I agree the current lockdown should continue for another 3 weeks,but this is the absolute maximum it can go on for.Most people are oblivious to the economic shitstorm that is going to hit very hard in the second half of this year and continue for a long time and will be like nothing anyone has experienced in their lifetimes! I suspect most of those saying they are all in favour of the lockdown continuing is because they are still working or have been furloughed as well as falsely feeling better off having taken mortgage and credit card holidays.The mood will quickly change this week when Rishi Sunak announces the measures to taper off the furlough scheme and especially in the coming months when more and more start to experience financial hardship,redunancy and unemployment.Not too mention the numbers of renters that will face eviction over the summer. Many jobs that will be lost will never come back especially so in the hospitality,tourism,travel and other non essential sectors.
It looks like the govt are realising this and will open up as much of the economy as possible after the next bank holiday balancing this against an acceptable level of casualties and making sure the nhs can cope.There has to be a trade off between the economic cost and the health cost it cannot be one or the other. This time now is the calm before the storm!!
Originally Posted by: springsunshine