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  • four
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
24 September 2022 09:58:50

I only had (battery) time to record TL about 5 minutes so clips were short but stretched them a bit by slowing frame rate.
Next time we get this effect I will max it out could go for at least 20 minutes


24 September 2022 15:49:52
Fantastic sequence - thanks for sharing. Looks a really beautiful part of the world.
Aboyne, Aberdeenshire
135m asl
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
24 September 2022 22:53:17

Very fine pictures

I've seen fog in the Weald of Kent sloshing about in slow motion, oscillating to be higher on the northern side, then back to the south and repeat with a period of about an hour, lasting nearly all day.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
  • four
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
25 September 2022 06:15:22

The surprising thing is though you can discern movement while watching or normal speed video it is actually moving much faster than you might think.
I find quite often you look out and see at least some fog like this, but by the time you get a camera sorted out it has almost gone - so a very brief ephemeral thing.

25 September 2022 06:27:41

Very nice footage! 

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