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20 September 2011 11:25:02

That's him out before the weekend then........

I think most Arsenal fans are probably caught between sentimental loyalty to him and thinking that change would be for the best. No doubting his ability, certainly in those early years, but something have gone very wrong over the last 2 or 3 years.



David M Porter
20 September 2011 13:42:51

Arsenal's defence has been all over the place so far this season, which was exposed to the greatest degree by their 8-2 mauling at Old Trafford three weeks ago. There was a time not so long ago when it would have been almost unheard of for Arsenal to have conceded half that number of goals in a match. I think that now with hindsight, their collpase against Newcastle at St James' Park last season when they drew 4-4 having led 4-0 at one stage was the first indication that all wasn't well.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Nordic Snowman
20 September 2011 18:03:12

All I can say to the season so far is this:

Bjorli, Norway

22 September 2011 22:38:00

Haven't checked the following, but:

Hodgson: P31 W13 D9 L9

Dalglish: P30 W15 D6 L9.

So, by my reckoning that's £13m net spend per extra point under Dalglish, although Dalglish has two games in hand.

28 September 2011 13:00:06

Surely the biggest surprise of the entire season Sunderland 4 v 0 Stoke

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

And here's perhaps the least surprising development of this season, so far. What a mong.

Super Cell
30 September 2011 21:39:18

A sign of the times. Everton v Liverpool not (yet) sold out!

Basically if you're the most part time of part time Toffees fans you're in.

Has that ever happened?

Farnley/Pudsey Leeds
40m asl
30 September 2011 22:13:49

A sign of the times. Everton v Liverpool not (yet) sold out!

Basically if you're the most part time of part time Toffees fans you're in.

Has that ever happened?

Originally Posted by: Super Cell 

Perhaps, just perhaps, it may reflect some fans being thoroughly and utterly pi$$ed off with Bill Kenwright and the way he's running the club.

What's clear is that all is not well up there.

Saint Snow
01 October 2011 08:34:53

A sign of the times. Everton v Liverpool not (yet) sold out!

Basically if you're the most part time of part time Toffees fans you're in.

Has that ever happened?

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Perhaps, just perhaps, it may reflect some fans being thoroughly and utterly pi$$ed off with Bill Kenwright and the way he's running the club.

What's clear is that all is not well up there.

Originally Posted by: Super Cell 

Everton are given 'business advice' by those doyens if honesty and fairmindedness, Phillip Green and Terry Leahy, I'm sure everything is above board....


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
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Aneurin Bevan
Matty H
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01 October 2011 12:12:43

What a dreadful decision. All I keep reading is how great Suarez is. He may well be, but he's still a namby pamby cheat like the rest of them

01 October 2011 12:13:22

Martin Atkinson - what a bellend. A straight red for Rodwell? He must be aving a larf. 

We may as well outlaw tackling if Rodwell is going to be sent off for that.

Snow Hoper
01 October 2011 12:28:51

What a dreadful decision. All I keep reading is how great Suarez is. He may well be, but he's still a namby pamby cheat like the rest of them

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

He's in the same basket as El Hadji Diouf as a person

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
Matty H
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01 October 2011 12:31:46

And there's another example

Matty H
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01 October 2011 12:32:36

What a save! It's not like it was even taken badly

01 October 2011 13:21:29

The greasy haired pikey scores.

Make no mistake though, this is a poor Liverpool team that has created little, but has taken its chances. Which I suppose is the bottom line.

If Liverpool play like this against Shiteh, United or the Chavs, however, they are going to get murdered.

Snow Hoper
01 October 2011 14:03:22

Poxy Ref cost me points in the scores challenge. Liverpool would have been thumped if they hadn't have bunged him a backhander

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
Snow Hoper
02 October 2011 12:59:59

Has anyone told Bolton there's a football match being played at their ground?

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
02 October 2011 13:01:33

Cetainly not the goalkeeper. This could be a rout.

Snow Hoper
02 October 2011 13:04:34

Cetainly not the goalkeeper. This could be a rout.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Granted he's had a stinker but you cannot allow David Luiz to run from in his own half to the edge of your box without so much as a fart in his way

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
02 October 2011 13:07:02
Lot of the fans seem to be leaving already............oh dear
02 October 2011 18:16:26

Poor performance by Spurs, which goes to show how poor Arsenal actually are.

'Arry got his tactics wrong again - but hey, a win is a win.

Saint Snow
02 October 2011 19:58:45

What a dreadful decision. All I keep reading is how great Suarez is. He may well be, but he's still a namby pamby cheat like the rest of them

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Awful decision to straight red him, but the follow-through did clean Suarez out (no matter how Ronaldo'esque tendancies a player may have, they can't make their legs fly out from under them like that when in mid-air)

Saying that, if Atkinson hadn't have sent Rodwell off, he may not have bottled a couple of definite straight reds later in the game.

And perhaps if Everton had tried to play football instead of breaky-leggy with their opponents, they may have got something out of the game. I'm critical of how the game has become a pansy-fest, but some of the two-feet-off-the-ground tackles that flew in from the bitters would have had even a 1970's pundit raising an eyebrow.

As for Liverpool's quality, they're still well short of what's needed.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
02 October 2011 20:44:44

Poor performance by Spurs, which goes to show how poor Arsenal actually are.

'Arry got his tactics wrong again - but hey, a win is a win.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Agree with you 100% Spurs were poor but arsenal were a shower of s****

i remember laughing when you said Sandros a class act..(when you said he was our best player more or less) i take that back after watching him albeit breifly today you were spot on,a real worker with the likes of Bale VDV etc i was blinded but i see what you mean...maybe arry will give him a start now he seems fully fit,cause the man deserves it

Parker was man of the match for me worked his tail off.....maybe this will or should i say this will be the year when arsenal will be left way behind us come next may

02 October 2011 21:39:37

Poor performance by Spurs, which goes to show how poor Arsenal actually are.

'Arry got his tactics wrong again - but hey, a win is a win.

Originally Posted by: DTHFCJ 

Agree with you 100% Spurs were poor but arsenal were a shower of s****

i remember laughing when you said Sandros a class act..(when you said he was our best player more or less) i take that back after watching him albeit breifly today you were spot on,a real worker with the likes of Bale VDV etc i was blinded but i see what you mean...maybe arry will give him a start now he seems fully fit,cause the man deserves it

Parker was man of the match for me worked his tail off.....maybe this will or should i say this will be the year when arsenal will be left way behind us come next may

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

'Arry persists with a static and old fashioned 4-4-2 (like today) or the slightly more flexible 4-1-4-1. What he needs to do is play Parker and Sandro TOGETHER in a 4-2-3-1.

The pairing of Parker (terrier-like ball winner) and Sandro (classic midfield destroyer) has every chance of becoming one of the best defensive midfield pairings in the EPL.

One thing is for sure, we wouldn't have received the hammerings at the hands of United and Shiteh if either or both of them had been available.

02 October 2011 21:56:58

Poor performance by Spurs, which goes to show how poor Arsenal actually are.

'Arry got his tactics wrong again - but hey, a win is a win.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Agree with you 100% Spurs were poor but arsenal were a shower of s****

i remember laughing when you said Sandros a class act..(when you said he was our best player more or less) i take that back after watching him albeit breifly today you were spot on,a real worker with the likes of Bale VDV etc i was blinded but i see what you mean...maybe arry will give him a start now he seems fully fit,cause the man deserves it

Parker was man of the match for me worked his tail off.....maybe this will or should i say this will be the year when arsenal will be left way behind us come next may

Originally Posted by: DTHFCJ 

'Arry persists with a static and old fashioned 4-4-2 (like today) or the slightly more flexible 4-1-4-1. What he needs to do is play Parker and Sandro TOGETHER in a 4-2-3-1.

The pairing of Parker (terrier-like ball winner) and Sandro (classic midfield destroyer) has every chance of becoming one of the best defensive midfield pairings in the EPL.

One thing is for sure, we wouldn't have received the hammerings at the hands of United and Shiteh if either or both of them had been available.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

theres no doubt at all things are looking up for the Spurs Ekotto has impressed me alot the last couple of seasons and he gets better each season,the occasional wayward pass but bar that looks a class act,big Brad between the sticks our defence shaping up very nicely ..and if King can play regular Dawson to come back and Gallas,and a  midfield with a combination of silky skills and force and a potent stikeforce its looking like we could be right up there come the end

as for the utd and city games i agree with you regarding Sandro and Parker  aint we come along way since jenas and palacios

03 October 2011 08:31:48

'Arry persists with a static and old fashioned 4-4-2 (like today) or the slightly more flexible 4-1-4-1. What he needs to do is play Parker and Sandro TOGETHER in a 4-2-3-1.

The pairing of Parker (terrier-like ball winner) and Sandro (classic midfield destroyer) has every chance of becoming one of the best defensive midfield pairings in the EPL.

One thing is for sure, we wouldn't have received the hammerings at the hands of United and Shiteh if either or both of them had been available.

Originally Posted by: DTHFCJ 

theres no doubt at all things are looking up for the Spurs Ekotto has impressed me alot the last couple of seasons and he gets better each season,the occasional wayward pass but bar that looks a class act,big Brad between the sticks our defence shaping up very nicely ..and if King can play regular Dawson to come back and Gallas,and a  midfield with a combination of silky skills and force and a potent stikeforce its looking like we could be right up there come the end

as for the utd and city games i agree with you regarding Sandro and Parker  aint we come along way since jenas and palacios

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I don't think they *need* to be used in a 4-2-3-1, but that would certainly be useful away at the big sides. In fairness, I think Harry saw Arsenal as a team with their tail betyween thier legs and wanted to try and exploit that. The fact that they harried and pressured in the middle of the park far better than they have done all season isn't really his fault, plus the change was made when we were under pressure.

As for Daws and Gallas, as much as I think they are both great players I wouldn't shift them in to the team if King and Kaboul stay fit. Kaboul was simply immense yeaterday and fully deserves his place.

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