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  • NickR
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16 July 2013 19:26:51

cfs modelsb suggesting a change around the end of the month, but that is a long way off

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Bledur since the warm period started you first tried to claim it wouldn't be all that and have since tried to find the breakdown by all means necessary. Mid month. 17th. 20th. 23rd. End of month. It'll come eventually of course. Bit in the meantime an ice cold beer might be a more sure fire way of cooling down ;)

Originally Posted by: NickR 

 he is only mention what is shown in Model Output which he has every right to. As you say sooner or later a breakdown will happen, when is anyones guess

For now I am quite happy sat here on the hammock albeit a tad to warm

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

A quick look back through his last ten posts do show a consistent theme of lauding a breakdown in line with Simon Keeling. I'm actually beginning to think he IS Keeling LOL

But you're right, he can post FI charts as much as he likes in here. It's not a heat only thread Smile

Naturally some may pull him to task when prior predictions fail come the time, but that's a forum ThumpUp

Originally Posted by: NickR 


Indeed somewhere along the line he will get slaughtered , I am sure Nick will say something

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I will: if you're going to comment on a model, bledur, how about some links?

Originally Posted by: Matty H

A bit warm

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Only problem is... you're not bledur! LOL

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

I was acting on his behalf, he is currently in conversation with Mr Keeling

Originally Posted by: bledur 

[email protected]
16 July 2013 19:47:42

Marcus just made me laugh!

Anyway, continued hints that we may see something that has been absent so far from this hot spell and that is some southerly input.

To me, next week looks very hot, humid and potentially thundery on all the main operationals as things either become slack or we get the influence of the Azores LP that's been mentioned.

Signs that this could become an epic heatwave

16 July 2013 19:53:30

Marcus just made me laugh!

Anyway, continued hints that we may see something that has been absent so far from this hot spell and that is some southerly input.

To me, next week looks very hot, humid and potentially thundery on all the main operationals as things either become slack or we get the influence of the Azores LP that's been mentioned.

Signs that this could become an epic heatwave

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

Amen to that!!
16 July 2013 19:57:46

The heatwave steps up another gear next week. This weeks 30-31's are likely to be replaced by 33-34s as the uppers rise, the land dries out and the source starts to take on a more continental component. The ECM at 240 hours is off the scale..35c (95f) a real possibility there.  

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Polar Low
16 July 2013 19:58:00

Thanks very much Martin

Hi folks. Here is tonight's update on the outputs from GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for tonight Tuesday July 16th 2013.

All models show very little change from this morning covering the next 5-7 days. High pressure close to SW Britain is edging slowly North over the UK over the next 48 hours maintaining very warm or hot conditions across the UK and spreading it to the far North and West of Britain too which has largely missed out as of late. Through the weekend and start of next week High pressure centred across the North continues to dominate the weather with a slack Easterly flow across the South over the weekend. All areas will stay largely dry with just the risk of the odd storm possible across Southern Britain over the weekend.

GFS then continues to maintain fine conditions through the first half of next week with light winds and sunny weather for the most part though as time passes the weather will begin to turn more thundery, first in the SW and more generally later in the week as cooler and fresher air feeds in behind it. The end of the run shows more unsettled weather, especially in the North with occasional rain though the South will see less of this with a lot of fine weather still though less warm than of late.

The GFS Ensembles show a lot less support for a cool off despite another operational run showing the cooler air well established late in the run. It is a cold outlier at the end in an altogether bigger spread between the members late in the run. The mean shows a more moderate approach to somewhat cooler conditions reaching the long term mean by the end of the run while rainfall in the South continues to be a scarce commodity from many members. Pressure by the end of the ensemble pack favours higher pressure over or to the North of the UK with just shallow Low pressure near or over the UK likely to bring a scattering of showers in less hot conditions overall.

The Jet Stream continues to show the flow blowing across Iceland and Northern waters over the next week or so before it becomes weaker and less defined. At the very edge of reality it shows a tendency to drift East across the Atlantic towards the UK in response to the more unsettled feel of GFS latter run charts.

UKMO tonight shows High pressure up to the North and NE of the UK with a slack area of pressure across the UK supplying plenty more fine and very warm or hot weather with the slowly increasing risk of some thundery developments in the South but by no means a widespread event.

GEM tonight shows High pressure positioning in a belt to the North of the Uk with a strengthening Easterly flow across the South as pressure falls from the Azores to Portugal. Easterly winds will bring more cloud up from the South later with some thundery showers in still very warm conditions. The NW of the UK would then see the sunniest and warmest conditions.

NAVGEM tonight shows pressure falling next week as well as the temperatures albeit slowly with the increasing risk of showers with time.

ECM shows tonight what it showed this morning with fine and settled weather continuing for the UK with very warm or hot conditions throughout the next 10 days as High pressure refuses to move much or weaken.

In Summary tonight it continues to look as though changes will be slow and for the most part unlikely to make much difference to surface conditions for many though the incidence of daytime showers might increase somewhat with time. While temperatures remain well on the above side of average over the next 10 days at least the very highest temperatures may begin to leak away a little with time after next week. 

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

Matty H
16 July 2013 20:02:31

The heatwave steps up another gear next week. This weeks 30-31's are likely to be replaced by 33-34s as the uppers rise, the land dries out and the source starts to take on a more continental component. The ECM at 240 hours is off the scale..35c (95f) a real possibility there.  

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

It will also be substantially more humid than the largely dry (for the UK) air we've had of late. A searing combination of sweaty goodness 😁
16 July 2013 20:02:43

Yep... the models are adding in the one thing that has kept 2013 behind 2006. Lower heights around the Azores.

ECM seems to be the only model developing much of a surface low there though. That said,  the airmass from around Sunday becomes even hotter with or without that feature - the difference that it creates is in terms of plume potential, as ECM shows very well indeed.

In fact, I'd say ECM is very threatening on day 10, because it's also got the Atlantic racing towards us very quickly, and a high-velocity clash of Atlantic air with a plume of uppers across the UK potentially exceeding 20°C for a time could have very explosive consequences! We've seen a consistent trend to correct toward a slower Atlantic progression, though, so it's only worth considering from a 'what if...?' point of veiw.

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
John p
16 July 2013 20:04:05
I'm starting to think we could get near the magic 100f at some point next week[sn_shock]
Camberley, Surrey
Polar Low
16 July 2013 20:23:24

Maybe we got 38.5 c 101.3f on 8th august 2003 with 18 uppers if my memory is right

quote=John p;514138]I'm starting to think we could get near the magic 100f at some point next weekShock

16 July 2013 20:24:19

Marcus just made me laugh!

Anyway, continued hints that we may see something that has been absent so far from this hot spell and that is some southerly input.

To me, next week looks very hot, humid and potentially thundery on all the main operationals as things either become slack or we get the influence of the Azores LP that's been mentioned.

Signs that this could become an epic heatwave

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

Now that is of interest Dave, could be some cracking storms with some luck .


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Polar Low
16 July 2013 20:37:32

Thanks James

intresting point last one on ecm u right it is coming at a pace , but strange gfs ens dont wear it at same T I suspect it will be intresting as it unfolds also note on gfs how heights always hang around to our s/w and with quite good jet out to beyond to have impact on southern england at least for most of the time good trend to have even "if" it all breaksdown.

Yep... the models are adding in the one thing that has kept 2013 behind 2006. Lower heights around the Azores.

ECM seems to be the only model developing much of a surface low there though. That said,  the airmass from around Sunday becomes even hotter with or without that feature - the difference that it creates is in terms of plume potential, as ECM shows very well indeed.

In fact, I'd say ECM is very threatening on day 10, because it's also got the Atlantic racing towards us very quickly, and a high-velocity clash of Atlantic air with a plume of uppers across the UK potentially exceeding 20°C for a time could have very explosive consequences! We've seen a consistent trend to correct toward a slower Atlantic progression, though, so it's only worth considering from a 'what if...?' point of veiw.

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

Rob K
16 July 2013 20:39:20

Maybe we got 38.5 c 101.3f on 8th august 2003 with 18 uppers if my memory is right

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

I thought Aug 2003 only had 18C uppers but I just checked the charts and it was closer to 22C in the far SE:

(it was Aug 10 by the way) 


So we are still some way off 100F levels!

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Polar Low
16 July 2013 20:43:54

apologies thanks for correction Rob

Maybe we got 38.5 c 101.3f on 8th august 2003 with 18 uppers if my memory is right

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

I thought Aug 2003 only had 18C uppers but I just checked the charts and it was closer to 22C in the far SE:

(it was Aug 10 by the way) 


So we are still some way off 100F levels!

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

John p
16 July 2013 20:56:50

Maybe we got 38.5 c 101.3f on 8th august 2003 with 18 uppers if my memory is right

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

I thought Aug 2003 only had 18C uppers but I just checked the charts and it was closer to 22C in the far SE:

(it was Aug 10 by the way) 


So we are still some way off 100F levels!

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

Although I see from that June and July have only had 21% of the rainfall that the same months to date in 2003 had, so the dry ground could help attain higher temperatures.
Camberley, Surrey
Polar Low
16 July 2013 21:06:12

out of intrest to some a good link to keep from TKarten for old charts

Hungry Tiger
16 July 2013 21:25:58

Oh god nooooooooooooooo that is mad , a huge outlier surely ????

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

That lot are amazing and could well deliver a challenge to the all time record.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Rob K
16 July 2013 21:38:28

Oh god nooooooooooooooo that is mad , a huge outlier surely ????

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

That lot are amazing and could well deliver a challenge to the all time record.


Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

It is pretty impressive but note in Aug 2003 virtually the whole UK was inside the 15C isotherm, with 20C+ over a good chunk.



Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
16 July 2013 21:47:18

Oh god nooooooooooooooo that is mad , a huge outlier surely ????

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

That lot are amazing and could well deliver a challenge to the all time record.


Originally Posted by: Gooner 

It is pretty impressive but note in Aug 2003 virtually the whole UK was inside the 15C isotherm, with 20C+ over a good chunk.



Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Indeed, but despite that, temperatures here 'only' reached 31.8C, compared to the August 1990 record of 34.4C under much lower 850mb temperatures. Perhaps local records could be neared?

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
16 July 2013 22:28:30

GFS 18Z really builds the heat early next week , widespread temperatures of 30C+!!

+20C uppers creeping moving northwards over central France at T+174, if the 18z came off July 2013 would really go down amongst the most historic summer months (even if it wont be as hot as 1983 or 2006).

What a run. 

16 July 2013 22:34:42

Should save this because I never seen such high temps from coast to coast everywhere only Ian get 20C in Folkstone again and east Kent is the only coolest place in the UK next week.  Amazing as they kept extending the heatwave and upgrading the temps.

Will we get 1976 summer this year? 


16 July 2013 22:38:06

There a little gray colour under the 32C figure in west of London, I did make sure is not a dirt on my computer screen as it very clean.

Matty H
16 July 2013 22:42:00
Medlock Vale Weather
16 July 2013 22:44:55

I guess this means I will have to take the jumper off then? 

Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
Matty H
16 July 2013 22:46:18
It's worth noting for the weirdos that like rain 😉 there's some real instability creeping in there from midweek
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