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Rob K
19 July 2022 12:50:46


It can't possibly be 23C in Ruislip surely?

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

That was posted at 12.03am 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
19 July 2022 12:51:02

IMBY had a brief temp jump to 39.2c at circa 12:20, bounced around in the 38s for a while but dropped last little while and now wobbling around 36.9/37c.

Quite a strong breeze has developed - not sure if that helped with temps and dragged some hotter continental air up, or hindered by mixing it up too much.

I imagine you can knock a degree or two off those temps but even so pretty high. 

Looking forward to the first cold front moving through and cooling things down so they're merely uncomfortable

Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
19 July 2022 12:51:16



In YOUR opinion. To which you are fully entitled.

I am merely commenting on this event as was the OP who I was responding to.

I stand by the fact that belittling people who post here with good intention is below the belt.


Originally Posted by: Tom Rance 

The trend is not my opinion.

Rob K
19 July 2022 12:52:01
Wind has swung to the SE and the temp responded by rising to 36.2 (at Blackbushe). Hottest of this spell and may be the hottest I have ever seen at that station (would have to check).
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Brian Gaze
19 July 2022 12:52:39

temperature been dropping quite quickly here, now at 23 after a high of 37 today. Had hoped we might get a record high minimum but we've already missed out on that and going to be a lower starting temp for tomorrows chase than i was expecting.

Originally Posted by: NDunwell 

Has the heat got to you?  I'm reporting 40.3C 20 miles or so from you.  

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
19 July 2022 12:54:37


It can't possibly be 23C in Ruislip surely?

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Its was at midnight yes  Was hoping we'd stay over 25 but london temperatures dropped surprisingly more compared to surrey area

Ruislip (2 miles from the Northolt recording station)
19 July 2022 12:55:00


That was posted at 12.03am 

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Yes - I realised - deleted now.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Tom Rance
19 July 2022 12:55:27


The trend is not my opinion.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


Well, best outlaw any debate on it then, its settled!! 


I'd like to put on record that I am not expressing a view either way on the GW debate. I simply do not have enough information or access to data on what is an enormous topic, and simply cannot be expressed in a few words on an internet forum.

However, trying to belittle and shut people down for saying as much is a very dangerous precedent.

Cambridgeshire, Ouse Valley, 40ft AMSL.
Rob K
19 July 2022 12:56:33

I’m worried about my rabbits, hope they can get through the next couple of hours.
They are in the shade, given them frozen 2l water bottles wrapped in wet towels (which they are ignoring), lots of fresh water, cold carrot slices etc.
They don’t look happy! Even tried spraying their fur with fine mist of cold water but that just makes them leg it - last thing I want is to over exert them.
Bringing them inside is not much of a choice either, hutch is too big for me to lift on my own, plus very hot inside anyway.
Any other pet owners concerned?

Originally Posted by: John p 


Haha, I could have written this exact post (except we only have 1). She has been lying in the shade panting, I have given her a frozen water bottle wrapped in a towel but she won't really lie on it. I tried misting her with water but she just flinches and looks annoyed. She used to have a burrow she had dug in the garden, but we had to move her a few weeks ago due to building works starting! I feel bad about that as it would be a lot cooler underground.


BTW John your inbox is full!

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
19 July 2022 12:56:34
On the subject of warm nights Aberdeen (officially) had its warmest night on record, and the overnight low in my garden was 19.3°C.
19 July 2022 12:57:05


Has the heat got to you?  I'm reporting 40.3C 20 miles or so from you.  

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

eh why are people quoting my post from 12.03 am. Ruislip temp at MIDNIGHT was 23C. It's over 39C right now!!!

Ruislip (2 miles from the Northolt recording station)
19 July 2022 12:57:29


Have you thought about going outside if you like heat....?

Originally Posted by: Tom Rance 

Yes in the Garden many times and really amainzg to feel the Nicosia average summer day.  Indoors now 35-37C and all the stuff is warm when you touch.

19 July 2022 12:58:01



Haha, I could have written this exact post (except we only have 1). She has been lying in the shade panting, I have given her a frozen water bottle wrapped in a towel but she won't really lie on it. I tried misting her with water but she just flinches and looks annoyed. She used to have a burrow she had dug in the garden, but we had to move her a few weeks ago due to building works starting! I feel bad about that as it would be a lot cooler underground.


BTW John your inbox is full!

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

I've tried all of that! They don't lie on the frozen bottles!


I've just bought them in and given them the kitchen floor.🤷‍♂️

[email protected]
19 July 2022 12:58:08



In YOUR opinion. To which you are fully entitled.

I am merely commenting on this event as was the OP who I was responding to.

I stand by the fact that belittling people who post here with good intention is below the belt.


Originally Posted by: Tom Rance 

No, in  the opinion of just about every recognised scientist and now 99.9% of politicians and normal people who believe in evidence based facts. Nut not for an argument on here, just go outside and measure the temperature. 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Tom Rance
19 July 2022 12:58:20


Yes in the Garden many times and really amainzg to feel the Nicosia average summer day.  Indoors now 35-37C and all the stuff is warm when you touch.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 


I once experienced 44c in Nicosia. Cray hot, but today is really pushing it here in the UK. Incredible!

Cambridgeshire, Ouse Valley, 40ft AMSL.
19 July 2022 12:58:22


The trend is not my opinion.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


TBF, the 'trend' is over a very short period of time in the grand scheme of the planet. But nevertheless, a trend is a trend



19 July 2022 12:59:07


Yes in the Garden many times and really amainzg to feel the Nicosia average summer day.  Indoors now 35-37C and all the stuff is warm when you touch.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Are you doing nothing to try to keep the temperature inside cooler??

[email protected]
19 July 2022 13:00:10
The temperature has stalled here at 35.5°C-36°C for the last hour or so. Signs that the cooler air is starting to show its hand? The forecasts did say any heating would struggle after 13:00, and there would be a drop by 15:00. Bang on forecast if right.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Hungry Tiger
19 July 2022 13:00:14


Has the heat got to you?  I'm reporting 40.3C 20 miles or so from you.  

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

If that can be classed as official then that is a new record. No reports yet of anything over that - Things seem to have peaked.

Anyway we've hit 40C.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

19 July 2022 13:00:45


Has the heat got to you?  I'm reporting 40.3C 20 miles or so from you.  

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

We both made the same mistake Brian - that was at 3.00 am   The heat's got to us !

S.Essex, 42m ASL
19 July 2022 13:01:23



TBF, the 'trend' is over a very short period of time in the grand scheme of the planet. But nevertheless, a trend is a trend

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

This is true and I will swerve back on topic to say this morning’s trend of falling temperatures in NE Scotland is being reversed currently but I suspect it may be too late to get a new record in that part of the world today?

Tom Rance
19 July 2022 13:01:55


No, in  the opinion of just about every recognised scientist and now 99.9% of politicians and normal people who believe in evidence based facts. Nut not for an argument on here, just go outside and measure the temperature. 

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

That may well be the case. But science is about questioning well held beliefs. Its how science works. Its how we further our knowledge. Just because the consensus says its right doesn't mean it is right. In this case it may well be 'right', but there is still value in questioning it in order to further understanding. Surely people can see that?

Cambridgeshire, Ouse Valley, 40ft AMSL.
noodle doodle
19 July 2022 13:02:05

Extraordinary. Time for climate change deniers to shut up for good. There can no longer be any debate that AGW is real. Maybe global warming denial should be made a criminal offence - these people represent an existant threat to the future of humanity and the urgent need to tackle climate change.

Originally Posted by: briggsy6 


No chance, it's a mix of psychological projection and laziness. Untrustworthy people always assume they're being lied to, so EU bad, Covid just the flu, climate change made up - pretty much 100% correlation. On the other hand tell them everything's fine and they will dig like rabbits for proof it isn't 🙂 - and lazy people will look for excuses why something isn't happening or even if it is, why there's nothing you can do

19 July 2022 13:02:50

 Are you doing nothing to try to keep the temperature inside cooler??

Originally Posted by: NickR 

He's probably doing the opposite and has the oven switched on all day with its door open.

Tom Rance
19 July 2022 13:02:57

Anyway back on topic, I seem to be stuck at 39.7c. 

'Stuck' haha - I just want to see 40c as we are so close!

Cambridgeshire, Ouse Valley, 40ft AMSL.
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