not bullshitting the authorities but were following the rules. Bit like predicting your outcome before doing an experiment! As long as you are keeping your distance and on a legitimate errand I can't see the reason to make a fuss. They should just stamp hard on the abusers. It will be the "usual suspects".


West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire
Everything taken together, here in Lincolnshire are more good things than man could have had the conscience to ask.
William Cobbett, in his Rural Rides - c.1830
05 April 2020 15:37:42
Do they seriously put the most stupid journalists on this q and a.
05 April 2020 15:39:59

For those who asked - not sure what a wallbox is. I guess that with Hancock and Harries having very busy jobs at the moment it was thought best to do the briefing as soon as possible rather than delay them for however long it took. We will see the start of the briefing apparently.


Heavy Weather 2013
05 April 2020 15:40:13
The BBC have the graphics from from the presentation.

It’s bad news. Hospital admissions are at their highest in London. And have surged passed 4k
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Gavin D
05 April 2020 15:46:49

Hospital admissions have increased again in London with the North West have seen a 25% increase


All broadcasters missed the start due to a technical issue 

Phil G
05 April 2020 15:47:34


I'll ask the question I asked before. If it had broken out in the world's novel virus hotspot in Tanzania, would we be talking about asking the Tanzanian government for money?

It makes no difference where this broke out, it could have been anywhere. If you're going to make a point about misinformation, try suing our own government for compensation.

Originally Posted by: Ulric 

Why would you request money from someone when you know they haven't got it. Not going to frighten them if they have no money in the first place. Because we know they have, we and other countries should pursue this with full force. Wealth, power etc IS a big thing for China. The world should be putting untold pressure on them.

As regards to our own government, I'm sure all country's governments would have done things differently to what they have. On the whole and is a big whole, I say they are doing okay.

05 April 2020 15:49:20

The BBC have the graphics from from the presentation.

It’s bad news. Hospital admissions are at their highest in London. And have surged passed 4k

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 


Very disappointing, it looked like a decent trend was developing - this has  broken it 

Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
Gavin D
05 April 2020 15:50:29
16,702 in hospitals across the UK with Covid-19
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