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  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
23 April 2020 21:12:36


Why do people need to be there on a fucking bridge. I clap from my balcony. 

I haven’t seen family or friends for weeks now, and we have these people going for a jolly on a bridge. What are the police doing for goodness sake.

I am so proud of our NHS but we will need to stop the clapping of this continues. I’m incandescent this evening.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

It is both bizarre and ludicrous.

Local authorities are closing parks if too many people us them.

Police will move you on if you sit on a park bench.

Yet you can go onto a London bridge and have a party and the police stroll by unconcerned.


In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
Joe Bloggs
23 April 2020 21:13:24

Lots of doom and gloom in here this evening. Understandable. 

On the plus side it was a hugely significant day today. In terms of a vaccine, the first human trials in Europe at Oxford University. This is a pivotal moment. 

Also positive noise about the “army” of contact tracers that are being lined up, but we’ll see. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

23 April 2020 21:13:33

I literally cannot breathe through my right nostril since I can remember. I'm of the opinion I shoved a bit of Lego up there and my mum couldn't be arsed to take me to the doctor.

Originally Posted by: noodle doodle 

I had a situation like that where one nostril was blocked.  It was something called a "concha bullosa". I had to have surgery to have it corrected.

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
23 April 2020 21:19:15

Can you imagine that happening over here?

The New Brexit Party would be deluged with demands for refunds of 'donations'.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Makes you wonder if they locked a few billionaires in a room and just got them "creating wealth" instead of asking for handouts, we might solve all of humanity's problems.

First person to point out that wealth is actually created by legions of low paid workers, go to the back of the class.

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
Gandalf The White
23 April 2020 21:19:53

A slight rise in confirmed cases today. I am getting very concerned. The most recent evidence suggets R0 is extremely close to 1 and may be getting close to going over.

The peak was in early April, and my model basically called it bang on. Since then it has failed to capture the downslope, the conclusion is that R0 must have ceased falling. However I can model the most recent behaviour in the confirmed cases most accurately when I assume that R0 is constant and one.

Every day now feels like waiting to see another spike.

Originally Posted by: Quantum 

The official scientific assessment is that R0 is around 0.7 at the moment.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

23 April 2020 21:20:01


I'm sure the doctor wouldn't know what to make of it anyway 

Originally Posted by: SJV 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
23 April 2020 21:22:18
Driving home from work this evening at 22:00 and the roads weren't really too different to how they'd normally be at that time. There's definitely been more traffic on the road this week. I echo what some other posters have been saying in that we will see a gradual unofficial easing of the lockdown. More and more businesses will open, calling themselves "essential" and more people will look for excuses to make "essential" travel.

I full expect HMG to extend the lockdown itself past 6 May, but it will only become a de-facto lockdown - we're officially under one, but daily life may not be too much different from normal. As the frustration increases, people will start taking this into their own hands, sadly.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Gandalf The White
23 April 2020 21:27:28


Why do people need to be there on a fucking bridge. I clap from my balcony. 

I haven’t seen family or friends for weeks now, and we have these people going for a jolly on a bridge. What are the police doing for goodness sake.

I am so proud of our NHS but we will need to stop the clapping of this continues. I’m incandescent this evening.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Yes, I can see how the police breaking up a crowd applauding the NHS wouldn't attract any negative media coverage.... None at all.....

Just think of Chunky Pea's reaction, for example, and all those of a left-wing persuasion on Twitter citing an example of the police overreacting.

Rather than being incandescent why not think through the implications of what you're advocating?

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

23 April 2020 21:31:00

Not this again.

Are they trying to spread the virus?


Originally Posted by: Quantum 

People in this Country are so thick most have no idea what 2 metres is anyway. Maybe they should have used non EU units and said 7ft.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Northern Sky
23 April 2020 21:33:14

Strongly recommend people read this.

Strong evidence that large droplet transmission is the main vector of infection.

Large droplets can be more easily transmitted through talking, singing, cheering, heavy breathing, coughing, sneezing e.c.t.

Stay at least 8m apart from people and do not talk to strangers.

Passive breathing is ineffectual at spreading large droplets.


Originally Posted by: Quantum 

I read an interesting twitter thread looking at a study on a restaurant where a number of people were infected in one incident. All the people that were infected were in a direct line of the air conditioning, indicating spread by droplet not aerosol. No one else was infected despite being well within 8m of the super spreader. 

Also a study claiming aerosol spread has been retracted -

23 April 2020 21:34:29

Not nice on 7 news

Some coronavirus patients in intensive care units are experiencing a new, potentially fatal symptom.

Persistent and rapid blood clots have begun emerging in patients suffering from the virus, which has infected more than 2.6 million people worldwide.

Doctors in the United States, where the death toll is the highest out of anywhere in the world, say the clotting is “unprecedented”.

“It’s rare to have that happen once, and extremely rare to have that happen twice,” Dr Kathryn Hibbert at the Massachusetts General Hospital said.

Dr Jeffrey Laurence, a hematologist in New York, said: “The number of clotting problems I’m seeing in the ICU, all related to COVID-19, is unprecedented.

“Blood clotting problems appear to be widespread in severe COVID.” 

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

Eek! My acquaitance who has just been let out of hospital has apparently been told he has a small blood clot on his lung.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
23 April 2020 21:41:02


The official scientific assessment is that R0 is around 0.7 at the moment.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

I wonder how intense the hot spots are generating these numbers. i was discussing this with a friend on the phone. We are in a highly populated region (although not densely, with very few flats). We have one friend in common who was hospitalised with it and appears his wife might have had it mildly before him but nobody else we've spoken to amongst friends and relatives have had it or know anybody who has.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Northern Sky
23 April 2020 21:46:27


I think it's great you're getting out, and part of it is my paranoia. We have spaces we could drive to close by that are countryside, but I'm wary. We have a pretty sizeable garden, so we're playing football daily for about an hour, but my daughter isn't doing as much, though I dragged her out to do the PE with Joe Wicks session yesterday.  Basically, we all get to be out in the garden, either playing football or gardening, which is why we've been able to stay in, but, yes, we should find a spot to walk sometime soon. Might try tomorrow, before the weekend hits.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

I went for a walk today in the woods and I could hear someone coughing heading my way. A bloke came round the corner and stood to the side and waited while I passed him - more than 2m away - I walked on a bit and heard him cough again. I was worried even though he didn't cough anywhere near me, I was out in the open, and I didn't go within a few meters of him.

As I walked on I started thinking what the hell is it going to be like when the kids come back to school? Sitting in a class with coughing children; crowded into a staff room for morning briefing etc. 

Looking on the dark side it feels like a race between what gets me first, Covid or mental breakdown. 

23 April 2020 22:05:12

We’ll have to agree to disagree on this.  I think it helped that our public were lead into wanting a lockdown, rather than being forced into it.   Whether we timed it right or not and whether other countries had better strategies, only time will tell and I think it will be a long time. 

Originally Posted by: Caz 

I don't think it'a a matter of debate or opinion, the numbers are clear: the countries that locked down early have (relatively) very few deaths so far. I also don't accept that these countries will eventually be like us. The only way I could see this is if a vaccine is never found.



23 April 2020 22:11:11


Yes. A case in point when I did my weekly shop this evening. I definitely got a bad draw waiting in the queue with a guy in front of me looking rather drunk (the odd sway) kept his distance but spat on the floor  Young couple behind me were loud, obnoxious and stood no further than 1m away at all times.

Inside the store there were people all over the place not following the arrows. I obviously didn't tut and roll my eyes aggressively enough! On the way out just before I got to the travelator a guy decided he was in a rush and nipped very closely past me to get ahead of my trolley without giving me chance to object 

Anyway the reason why I rant now is I bet most of these dangerous nincompoops will have clapped for the NHS at 8pm this evening 

Originally Posted by: SJV 

My wife had to go to Tesco's today to get some shopping. Said it wasn't too bad. Since it started she went once then stopped. We've had one delivery and done one click and collect from hell at Asda's which I've mentioned before where they seemed to have a plan to take out as many people as possible.. It is impossible still to get delivery slots at any supermarkets and I have no intention of putting others at risk making a special trip for us.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
John p
23 April 2020 22:12:06


Yes, I can see how the police breaking up a crowd applauding the NHS wouldn't attract any negative media coverage.... None at all.....

Just think of Chunky Pea's reaction, for example, and all those of a left-wing persuasion on Twitter citing an example of the police overreacting.

Rather than being incandescent why not think through the implications of what you're advocating?

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

I believe, it’s not that he thinks the police should be breaking it up. The problem is that with the ‘bridge clapping’ they’re the flaming ringleaders!

Camberley, Surrey
23 April 2020 22:17:39

Interesting article basically saying that international co-operation is the best way forward. Has been happening in the scientific community but probably won't in the business and political world.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
23 April 2020 22:19:30
Shocking report on our local news tonight of a young man who deliberately and provocatively coughed right in the face of a police officer claiming that he had Covid 19 and was subsequently charged, was convicted today but only given a suspended prison sentence......In more positive West Sussex news, the good folk of Chichester seem to be adhering to social distancing pretty well..I can very much confirm Dew’s report....roads around here still very quiet...Waitrose was like a morgue this evening...walked straight in...barely a soul around....even got lots of cheap bread! Pasta seemed to be the only really empty section....toilet roll aisle was full to overflowing with stock...

23 April 2020 22:28:34

If the lockdown continues beyond June, I will lose my job. I feel horribly conflicted about this and it really is getting me down. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

Personally I think it'd be a mistake to continue the lockdown beyond May. The idea for it was to avoid overwhelming the NHS, bring the number of new infections down and buy us time in order to go back to a proper test,- trace - isolate strategy.

At the moment, the lockdown might well have brought the number of new infections significantly down in the community, but care homes and hospitals could well be hotspots and the problem is we don't know as we are still not testing properly (huge mistake).

PS. I think the term lockdown is wrong. The Chinese had a proper lockdown, they closed public transport and supermarkets and they locked people inside (in some cases they even barricaded the entrances to apartment blocks). People were not allowed outside for any reason. Ours is more of a shutdown as people can go outside at will. Arguably, this is more suited to a western democracy, but there could be a price with that. 

Darren S
23 April 2020 22:28:40

Waitrose was like a morgue this evening...walked straight in...barely a soul around....even got lots of cheap bread! Pasta seemed to be the only really empty section....toilet roll aisle was full to overflowing with stock...

Originally Posted by: Chichesterweatherfan2 

What about flour? Flour is not in any supermarket, we'd been looking for weeks.

It's no good for you on the south coast, but we got some flour from Brakes. Coincidentally they are a customer of mine; as a company they normally supply food to pubs and restaurants, and that side of their business has all but dried up. So they are now selling to the public out of their 11 depots. You ring them up to order, give them your car reg number and go and collect at an agreed time. When my wife went, no-one else was there; it was quick and easy.

We ordered a 16kg bag of plain flour and a 16kg bag of self-raising. My wife likes baking, but that's ridiculous! The problem in the system is not the amount of flour, but the capacity to bag it for supermarkets. By buying sacks in bulk, we were helping.

So we offered flour to our neighbours on our recently created WhatsApp group, and so far we've sold or given away about half of it - it turns out everyone else was out of flour and desperate to get some too.

Brakes said to spread the word, so that's what I'm doing. We also bought a big pack of burgers and steaks, and I had a burger on the barbecue this evening which was very tasty. 

Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2023/24 0 cm; 2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
John Mason
23 April 2020 22:34:49
Here I can report that roads are only a little busier and that is mainly farmers moving stock about, plus a few tradesmen. Visitors seem to have gotten the message, which is good. The thing is not to spread the virus from community to community - by which in rural terms I mean from one largish district to another, and if we can keep city folk away that will continue to work for everyone. It is all about buying time, however futile that may seem to some. The longer we can keep it this way, the more time science has to throw everything at it. What's the alternative?

Worst case scenario is vaccine impossible and herd immunity very limited or nonexistent - I do not need to spell out the consequences in that case - but let's keep going and have some hope in these dark times. Better things are possible.
John p
23 April 2020 22:51:14

The man is certifiable.  He seems to want to inject people with sunlight and bleach.

25th amendment soon, surely?


Camberley, Surrey
Whether Idle
23 April 2020 23:06:54



If the lockdown continues beyond June, I will lose my job. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

Thats terrible.  If the Tories hadn't messed  up so badly you would be in a better position.  Shame you dont live in Germany or Aus, NZ or many European countries.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
The Beast from the East
23 April 2020 23:07:35

The man is certifiable.  He seems to want to inject people with sunlight and bleach.

25th amendment soon, surely?


Originally Posted by: John p 

Shame, as the scientist actually came up with some very good news - sunlight and humidity kill the virus. We knew that anyway by the lack of cases in hot countries 

But when the weather gets colder again, the second wave could be worse just like Spanish flu

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
24 April 2020 05:01:16


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