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12 January 2012 07:45:41

Good performance so far. There could be more goals if Everton come out to play.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

A much better performance tonight but not convinced about Adebayor.  A crucial three points so looking forward to my quick hop over for Saturday's game against Wolves!!

Originally Posted by: Karl Guille 

Hard to believe how well things are going currently

It's kind of like fairy land, as if in a dream

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Spurs probaly have arguably the best midfield in the Prem....

12 January 2012 08:40:00

Good performance so far. There could be more goals if Everton come out to play.

Originally Posted by: future_is_orange 

A much better performance tonight but not convinced about Adebayor.  A crucial three points so looking forward to my quick hop over for Saturday's game against Wolves!!

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

Hard to believe how well things are going currently

It's kind of like fairy land, as if in a dream

Originally Posted by: Karl Guille 

Spurs probaly have arguably the best midfield in the Prem....

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I know, but this is Spurs we are talking about

Always promising never actually coming up with the goods, when it counted

Pie and Sky in your dreams every year

As a long "suffering" fan you get used to it, yes they have played better in recent years.

But somehow they usually choke and that last important game and it all turns out in the end as not quite.

Always the bridesmaid never the bride.

BUT this year they are playing well, I would be very happy if they ended 3rd, because they are playing with style.

But wat about next year and the year after, can they keep it up be a constitent top team???

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
Karl Guille
12 January 2012 19:19:21

Good performance so far. There could be more goals if Everton come out to play.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

A much better performance tonight but not convinced about Adebayor.  A crucial three points so looking forward to my quick hop over for Saturday's game against Wolves!!

Originally Posted by: Karl Guille 

Hard to believe how well things are going currently

It's kind of like fairy land, as if in a dream

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 


Please, please, please don't wake me up until June!!!!!  

St. Sampson
14 January 2012 17:00:44

Well it seems as if Spurs are in danger of believing in all the spin that they are good enough.

True they didn't lose, but at home against Wolves they should have won 

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
14 January 2012 17:11:57

Well it seems as if Spurs are in danger of believing in all the spin that they are good enough.

True they didn't lose, but at home against Wolves they should have won 

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

Indeed they should. A crap performance that matched the crap officiating. I had visions of the Stoke game. I still want to see whether Adebyor's goal was wrongly ruled offside.

The Wolves goal was a joke. I don't whether to laugh more at the fact it was such woeful defending on Spurs' part or whether the fact it wasn't a corner in the first place. If the defender is shielding the ball in order to let it run out, there's a fair chance he believes the opposition touched it last. That's not too difficult a concept for an official to understand is it?

14 January 2012 20:22:41

Well it seems as if Spurs are in danger of believing in all the spin that they are good enough.

True they didn't lose, but at home against Wolves they should have won 

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Indeed they should. A crap performance that matched the crap officiating. I had visions of the Stoke game. I still want to see whether Adebyor's goal was wrongly ruled offside.

The Wolves goal was a joke. I don't whether to laugh more at the fact it was such woeful defending on Spurs' part or whether the fact it wasn't a corner in the first place. If the defender is shielding the ball in order to let it run out, there's a fair chance he believes the opposition touched it last. That's not too difficult a concept for an official to understand is it?

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

Can talk every weekend of any season about games that should have been won, Arsenal should have beat Wolves at home but didnt they drew 1-1, Arsenal should have beaten Blackburn away but they scored 2 own goals and lost 4-3 after being 3-1 up, they also shouldhave beaten Fulham or got a point at least but lost 2-1 after being 1-0 up with 6 minutes to go. These are the games that should be won if you are to challenge for the title. But IMO I still think Spurs will challenge for 2nd place

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Karl Guille
14 January 2012 21:49:48

Well it seems as if Spurs are in danger of believing in all the spin that they are good enough.

True they didn't lose, but at home against Wolves they should have won 

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Indeed they should. A crap performance that matched the crap officiating. I had visions of the Stoke game. I still want to see whether Adebyor's goal was wrongly ruled offside.

The Wolves goal was a joke. I don't whether to laugh more at the fact it was such woeful defending on Spurs' part or whether the fact it wasn't a corner in the first place. If the defender is shielding the ball in order to let it run out, there's a fair chance he believes the opposition touched it last. That's not too difficult a concept for an official to understand is it?

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

Not to mention the shirt tug for good measure!  Disappointing result despite a lot of huff and puff!  Might be a blessing in disguise and Spur them on to better things next week!

St. Sampson
Matty H
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15 January 2012 13:38:55
Ray Wilkins just said on SS that QPR have got themselves into a great position to go forward this season. Someone pass him the table.
15 January 2012 14:26:02

Ray Wilkins just said on SS that QPR have got themselves into a great position to go forward this season. Someone pass him the table.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

My word.

15 January 2012 17:27:21

Watching the premiership game, Arsenal are being outpassed very well by what looks like a very good Swansea side. Dyer is particularly impressive.

As for the Newcastle game earlier, don't get me started on Ray Wilkins........

EDIT: And just as I write that Walcott who has had a very poor game upto this point goes and scores

EDIT: Swansea back in front again! what a game!

15 January 2012 17:56:04
Great game. Loving Swansea this season, great to watch and beat a fading Arsenal at their own game.
15 January 2012 18:02:25

Excellent result for Swansea and thoroughly deserved. If Arsenal play like this against United next week they will get hammered - again.

15 January 2012 18:24:19

Excellent result for Swansea and thoroughly deserved. If Arsenal play like this against United next week they will get hammered - again.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Well Arsenal have the worst defence in the league, IT REALLY IS TIME TO LET AW go, RVP will be off . It is the poorest side Arsenal have had for over 20 years . Horrendous.

Swansea were no surprise , their passing game is excellent, what makes me laugh is Brendan Rogers saying its great to beat a top side??????????????? when was that then.

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

15 January 2012 18:46:32

Excellent result for Swansea and thoroughly deserved. If Arsenal play like this against United next week they will get hammered - again.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Well Arsenal have the worst defence in the league, IT REALLY IS TIME TO LET AW go, RVP will be off . It is the poorest side Arsenal have had for over 20 years . Horrendous.

Swansea were no surprise , their passing game is excellent, what makes me laugh is Brendan Rogers saying its great to beat a top side??????????????? when was that then.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Part of the problem, looking at it from the outside, is the lack of confidence, especially with players like Ramsay who had an absolute mare today. And I'm not referring to giving away the 'penalty' (it probaly wasn't one) in the first half.

Obviously Arsenal have a number of injuries, but I'm sure there isn't an Arsenal fan out there who thinks Mertesacker is fit for purpose in the EPL. He is truly awful and one of the slowest CBs I've ever seen. I thought it a panic buy before, now I'm even more convinced.

15 January 2012 19:27:50

Excellent result for Swansea and thoroughly deserved. If Arsenal play like this against United next week they will get hammered - again.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Well Arsenal have the worst defence in the league, IT REALLY IS TIME TO LET AW go, RVP will be off . It is the poorest side Arsenal have had for over 20 years . Horrendous.

Swansea were no surprise , their passing game is excellent, what makes me laugh is Brendan Rogers saying its great to beat a top side??????????????? when was that then.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Part of the problem, looking at it from the outside, is the lack of confidence, especially with players like Ramsay who had an absolute mare today. And I'm not referring to giving away the 'penalty' (it probaly wasn't one) in the first half.

Obviously Arsenal have a number of injuries, but I'm sure there isn't an Arsenal fan out there who thinks Mertesacker is fit for purpose in the EPL. He is truly awful and one of the slowest CBs I've ever seen. I thought it a panic buy before, now I'm even more convinced.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

The penalty was harsh but thats they they go, as for Ramsey I think you are being a bit harsh he has been excellent recently he just had 'one' of thise games back in his homeland. Yes Arsenal have 2x RB's injured and the same with the LB and with Vermarlen out the defence looks awful, as for Mertersackhim how the hell did he win so many caps.  I am very very concerned not just for this season but the next 4 or 5 . Walcott , RVP , Wilshire will all leave for sure . It is a worrying time, Arsenal are no longer a top side IMO, obviously this post comes 2 hours after they have lost, no doubt if they beat Man U next week the text might read a little different....................though I doubt it somehow

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

15 January 2012 19:36:21

Excellent result for Swansea and thoroughly deserved. If Arsenal play like this against United next week they will get hammered - again.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Well Arsenal have the worst defence in the league, IT REALLY IS TIME TO LET AW go, RVP will be off . It is the poorest side Arsenal have had for over 20 years . Horrendous.

Swansea were no surprise , their passing game is excellent, what makes me laugh is Brendan Rogers saying its great to beat a top side??????????????? when was that then.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Part of the problem, looking at it from the outside, is the lack of confidence, especially with players like Ramsay who had an absolute mare today. And I'm not referring to giving away the 'penalty' (it probaly wasn't one) in the first half.

Obviously Arsenal have a number of injuries, but I'm sure there isn't an Arsenal fan out there who thinks Mertesacker is fit for purpose in the EPL. He is truly awful and one of the slowest CBs I've ever seen. I thought it a panic buy before, now I'm even more convinced.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

The penalty was harsh but thats they they go, as for Ramsey I think you are being a bit harsh he has been excellent recently he just had 'one' of thise games back in his homeland. Yes Arsenal have 2x RB's injured and the same with the LB and with Vermarlen out the defence looks awful, as for Mertersackhim how the hell did he win so many caps.  I am very very concerned not just for this season but the next 4 or 5 . Walcott , RVP , Wilshire will all leave for sure . It is a worrying time, Arsenal are no longer a top side IMO, obviously this post comes 2 hours after they have lost, no doubt if they beat Man U next week the text might read a little different....................though I doubt it somehow

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

They could beat them United have been a bit erratic themselves.

However it's seemingly the slow and slightly insiderous slide downwards. Not preciptously, just not quite so good this year, less so the next. etc

AW has done well, but somethings not right, does he need more help ie more staff, more money, a change of tactics, change of chief scout.

Maybe he just needs to step aside, people change, sometimes as you get older, you find it harder to make precise decsions.

Doesn't happen to everyone..

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
Saint Snow
15 January 2012 21:46:16

It is a worrying time, Arsenal are no longer a top side IMO,

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

You're lucky in that your natural rivals for 4th spot are just as shite, if not more so (in the case of Liverpool)

Speaking of Liverpool.... Jesus wept! What a crock.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
16 January 2012 03:19:13

16 January 2012 11:32:00

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

...Been along time coming just wish it was the end of april at least,long way to go yet....................coyS

16 January 2012 18:09:11

Never thought the day would come when I'd give the thumbs up to Howard Webb reffing a game. However, Manchester United's 12th player will be officiating Shiteh vs us. I'm sure the Shiteh fans won't be happy about Webb.

16 January 2012 20:34:52

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Ho ho ho you carry on gloating matey.

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

16 January 2012 20:45:05

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Ho ho ho you carry on gloating matey.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

At least you're ahead of the Bindippers. They have to worry about Newcastle.

16 January 2012 21:55:25
Referees still make me laugh/seethe. How he doesn't give a red card for Figueroa's handball is beyond me. It is 1000000000000000000000% a red card, and every replay confirms that.
Saint Snow
17 January 2012 12:38:05

Spurs frightening Liverpool off Defoe with a daft price tag. Part of me is very relieved!

Meanwhile, I know Tevez is a little sh*t and a cockroach of a human being, but he's a bloody good footballer. I think anyone getting him for £25m will have snapped up a bargain - assuming he doesn't throw a strop, which I guess plays a part in suppressing his transfer value. Still, if he was still in the City team and feeling happy, I reckon they'd be miles clear of the reast by now.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
17 January 2012 13:12:13

Spurs frightening Liverpool off Defoe with a daft price tag. Part of me is very relieved!

Meanwhile, I know Tevez is a little sh*t and a cockroach of a human being, but he's a bloody good footballer. I think anyone getting him for £25m will have snapped up a bargain - assuming he doesn't throw a strop, which I guess plays a part in suppressing his transfer value. Still, if he was still in the City team and feeling happy, I reckon they'd be miles clear of the reast by now.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Levy is living in cloud cuckoo land. Apparently, he's also put a £17m valuation on Pavlyuchenko. Yeh right.

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