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Gandalf The White
16 April 2020 20:55:06


Rail companies working the system. Some people who have an annual season, have found that the companies regard it as a 9-month ticket with a 3-month bonus added so if you ask for a refund with the last few months outstanding, very little is payable under the existing rules  - and this despite Government promises that the companies would have to refund pro rata in the present circumstances. [You and yours, Radio 4, lunchtime today]

Originally Posted by: DEW 

That's bizarre and very likely illegal. If someone took a rail company to court I'm certain that the ruling would be that the payment is spread evenly across weeks of the year.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

16 April 2020 20:56:11

OT. but why is Venus so bright these days? Is it just down to lack of air pollution?


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

It is amazing. I went out to do some astro photography last night and left my reading glasses on. I was looking at it thinking why is that aircraft not moving in the sky. Never seen it so bright.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
16 April 2020 21:07:12

It feels like we are living without a government.

The world's event horizon is my garden fence.

(It has almost as many footballs in it as there are known stars.)

Zoom-connected to other bubbles that seem

less real that the PS4 game my son plays.

I'm not sure how I feel about the old world now.

Do I want it back?

One to mull over

after I've broken the laws of physics:

Alpha Centauri's just escaped into next door's garden...


[email protected]
16 April 2020 21:16:32

Savings are unlikely over Warfarin Apixaban at approx 500 dollars per 60 2.5mg also the former W is still regarded the gold star treatment for complex AHD and CHD so be careful about using general statements.



Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

I am careful. It was a question for a start. Not a recommendation. Followed by a statement based on what my GP told me.

I was talking about my afib. It is now generally considered superior to Warfarin for MY condition. No doubt the OP is capable of deciding if it was of interest in his situation. By the way you have just quoted the price of the drug I believe and ignored my point about the high costs of testing nurses, running special clinics doing the frequent INR tests for Warfarin. Plus the drug price is expected to plummet as its use increases. I can Google as well:-

"Results showed that after two years of anticoagulation therapy, health care costs (excluding the study drug) of patients treated with apixaban therapy and warfarin therapy were not statistically different. Life expectancy was significantly longer with apixaban therapy vs. warfarin therapy – 7.94 vs. 7.54 quality-adjusted life years."

As ever, one would be guided by the medical experts, as i was.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Chunky Pea
16 April 2020 21:25:23


Yes, there are some who look like they couldn't run to catch a cold never mind a criminal!

Still, there's plenty of them decent and they have alot to face at times - how many of us would fancy doing their job? However, I reckon that it's a job that can attract the wrong sort as well. In every walk of life, you'll find bullies. The problem with the police is that it attracts some bullies who figure they can get paid for it instead of just having to do it for free. 

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

That they have a 'lot to face' does not make me warm to them in any way. If they aren't up to facing the job they were obviously attracted to then they should resign their position. They won't though because they like the uniform. It's all about having power over others. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
16 April 2020 21:27:41

Just watched Question Time and the Government was represented by the Justice Minister who, being another lightweight, his name escapes me. But when challenged about Germany he basically said they tested more because they are more advanced than we are. Seems to crop up a lot at the moment how certain EU Countries have this and that and we don't. And there was me, after last year, thinking they were all useless compared to us.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

This has been my view for a long time. We are leaving Europe because we have been cutting services such as education and training for so long now that we can no longer compete. Our government is looking for markets where the bar is lower.

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
The Beast from the East
16 April 2020 23:16:16

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
  • pfw
  • Advanced Member
17 April 2020 01:47:31

Some back of fag packet calculations from someone who actually has some expertise in it:

TL;DR - 600,000 deaths required in the UK to get herd immunity if the virus transmission rate is at the lower end of current estimates. Not exactly optimistic reading. He does seem to be suggesting that testing and tracing is the only way out before a vaccine.

Presumably these are the sort of horrific calculations that caused a change in UK policy. Without testing and tracking it's hard to see how they can justify a lockdown release in the forseeable future unless something has changed.

Would be nice to see a journalist try and get them to refute this article in the briefing tomorrow...

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