If the November CET finished at 7.6c (calculated as 25 days at 8.4c and 5 days at 3.5c), the table at end November would be as below.
This is shown as how far from the top each person is, which may be of assistance when making your December prediction.
grandad 0
bolty 0.02
rickm 0.04
stomchaser 0.46
gezm 0.74
caz 0.82
dingle rob 1.20
scillydave 1.69
jmm2005 1.95
artzeman 2.08
tierradelfuego 2.14
snowshoe 2.19
taylor1740 2.43
ap snowman 2.59
kendalian 2.80
sswd 3.24
windywillow 3.25
hungry tiger 3.70
lanky 3.89
frank h 3.93
sussex snow magnet 3.94
col 4.14
bertwhistle 5.19
redmoons 5.98
Originally Posted by: Frank H