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19 June 2024 14:30:09

Yes but the anomalies in the map will be based on local values not UK-wide values. That was somewhat my point, despite the lower anomalies the temperatures that pictures posted were still achieved. This  is the link to the absolute averaged seasonal maxima.

Edit: One of the purposes of the anomaly maps serve is to give an impression of what the weather in your locality was like compared to what would be expected if you got the “average” weather for time period. They have their uses and their flaws.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

That i posted?? The temperatures that i mentioned were primarily summer so far, except for reference to temperatures around 26C being achieved a couple of times in spring.  I don't recall saying spring was below average temperature wise either just that it was largely rubbish. 
19 June 2024 16:38:00

That i posted?? The temperatures that i mentioned were primarily summer so far, except for reference to temperatures around 26C being achieved a couple of times in spring.  I don't recall saying spring was below average temperature wise either just that it was largely rubbish. 

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

Yes, I realise that and my initial comments were in relation to the spring temperatures, indicating how despite a mediocre spring the climate in your neck of the woods still allowed warmer temperatures such as 26°C. You didn’t say it was below average, neither did I. You seem to have misinterpreted my post. I said that the temperatures you posted (referring to the spring 26°C) were achieved despite the fact that (positive) anomalies for your area were lower than elsewhere. I didn’t say they were negative i.e. below average.

My original comment in reply to your post was “It just goes to show the difference in the climate in that part of the country as parts of the south coast were one of the few areas of the UK not to have above average daily max temperatures in the spring”. That was it.

Anything that followed was a rather pedantic discussion on what technically constitutes above average temperatures.
19 June 2024 18:12:45

Yes, I realise that and my initial comments were in relation to the spring temperatures, indicating how despite a mediocre spring the climate in your neck of the woods still allowed warmer temperatures such as 26°C. You didn’t say it was below average, neither did I. You seem to have misinterpreted my post. I said that the temperatures you posted (referring to the spring 26°C) were achieved despite the fact that (positive) anomalies for your area were lower than elsewhere. I didn’t say they were negative i.e. below average.

My original comment in reply to your post was “It just goes to show the difference in the climate in that part of the country as parts of the south coast were one of the few areas of the UK not to have above average daily max temperatures in the spring”. That was it.

Anything that followed was a rather pedantic discussion on what technically constitutes above average temperatures.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

The positive anomalies for my area and indeed most of the south coast are on par with the majority of the rest of the UK in the chart you posted. Its just an area roughly containing the New Forest and the IOW that would seem to have been average..

The reasons you'll probably find that people were complaining about the spring down here would have been because of the excess rain & cloudiness. 
19 June 2024 18:41:56

The positive anomalies for my area and indeed most of the south coast are on par with the majority of the rest of the UK in the chart you posted. Its just an area roughly containing the New Forest and the IOW that would seem to have been average..

The reasons you'll probably find that people were complaining about the spring down here would have been because of the excess rain & cloudiness. 

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

Yes there quite a lot of them on NW forum are from the south coast and it mstly related to the clouds and rain.   Nomrallyi south coast are the best place for sunshine, dryness and shower-free zone but not the case now for some parts of the coasts.  Eastbourne still hold the titile for being the most sunniest place and until now no other place beat that.  Some partrs just few miles inland are proper frost hollow as well.
22 June 2024 12:16:19

Probably still result in N or E winds with cloud here. Doesn't seem to matter what the synoptics are any more🤢

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Was spot on with that statement. All the 'warmer' weather has brought is more toxic grey crud. Supposed to be the best weekend of the year and it is utterly vile yet again.

Forecast was for early cloud to clear with plenty of sunshine and a max of 20C. The reality is the complete opposite. Early sun disappeared by 10am to leave more foul ugly grey overcast thick enough to give a period of light rain and the temperature is a dire 15C. The worst day since last Sunday. Yesterday was crap as well but at least it stayed dry.

Nobody would be allowed to be this usless at their job and get away with it time again. These clowns are arrogant to claim forecast accuracy has improved beyond recognition yet they are always completely wrong. There has never been a time during my life when forecasts have consistently proved utter garbage within a timeframe of less than 24 hours.

I really don't know how I can go on enduring this filth every weekend. Getting no enjoyment out of live whatsoever. It went beyond depressing a long time ago. This is far worse than the 2007-12 summers. At least back then we had seen some good weather each spring. This year we have had nothing. Just month after month of abject misery 🤮
Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
22 June 2024 21:35:56

Was spot on with that statement. All the 'warmer' weather has brought is more toxic grey crud. Supposed to be the best weekend of the year and it is utterly vile yet again.

Forecast was for early cloud to clear with plenty of sunshine and a max of 20C. The reality is the complete opposite. Early sun disappeared by 10am to leave more foul ugly grey overcast thick enough to give a period of light rain and the temperature is a dire 15C. The worst day since last Sunday. Yesterday was crap as well but at least it stayed dry.

Nobody would be allowed to be this usless at their job and get away with it time again. These clowns are arrogant to claim forecast accuracy has improved beyond recognition yet they are always completely wrong. There has never been a time during my life when forecasts have consistently proved utter garbage within a timeframe of less than 24 hours.

I really don't know how I can go on enduring this filth every weekend. Getting no enjoyment out of live whatsoever. It went beyond depressing a long time ago. This is far worse than the 2007-12 summers. At least back then we had seen some good weather each spring. This year we have had nothing. Just month after month of abject misery 🤮

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

According to Michael (otherwise known as the Doc or Doctormog on here), today was actually quite a nice day in your part of the world today, and you at least got into the low 20s°C in Aberdeen during yesterday.

Here in Edinburgh, yet more cloud spoiled yet another day after a sunny start. We now have 8 days left in this month and we yet we still haven't recorded a even a single 20+°C maximum temperature here since the very first day of this month.

All of a sudden, it just seems to be asking too much for us get a 20+°C maximum here even though there are places even further north than the Arctic Circle which have been known to experience temperatures approaching 30°C at this time of year.

What's happening just now is the complete polar and summer opposite of what happens all too often during the winter when too much cloud and sometimes too much wind causes the temperatures at night to refuse to drop, thus preventing us from getting a frost on that particular night.

Now, it is clear that too much cloud is preventing our temperatures from exceeding or even reaching that elusive 20°C mark at the moment.😡
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
23 June 2024 07:03:37

According to Michael (otherwise known as the Doc or Doctormog on here), today was actually quite a nice day in your part of the world today, and you at least got into the low 20s°C in Aberdeen during yesterday.

Here in Edinburgh, yet more cloud spoiled yet another day after a sunny start. We now have 8 days left in this month and we yet we still haven't recorded a even a single 20+°C maximum temperature here since the very first day of this month.

All of a sudden, it just seems to be asking too much for us get a 20+°C maximum here even though there are places even further north than the Arctic Circle which have been known to experience temperatures approaching 30°C at this time of year.

What's happening just now is the complete polar and summer opposite of what happens all too often during the winter when too much cloud and sometimes too much wind causes the temperatures at night to refuse to drop, thus preventing us from getting a frost on that particular night.

Now, it is clear that too much cloud is preventing our temperatures from exceeding or even reaching that elusive 20°C mark at the moment.😡

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

The main severe issue is the clouds that destroy anything good on the way, got eyes and timer to attack same time as sun rise and this morning I caught them red handed as thin dirty clouds was waiting in the west for the sun then speed up to block it.  Try again tomorrow as today automatically write off for another attempt to get wall to wall sunshine. We don’t even allow sunny days on average temperatures or below only compulsory limited during a heatwave.
23 June 2024 13:15:17 

27C with lot of sunshine there, so shame on you UK climate that cannot cope with those temperatures so brought clouds in to stop it.  Like what John said in Edinburgh did not go over 20C is very embassing that our location are further south than Arctic Circle are cooler than them.  I see tourists wearing shorts and t-shirts on.
23 June 2024 18:50:52 

27C with lot of sunshine there, so shame on you UK climate that cannot cope with those temperatures so brought clouds in to stop it.  Like what John said in Edinburgh did not go over 20C is very embassing that our location are further south than Arctic Circle are cooler than them.  I see tourists wearing shorts and t-shirts on.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

For one that is clearly in an exposed setting so that won't be accurate, and the actual top temperature there was 22.4C today. 

Secondly you're seemingly forgetting that we live in a maritime climate rather than a somewhat more continental type that other parts of Europe especially central & eastern have. 

Both Helisink & Stockholm have warmer summer averages than somewhere like Manchester despite being much further north.  July avenges for Helsinki 22.5C Stockholm 23.6C and Manchester 21C.

Here is a link to a weather stations in Rovaniemi Finland 
24 June 2024 08:07:36
A very cool, wet, stormy showery election day for most, as a low pressure takes control of UK, according to this morning's GFS. A bad sign for July and August. 😞
24 June 2024 13:31:03

A very cool, wet, stormy showery election day for most, as a low pressure takes control of UK, according to this morning's GFS. A bad sign for July and August. 😞

Originally Posted by: ozone_aurora 

 Election day might well be cool and showery but it has no bearing on the rest of the summers weather. What is your reasoning for it being a bad sign?🤔
24 June 2024 14:23:49

Election day might well be cool and showery but it has no bearing on the rest of the summers weather. What is your reasoning for it being a bad sign?🤔

Originally Posted by: bledur 

Well said!!

That's like saying that because we don't get a white Christmas, we won't get a cold winter or that a white Christmas will lead to a cold winter.

There has been many instances of where we have had a technical white Christmas within what has ended up being a mild winter, and there have also been cold winters in the past in which we have not had a white Christmas.

Going by that logic, we can therefore just as equally say that what happens on General Election Day is not in any way going to dictate what this entire summer is going to be like because it could end up being a really good summer with Election Day being a relatively poor blip within that, or we could equally end up with a poor summer overall but with the Election Day just happening to land within one of its better spells of weather.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
24 June 2024 14:43:42

A very cool, wet, stormy showery election day for most, as a low pressure takes control of UK, according to this morning's GFS. A bad sign for July and August. 😞

Originally Posted by: ozone_aurora 

Come back, St Swithin, all is forgiven😉
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
25 June 2024 03:53:17
The first full day of unpleasantness... the thermometer was stuck between 24 and 25 most of the day yesterday, and unbroken sunshine all day long and no wind for much of the afternoon meant my house turned into a sauna. 29C upstairs by early evening and it's still 25C now, even with the windows open all night. Downstairs was 25C, falling to 22C this morning.

Even the portable a/c struggled... getting down to 23C, and making a right racket too (I had my window closed, of course, and blocked up the doorway as best I could). I turned it off just before midnight, having been unable to sleep very well with it going DRRRR.... DRRRR.... DRRRR.... out in the hallway. My reward was a sweaty, sticky night where my bed was damp from sweat this morning. Wondefrul, not... utter cack, frankly.

Beats me how anyone can enjoy sleeping in these conditions, it really does!

Two more crud nights to come, and the usual pattern is 3 crap nights then an okay one through sheer exhaustion.
Leysdown, north Kent
25 June 2024 05:42:15

The first full day of unpleasantness... the thermometer was stuck between 24 and 25 most of the day yesterday, and unbroken sunshine all day long and no wind for much of the afternoon meant my house turned into a sauna. 29C upstairs by early evening and it's still 25C now, even with the windows open all night. Downstairs was 25C, falling to 22C this morning.

Even the portable a/c struggled... getting down to 23C, and making a right racket too (I had my window closed, of course, and blocked up the doorway as best I could). I turned it off just before midnight, having been unable to sleep very well with it going DRRRR.... DRRRR.... DRRRR.... out in the hallway. My reward was a sweaty, sticky night where my bed was damp from sweat this morning. Wondefrul, not... utter cack, frankly.

Beats me how anyone can enjoy sleeping in these conditions, it really does!

Two more crud nights to come, and the usual pattern is 3 crap nights then an okay one through sheer exhaustion.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Here in Edinburgh, we generally don't those really hot and stuffy nights in summer like what you get down south (as far as I know, there has never been an official tropical night recorded at Edinburgh Gogarbank according to any official records whereas tropical nights appear to occur on a regular basis every year in certain locations down there).

However, it can still get fairly hot and stuffy here nevertheless, and last night was our first night of this summer which was like that. When it's like that though, I tend to just sleep on top of my bed without going under any of the covers and I tend to get quite a good sleep that way. Later on as it gets a bit cooler in the early hours of the next morning, I might then go under the covers for the rest of the time in which I'm in bed although it doesn't always cool down by enough to allow me to do that.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
25 June 2024 05:47:18
It was a warm night here too with an overnight low of 16.8°C. 

On a different note we did have a very impressive 16.2 hours of sunshine here yesterday!
Chunky Pea
25 June 2024 06:14:36
Very dull but a thankfully cooler morning relatively speaking with a low of 12.6c, with a slight northerly breeze that I am letting run through the house. 
Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
25 June 2024 06:17:59

It was a warm night here too with an overnight low of 16.8°C. 

On a different note we did have a very impressive 16.2 hours of sunshine here yesterday!

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

In complete contrast to that, we were only able to muster up a total of 6.4 hours of sunshine during yesterday at Edinburgh Gogarbank due to that all too familiar issue of there being too much cloud around.

Sunday was a bit sunnier though and with that, we managed to clock up a total of 12.3 hours of sunshine at Edinburgh Gogarbank but that still wasn't enough to give us our sunniest day of the year or even our sunniest day of this month or this summer.

Although our sunshine totals during this summer up until now have been better than they were during the spring (that wouldn't exactly be difficult though given just how grim that was), the fact of the matter here is that even with our best spell of weather of this summer so far which has given us our warmest day of the year so far (although it can still get even hotter than that at this time of year), we still haven't been able to get a completely sunny day out of that here in Edinburgh.

Meanwhile, it has now clouded over yet again after a sunny start to the day and with that, our chances of getting our sunniest day of the year from this particular spell of weather has now probably gone, given the latest forecasts.

That is such a shame because we're only less than a week past the summer solstice which means that if we were able to get a completely sunny day just now, that would probably be enough to give us a sunshine total for that day which would already be virtually guaranteed to give us our sunniest day of the year in the final statistics for this year due to the now shortening daylight length.

Sadly though, that has now become something which we are unlikely to see for now at least. This year's highest daily total at Edinburgh Gogarbank as I write is 13.9 hours of sunshine as recorded on the very first day of this month, but we should be capable of doing better than that and if that ends up being our highest total of this year in the final statistics, that will be very poor fare indeed given just much available daylight that we have at this time of year.😡
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
26 June 2024 20:49:21
A short-lived spell of very warm weather, but I used today the best I could. My girlfriend and I took a daytrip to Lytham St Annes this afternoon and both got decent tans in the strong sunshine. There was also the obligatory ice cream and chippy lunch in there too. I prefer Lytham massively over Blackpool as it's quieter and not full of drunken idiots.

It was a great day and hopefully there will be more spells of nice weather this summer, though the models at the moment don't fill me with much hope.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Saint Snow
26 June 2024 22:01:37

A short-lived spell of very warm weather, but I used today the best I could. My girlfriend and I took a daytrip to Lytham St Annes this afternoon and both got decent tans in the strong sunshine. There was also the obligatory ice cream and chippy lunch in there too. I prefer Lytham massively over Blackpool as it's quieter and not full of drunken idiots.It was a great day and hopefully there will be more spells of nice weather this summer, though the models at the moment don't fill me with much hope.

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

So did you go to St Annes (pier) or Lytham (windmill)?

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
26 June 2024 22:04:31

So did you go to St Annes (pier) or Lytham (windmill)?

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

St Annes. We sat around the pier for a bit then walked up into the town centre.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
27 June 2024 15:58:20
Today highlights my issue with cooler weather in summer perfectly. The cooler temperatures themselves are no issue. Sometimes they can actually be quite pleasant after a hot few days, in fact. But why do they always have to come with a bloody 30mph wind and rain laden skies? I've hardly seen any sunshine at all today.

Is a 19-22 °C day with sunshine a light winds really that much to ask?
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Chunky Pea
27 June 2024 20:13:24
Max today was 13c, and that was recorded at midnight. Hovered nearer to 12c all day and similar this evening and yet, it still feels clammy as hell. 

In contrast, I was getting 30c plus at this point in 2018! All averages out in the end I guess.
Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Saint Snow
27 June 2024 22:58:17
So thankful it stayed dry for my youngest's prom.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
28 June 2024 14:30:37
Here in Edinburgh, the temperature at 3pm BST which should be the warmest time of the day has now dropped to just a dismal 12°C as this "summer" continues to go completely down the toilet pan once again.

In fact, I've seen warmer days than this even in the middle of winter!!
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
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