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Gandalf The White
21 April 2020 22:04:00


Whether it is a devious plan or not, that fact remains that the entire western world has now embraced a sort semi-fascism. Wear people down enough and who knows, maybe we'll willingly embrace the real deal in the near future.

No modern state should be allowed to exercise this level of power over people. 

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 


It's nothing remotely like fascism, semi or full.  

There are times when the temporary suspension of a very few rights is necessary for the common good and individual safety.

If the option is hundreds of thousands of avoidable deaths and the collapse of economies and healthcare systems it's about the simplest choice you could possibly be asked to make.

The true test of a democracy is whether normality returns by default once the crisis abates.  I have no doubt that it will in most places; states like Hungary and Turkey were already undermining their democratic systems.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

21 April 2020 22:04:55

Nightingale hospital in Docklands has only treated 41 patients so far with patients being turned away apparently. Shortage of critical care nurses is a big factor apparently which tallies with what i have been hearing too. Certainly needed building IMO as it was uncertain quite how big the surge in cases would be. Spare capacity could also be useful as we move forward to enable hospitals to take up more routine procedures?

Originally Posted by: JHutch 

Was always going to be the problem wasn't it ? Creating a new facility in that time scale was incredible, but you can't magic up staffing as quickly.

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
Chunky Pea
21 April 2020 22:08:55


I've read a few things like this, what do you think is the alternative? It seems to me this is nothing to do with "semi-fascism" it's actually about Human societies making a collective decision to try and save the lives of their citizens - peoples mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and in some cases sons and daughters. It's an exceptional circumstance which means curtailing liberty for a short time, it has got nothing to do with fascism, semi or otherwise.

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

The state curtailing the publics basic liberties is akin to fascism. Sorry, and it does not matter the reason. And is there any evidence that people going to a park on a sunny day, or taking a jog on the beach, or buying 'non-essential' items (and as I asked yesterday, who decides what is essential or not?) is 'saving peoples lives'? 

*that should read 'not' going to the park or not taking a jog.. etc. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
21 April 2020 22:10:11

I've read a few things like this, what do you think is the alternative? It seems to me this is nothing to do with "semi-fascism" it's actually about Human societies making a collective decision to try and save the lives of their citizens - peoples mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and in some cases sons and daughters. It's an exceptional circumstance which means curtailing liberty for a short time, it has got nothing to do with fascism, semi or otherwise.

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 


21 April 2020 22:10:49

Was always going to be the problem wasn't it ? Creating a new facility in that time scale was incredible, but you can't magic up staffing as quickly.

Originally Posted by: llamedos 

Yep, with the number of vacancies there were apparently in nursing it would have seemed a bit odd to have had it ready with enough fully qualified nurses for 4000 patients, especially as some nurses were self-isolating etc even though some people were coming back from retirement to either be on the 'front-line' or enable others to be. I think there was a plan to bring in staff from outside London but maybe they were needed in their own areas. There was a plan to have cabin crew partially staffing it as well i think. Someone i know was asked to work there and they said that staffing would be a big issue.

Chunky Pea
21 April 2020 22:15:46

There are times when the temporary suspension of a very few rights is necessary for the common good and individual safety.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

You seem to be of that sort that thinks rights are kindly granted by authority rather than being natural given. Please tell me that I have misjudged. 

Just a bit funny that while all of the pearl clutchers are commending state authorities for using fascistic means in order to 'save peoples lives' that people are still dying. 


Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Gavin D
21 April 2020 22:54:57

ZM416 has departed Istanbul and is heading back to the UK

Gandalf The White
21 April 2020 23:36:50


You seem to be of that sort that thinks rights are kindly granted by authority rather than being natural given. Please tell me that I have misjudged. 

Just a bit funny that while all of the pearl clutchers are commending state authorities for using fascistic means in order to 'save peoples lives' that people are still dying. 


Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

I have absolutely no idea how you get these weird ideas into your head. What you’ve said has zilch to do with the point you made and to which I provided a measured and rational response.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

22 April 2020 00:02:02

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."?

Bloated bureaucracy and inefficient procurement practices are the bane of so many areas of the public sector.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

On the flip side of that ‘ I am a shareholder from the private sector, and I am here to make as much money as possible’. Those words should terrify us all 

Heavy Weather 2013
22 April 2020 05:28:35

Boris Johnson’s official spokesman said the prime minister has full confidence in Hancock and stands behind his pledge to get the UK to 100,000 coronavirus tests a day by the end of the month, despite only 19,000 being carried out on Monday. [source: Guardian]

Usually the beginning of the end isn't it?

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Yep. In football, once the manager receives the full backing of the club he/she is usually dismissed a week or two later.

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