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Matty H
  • Matty H
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25 October 2011 18:27:14
Sorry, you're wrong 😄 I'll repeat again, tell me his past isn't littered with instances on and off the pitch. You can't deny it, and yet again it comes to the fore this week. Whether he said black c*** or blind c*** is neither here nor there. It's worth noting he hasnt denied saying black c***, and Ferdinand has hardly leapt to his defence yet either. Also, the police tonight are reporting they are investigating and incident of alleged racism. Even taking this one aside, his past is an embarrassing record of mouthing off, nightclub brawls and infidelity (unless you buy into the NoTW reporting it without doing the correct research and looking silly) The bloke is disgusting.
25 October 2011 18:46:44

Sorry, you're wrong 😄 I'll repeat again, tell me his past isn't littered with instances on and off the pitch. You can't deny it, and yet again it comes to the fore this week. Whether he said black c*** or blind c*** is neither here nor there. It's worth noting he hasnt denied saying black c***, and Ferdinand has hardly leapt to his defence yet either. Also, the police tonight are reporting they are investigating and incident of alleged racism. Even taking this one aside, his past is an embarrassing record of mouthing off, nightclub brawls and infidelity (unless you buy into the NoTW reporting it without doing the correct research and looking silly) The bloke is disgusting.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Sorry Matty it seems you swervered the Question I asked....

What behaviour is this? I know of One Public Disorder, tell me the others, tell me the ones you know of, I presume these are media stories you base your facts let's have them.

And as for your other ramblings i suggest you do your research and no the full facts before shooting from the hip in future, your views are your views fair enough .........

Terry issued a statement strongly denying the allegations immediately after they came to light following the match and on Tuesday afternoon Villas-Boas spoke on behalf of the club on the matter.

'John Terry has put out his statement and we fully back him,' he said.

'He is confident about it and he spoke to Anton after the game. Anton was present in our dressing room and for us it was an end of story. It is just a great misunderstanding and it is blown out of all proportion.

'The clubs are in touch with each other and for us the matter is over. We fully back the player.

'John Terry represents his country at the highest level, internationally, and people who represent their country should have fuller support, instead of stories based on speculation.'

Terry's statement on Sunday read as follows:

'I've seen that there's a lot of comments on the internet with regards to some video footage of me in today's game.

'I'm disappointed that people have leapt to the wrong conclusions about the context of what I was seen to be saying to Anton Ferdinand.

'I thought Anton was accusing me of using a racist slur against him. I responded aggressively, saying that I never used that term. I would never say such a thing, and I'm saddened that people would think so.


'I have known Anton for a long time and spoke to him about it after the game and there was no problem between us. I congratulated him on their win. He has not accused me of any wrongful remark. It was clear it was all a misunderstanding at the time. After the result today, I am saddened to be dealing with these wrongful allegations.


'I am the proud captain of one of the most internationally diverse teams in the Premier League and I absolutely believe that there is no place for racism in sport and indeed in any walk of life.'



Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
Matty H
  • Matty H
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25 October 2011 18:55:36
The Bentley fumble where he admitted he'd been unfaithful to his wife to be and said it would never happen again. Yeah right. The nightclub incident. He was cleared of wounding with a weapon etc, but the fight happened none-the-less. Another nightclub incident where he couldn't be bothered to walk to the toilet, so urinated in a pint glass and threw it on the floor. He was ejected from the club. The disrespectful 9/11 p***/up debacle. Parking in a disabled parking bay rather than pay for a space in the main carpark (hardly criminal I know, but still adds to his catalogue). All the above happened. There's more, but need I go on? He's hardly a great role model as either a human being or a footballer is he? The sad thing is he's not alone in his profession on this.
25 October 2011 19:05:02

The Bentley fumble where he admitted he'd been unfaithful to his wife to be and said it would never happen again. Yeah right. The nightclub incident. He was cleared of wounding with a weapon etc, but the fight happened none-the-less. Another nightclub incident where he couldn't be bothered to walk to the toilet, so urinated in a pint glass and threw it on the floor. He was ejected from the club. The disrespectful 9/11 p***/up debacle. Parking in a disabled parking bay rather than pay for a space in the main carpark (hardly criminal I know, but still adds to his catalogue). All the above happened. There's more, but need I go on? He's hardly a great role model as either a human being or a footballer is he? The sad thing is he's not alone in his profession on this.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

I would be very careful Matty before you state more of your media based stories,  more than one of them events above have been back tracked by the media and they have paid the price, and therefore your putting yourself in dangerous waters..

Your right about not alone in his profession though. What I would say though is if you was on a Night out with your lady and someone shouted abuse and threatened to slash both your faces I doubt you hold back and not protect. Then if you was famous anyone you meet could potentially set out to make money from a story.

Let's not steer away from the Racist Allegations though, It's important the truth comes out but it's only fair if both sides of it are shown.


Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
Matty H
  • Matty H
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25 October 2011 19:07:58
Hang on a sec. Mine is media based nonsense, but you give me a scenario and I have to treat yours as fact? You can't have it both ways
25 October 2011 19:10:24

Hang on a sec. Mine is media based nonsense, but you give me a scenario and I have to treat yours as fact? You can't have it both ways

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Please explain. To my knowledge what I have told you so far is FACT.


Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
Matty H
  • Matty H
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
25 October 2011 19:14:20
It's quite simple. You mention a scenario and how would I react, yet your scenario comes from the same media based nonsense (as you put it) yet you use it to try and disprove my argument. You've contradicted yourself 😂 Tell you what, though, I always had a feeling it was you, John. Got any free Chelsea tickets for your TWO pals? 😂
25 October 2011 19:24:05

It's quite simple. You mention a scenario and how would I react, yet your scenario comes from the same media based nonsense (as you put it) yet you use it to try and disprove my argument. You've contradicted yourself 😂 Tell you what, though, I always had a feeling it was you, John. Got any free Chelsea tickets for your TWO pals? 😂

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Sorry Matty I still think you are side stepping my first posts on this subject.

I'm pleased you mentioned media based nonsense though because if me and you was in that situation it would be nonsense and not even worth a story nothing more than a face to face square up, a little like the alledged Anton Night Club Punch up one or the alledged German International that alledgedly abused Anton in a England U21 game couple years back.

Always tomorrow's chip paper unless the likes of you hang onto it.

P.S I wonder what Big Brother Rio thinks? You think he might fancy getting back in the England Team and being Captain again ....Anyway after looking at footage like you obviously did I would say JT could of alledgedly said " Eh Blind C**t " to the Ref because the Ref was running back towards John after giving a decision against Chelsea, add to that Ashley Cole standing near John never looked towards JT which would be a suprise if the word BLACK was mentioned.

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
Snow Hoper
25 October 2011 21:26:47

This may come as a surprise (being a Chelsea fan) But as a person I can't stand the bloke. As a footballer he is overrated, and has an undertone of stirring up shite for the manager if its not going his way, in order to get the manager sacked. To this day, I still believe he had a hand in our (lack of) performance on the pitch at the World Cup (due IMO to the captaincy issue). He's good at making it look like he's fighting for the cause and stirring the pot at the same time

All IMO of course.

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
Matty H
  • Matty H
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25 October 2011 21:28:33
Spot on, and I know a lot of other Chelsea fans hold a similar opinion
The Beast from the East
25 October 2011 22:45:16

The Bentley fumble where he admitted he'd been unfaithful to his wife to be and said it would never happen again. Yeah right. The nightclub incident. He was cleared of wounding with a weapon etc, but the fight happened none-the-less. Another nightclub incident where he couldn't be bothered to walk to the toilet, so urinated in a pint glass and threw it on the floor. He was ejected from the club. The disrespectful 9/11 p***/up debacle. Parking in a disabled parking bay rather than pay for a space in the main carpark (hardly criminal I know, but still adds to his catalogue). All the above happened. There's more, but need I go on? He's hardly a great role model as either a human being or a footballer is he? The sad thing is he's not alone in his profession on this.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 


The man is an oaf and represents everything wrong with, not only the arrogance premier league football, but our debauched, aggressive, selfish society in general. It is shameful that he is the England captain, but in light of the recent riots and other social problems, perhaps he is the perfect representative!

On this incident, I don't think he's a racist, he's just a thug who will insult anyone that crosses him, using the first thing that comes into his tiny brain



"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Matty H
  • Matty H
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
26 October 2011 06:45:21
😁 All of a sudden the Carling Cup is the worlds premier cup competition.
m fish
26 October 2011 07:52:30
Chelsea mocking our club before the game saying there gonna give us a spanking
😂 🤣 priceless
West London is ours 😝
Saint Snow
26 October 2011 08:00:23

😁 All of a sudden the Carling Cup is the worlds premier cup competition.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

I think the Carling Cup is about our realistic level of ambition

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
26 October 2011 08:35:38

The man is an oaf and represents everything wrong with, not only the arrogance premier league football, but our debauched, aggressive, selfish society in general. It is shameful that he is the England captain, but in light of the recent riots and other social problems, perhaps he is the perfect representative!

On this incident, I don't think he's a racist, he's just a thug who will insult anyone that crosses him, using the first thing that comes into his tiny brain



Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Couldn't agree more, I said 3 or 4 years ago that the reason he is always seen to be making last ditch tackles is that he ALWAYS out of position. I also said that without Carvalho doing his thinking for him, as he is clearly one of the stupidest in a long ling of very stupid English footballers, he would be half the player and I have seen nothing since to change my mind.

No smoke without fire I say and there has been too much smoke surrounding John Terry for there to have been no fires



26 October 2011 09:08:16

The man is an oaf and represents everything wrong with, not only the arrogance premier league football, but our debauched, aggressive, selfish society in general. It is shameful that he is the England captain, but in light of the recent riots and other social problems, perhaps he is the perfect representative!

On this incident, I don't think he's a racist, he's just a thug who will insult anyone that crosses him, using the first thing that comes into his tiny brain



Originally Posted by: wallaw 

Couldn't agree more, I said 3 or 4 years ago that the reason he is always seen to be making last ditch tackles is that he ALWAYS out of position. I also said that without Carvalho doing his thinking for him, as he is clearly one of the stupidest in a long ling of very stupid English footballers, he would be half the player and I have seen nothing since to change my mind.

No smoke without fire I say and there has been too much smoke surrounding John Terry for there to have been no fires

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

In defence of John Terry he hardly ever gets the same defensive partner wether it's for Chelsea or England, Anyone thats played the game would tell you this is a problem, As a Chelsea Fan and a Fan that goes to Chelsea and England Matches often I can tell you that what you say about Carvalho in some ways is true and this is why,

When Ashley Cole goes down the Left JT naturally moves across the rest of the Back 4 would move across the line to form a 3 man back line, When he had Carvalho he would naturally fill into the Centre but what we witness with both Chelsea and England now is the communication with the other Centre Back is breaking up, I don't think that can be Johns fault because everyone in the game say he is one of the best vocal leaders around.

The stats for how many different Centre Backs John has had to play with would make interesting viewing.

Other interesting stats are that most seasons he comes out in the top 3 off defensive stats for the EPL ,Only two defenders helped keep more clean sheets (15) last seasons and Only two players made more successful passes that season than him (1572), not bad for someone playing between 50 and 65 games a Season depending if England are in Tournaments.

Onto something else...............

It's no wonder the England Boys put in such bad performances, They go through the mill and rightly so I guess but it must wear abit thin, One minute a Player is getting abused by own England Fans and next the same fan Cheerng when they score, On one occassion at that shambles they call Wembley I witnessed Wayne Rooney getting verbally absued by one supporter and the next minute Rooney Score and the same supporter was singing Rooney, Rooney, Rooney...fickle eh?

Rio Ferdinand got stick after the drug test thing, Ashley Cole gets stick even though over the last 10yrs he been one of England best Perfomers, Frank Lampard gets stick mainly at Wembley where you get them closet Arsenal, Spurs and West Ham Fans, Rooney gets alot of stick but also some cheers.

When JT lost the Captaincy for England I was hoping he would retire BUT credit to John he stuck with it, got on with it, never sulked, was one of few better players England had at the World Cup, throwing his head in was one highlight of fight for the cause and rightly won the right to put the armband back on and put egg back on many faces, Now IF and a big if the latest Allegations are ture he will rightly lose the band again and imo his England career will be over, from a selfish point of view that will be good for Chelsea because it will mean he plays less gamesa season, he averages between 55-65 inlcuding England Games and the bitter Chelsea haters will have to find someone else to hate.



Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
Snow Hoper
26 October 2011 10:01:39

Chelsea mocking our club before the game saying there gonna give us a spanking 😂 🤣 priceless West London is ours 😝

Originally Posted by: m fish 

You need to  <----------- Open your eyes. You were battered by 9 men (You had 12 don't forget). Spend and spend properly (if anyone half decent would actually want to play for you) otherwise you'll be getting that sinking feeling

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
Snow Hoper
26 October 2011 10:03:36

The man is an oaf and represents everything wrong with, not only the arrogance premier league football, but our debauched, aggressive, selfish society in general. It is shameful that he is the England captain, but in light of the recent riots and other social problems, perhaps he is the perfect representative!

On this incident, I don't think he's a racist, he's just a thug who will insult anyone that crosses him, using the first thing that comes into his tiny brain



Originally Posted by: Jonesy 

Couldn't agree more, I said 3 or 4 years ago that the reason he is always seen to be making last ditch tackles is that he ALWAYS out of position. I also said that without Carvalho doing his thinking for him, as he is clearly one of the stupidest in a long ling of very stupid English footballers, he would be half the player and I have seen nothing since to change my mind.

No smoke without fire I say and there has been too much smoke surrounding John Terry for there to have been no fires

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

In defence of John Terry he hardly ever gets the same defensive partner wether it's for Chelsea or England, Anyone thats played the game would tell you this is a problem, As a Chelsea Fan and a Fan that goes to Chelsea and England Matches often I can tell you that what you say about Carvalho in some ways is true and this is why,

When Ashley Cole goes down the Left JT naturally moves across the rest of the Back 4 would move across the line to form a 3 man back line, When he had Carvalho he would naturally fill into the Centre but what we witness with both Chelsea and England now is the communication with the other Centre Back is breaking up, I don't think that can be Johns fault because everyone in the game say he is one of the best vocal leaders around.

The stats for how many different Centre Backs John has had to play with would make interesting viewing.

Other interesting stats are that most seasons he comes out in the top 3 off defensive stats for the EPL ,Only two defenders helped keep more clean sheets (15) last seasons and Only two players made more successful passes that season than him (1572), not bad for someone playing between 50 and 65 games a Season depending if England are in Tournaments.

Onto something else...............

It's no wonder the England Boys put in such bad performances, They go through the mill and rightly so I guess but it must wear abit thin, One minute a Player is getting abused by own England Fans and next the same fan Cheerng when they score, On one occassion at that shambles they call Wembley I witnessed Wayne Rooney getting verbally absued by one supporter and the next minute Rooney Score and the same supporter was singing Rooney, Rooney, Rooney...fickle eh?

Rio Ferdinand got stick after the drug test thing, Ashley Cole gets stick even though over the last 10yrs he been one of England best Perfomers, Frank Lampard gets stick mainly at Wembley where you get them closet Arsenal, Spurs and West Ham Fans, Rooney gets alot of stick but also some cheers.

When JT lost the Captaincy for England I was hoping he would retire BUT credit to John he stuck with it, got on with it, never sulked, was one of few better players England had at the World Cup, throwing his head in was one highlight of fight for the cause and rightly won the right to put the armband back on and put egg back on many faces, Now IF and a big if the latest Allegations are ture he will rightly lose the band again and imo his England career will be over, from a selfish point of view that will be good for Chelsea because it will mean he plays less gamesa season, he averages between 55-65 inlcuding England Games and the bitter Chelsea haters will have to find someone else to hate.



Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Jonesy, As a fellow Chelsea fan can you please remove you head from JT's bottom. Thank you.

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
Saint Snow
26 October 2011 10:40:03

Jonesy, As a fellow Chelsea fan can you please remove you head from JT's bottom. Thank you.

Originally Posted by: Snow Hoper 

Should that read "from John's bottom"?



(does anyone else find the refering to a player by their first name a little bit...creeepy?)

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
26 October 2011 11:00:47

The man is an oaf and represents everything wrong with, not only the arrogance premier league football, but our debauched, aggressive, selfish society in general. It is shameful that he is the England captain, but in light of the recent riots and other social problems, perhaps he is the perfect representative!

On this incident, I don't think he's a racist, he's just a thug who will insult anyone that crosses him, using the first thing that comes into his tiny brain



Originally Posted by: Snow Hoper 

Couldn't agree more, I said 3 or 4 years ago that the reason he is always seen to be making last ditch tackles is that he ALWAYS out of position. I also said that without Carvalho doing his thinking for him, as he is clearly one of the stupidest in a long ling of very stupid English footballers, he would be half the player and I have seen nothing since to change my mind.

No smoke without fire I say and there has been too much smoke surrounding John Terry for there to have been no fires

Originally Posted by: Jonesy 

In defence of John Terry he hardly ever gets the same defensive partner wether it's for Chelsea or England, Anyone thats played the game would tell you this is a problem, As a Chelsea Fan and a Fan that goes to Chelsea and England Matches often I can tell you that what you say about Carvalho in some ways is true and this is why,

When Ashley Cole goes down the Left JT naturally moves across the rest of the Back 4 would move across the line to form a 3 man back line, When he had Carvalho he would naturally fill into the Centre but what we witness with both Chelsea and England now is the communication with the other Centre Back is breaking up, I don't think that can be Johns fault because everyone in the game say he is one of the best vocal leaders around.

The stats for how many different Centre Backs John has had to play with would make interesting viewing.

Other interesting stats are that most seasons he comes out in the top 3 off defensive stats for the EPL ,Only two defenders helped keep more clean sheets (15) last seasons and Only two players made more successful passes that season than him (1572), not bad for someone playing between 50 and 65 games a Season depending if England are in Tournaments.

Onto something else...............

It's no wonder the England Boys put in such bad performances, They go through the mill and rightly so I guess but it must wear abit thin, One minute a Player is getting abused by own England Fans and next the same fan Cheerng when they score, On one occassion at that shambles they call Wembley I witnessed Wayne Rooney getting verbally absued by one supporter and the next minute Rooney Score and the same supporter was singing Rooney, Rooney, Rooney...fickle eh?

Rio Ferdinand got stick after the drug test thing, Ashley Cole gets stick even though over the last 10yrs he been one of England best Perfomers, Frank Lampard gets stick mainly at Wembley where you get them closet Arsenal, Spurs and West Ham Fans, Rooney gets alot of stick but also some cheers.

When JT lost the Captaincy for England I was hoping he would retire BUT credit to John he stuck with it, got on with it, never sulked, was one of few better players England had at the World Cup, throwing his head in was one highlight of fight for the cause and rightly won the right to put the armband back on and put egg back on many faces, Now IF and a big if the latest Allegations are ture he will rightly lose the band again and imo his England career will be over, from a selfish point of view that will be good for Chelsea because it will mean he plays less gamesa season, he averages between 55-65 inlcuding England Games and the bitter Chelsea haters will have to find someone else to hate.



Originally Posted by: wallaw 

Jonesy, As a fellow Chelsea fan can you please remove you head from JT's bottom. Thank you.

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

As a Chelsea fan yourself I'm suprised you don't agree especially if you like me go and watch games Live, as you'll know you see much more of the game live not to mention the vocal leadership you can hear at times and the distribution of the ball with both feet.

If JT was so overated for us i doubt the owner and every manager we have had would keep John as Captain and keep him at the Club, let alone the current England Manager running back with his tail between his legs.

The comment I read above about John being the reason for manager sackings is only part of the story and because he is Captain he will take the blame BUT the truth of the matter is he is Captain and therefore the link between the players and the Manager and on more than one occassion the other players voiced concerns and were not happy therefore it was John's role to report the situation to the Manager and if things weren't fixed it then goes to the Board as it's the Board/Owner that make the decision, If John was in control of sackings Ray Wilkins would of never been shown the Door.

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
26 October 2011 11:36:31

I completely disagree Jonesy, all this rubbish about people going to the game somehow being more appreciative if the subtle nuances is frankly a little sad. I've been Sunderland fan for 30 years and have had a season ticket for the last 20, but I quite often reserve judgement on anyone in particular until I have at least caught the game on MOTD.

Take the Bardsley tackle on that Mata lad, I was screaming at the him to get off the floor for being 'an overpaid foreign softy' (or something like that) but after seeing the third and fourth replay it was clear that he had deliberately stamped on him.

One final point about Terry, you can defend him all you like, this is your right of course, but he isn't one of the two best centre backs in this country, heck, he isn't in the top two at Chelsea. Keep playing him though as it gives the likes of Sunderland a chance.



26 October 2011 11:56:21

I completely disagree Jonesy, all this rubbish about people going to the game somehow being more appreciative if the subtle nuances is frankly a little sad. I've been Sunderland fan for 30 years and have had a season ticket for the last 20, but I quite often reserve judgement on anyone in particular until I have at least caught the game on MOTD.

Take the Bardsley tackle on that Mata lad, I was screaming at the him to get off the floor for being 'an overpaid foreign softy' (or something like that) but after seeing the third and fourth replay it was clear that he had deliberately stamped on him.

One final point about Terry, you can defend him all you like, this is your right of course, but he isn't one of the two best centre backs in this country, heck, he isn't in the top two at Chelsea. Keep playing him though as it gives the likes of Sunderland a chance.

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

You base judgement on MOTD is this for bad tackles only or for an opinion on a players ability? , You should know MOTD will pick holes on defenders if thats how you base your opinion on Terry,  all the time and hardly ever point out the other 98 minutes of good things in the game the Defender does. The box will always show the good things for a striker and midfielder though, like if a striker grabs a goal they'll show it but what you won't get to see is the fact the player did nothing the whole game or if a player doesn't score he'll be seen as rubbish, lazy etc but the person viewing wouldn't get to see all the good work the striker did throughout the game.

Yes by all means use MOTD to see if it was a bad tackle after the event BUT on MOTD and TV in general you don't get to the see the off the ball movement, winning balls in the air and leadership THATS the point I'm making about being at the game live, you get to see the bigger picture. I took a mate to Chelsea once, he is a Spurs Fan, He couldn't beleive the amount of ground Lampard covered during the game and movement he made to create space for others thats because he had never seen him Live, only on TV.

I would imagine if you've had a season ticket for 20yrs you must slightly see where I'm coming from? Surely you have seen an oppo player play and you've come away thinking he was alot better than what I've seen of him on TV? I.E Maybe don't get alot of air time because he don't make too many bad foul or he doesn't score many goals BUT what he does do is keep the ball moving, makes space for others, If a Wide man he'll stretch the full back.

Thats your own way of judging and thats totally fine though.

Your view on the best two centre backs in the Country is fine, Because imo a fully fit Vidic & Ledley King would be.

He is imo the best Centre Back at Chelsea. Alex is good but makes alot of mistakes, Luiz needs to learn to Defend, ivanovic is a close 2nd. I doubt you have seen many Live games when Chelsea don't have JT in the side unless you was at Stamford bridge when you beat us 3-0 and JT didn't play?

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
26 October 2011 12:54:36

I saw him at the Stadium of Light this season as I do most seasons, he actually scored in that game as he has done a number of times in the past. But he was beaten to every single ball by Bendtner and was caught out of position on a number of occasions, only to be rescued by the right back.

In fact Terry was more famous (or should that be infamous) when he came on the scene for his goals, oh and those last ditch tackles, the ones that top quality defenders never seem to need to make.



26 October 2011 13:04:19

I saw him at the Stadium of Light this season as I do most seasons, he actually scored in that game as he has done a number of times in the past. But he was beaten to every single ball by Bendtner and was caught out of position on a number of occasions, only to be rescued by the right back.

In fact Terry was more famous (or should that be infamous) when he came on the scene for his goals, oh and those last ditch tackles, the ones that top quality defenders never seem to need to make.

Originally Posted by: wallaw 

Fair enough, your view is your view, I've not had the pleasure of watching a game away at the Stadium of Light so I will take your match reports from them games onboard and if I do decide to travel all that way a pint with you would be great

I'll take the same view as ex and current managers of both Chelsea & England and also views of younger Players like Phil Jones at United and Steven Taylor at Newcastle that all look upto John as a role model for the way he PLAYS ON THE PITCH and have been known to ask for DVDs of the Chelsea and England Captain

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
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