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23 July 2013 13:54:37

I actually slept through all of last nights thunder and lightning here!

Often happen actually, because I'm really quite hard of hearing.

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

I almost missed it myself on account of the same thing! It was only the strong wind and rain/hail blowing through a window and splashing onto my legs while I was on top of the bed what woke me up.
  But nonetheless, I had missed out on seeing the approaching part - would have been the best time for me to run to a better locaton to take photos of it before the wall of rain hit us.

Folkestone Harbour. 
Gavin P
23 July 2013 13:54:54

Often happen actually, because I'm really quite hard of hearing.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Sorry to hear that, Gavin. I said, I'M SORRY TO HEAR THAT, GAVIN!

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

What? Sorry?

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
Gavin P
23 July 2013 13:58:07

I actually slept through all of last nights thunder and lightning here!

Often happen actually, because I'm really quite hard of hearing.

Originally Posted by: idj20 

I almost missed it myself on account of the same thing! It was only the strong wind and rain/hail blowing through a window and splashing onto my legs while I was on top of the bed what woke me up.
  But nonetheless, I had missed out on seeing the approaching part - would have been the best time for me to run to a better locaton to take photos of it before the wall of rain hit us.

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Has it's compensations when the neighbours are having a bust up or someone in the area decides to have a party or let off fireworks at 1am, etc.. doesn't it?

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
23 July 2013 14:02:22

Again bit of lightening last night and distant thunder,bit of rain last night and this morning,sunny now,looks like storms in northern france but dont think they will come my way,so bit disappointing really looks like nothern and eastern parts had the best show unless someone can say there is a big cell growing near me

23 July 2013 14:02:22

I actually slept through all of last nights thunder and lightning here!

Often happen actually, because I'm really quite hard of hearing.

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

I almost missed it myself on account of the same thing! It was only the strong wind and rain/hail blowing through a window and splashing onto my legs while I was on top of the bed what woke me up.
  But nonetheless, I had missed out on seeing the approaching part - would have been the best time for me to run to a better locaton to take photos of it before the wall of rain hit us.

Originally Posted by: idj20 

Has it's compensations when the neighbours are having a bust up or someone in the area decides to have a party or let off fireworks at 1am, etc.. doesn't it?

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

That is absolutely true! Sleep would be a completely alien concept for me what with my area as it is.

Anyway, I'm steering this thread off course again. Although it does look like it's all run out of steam, I'm still hoping for some harmless distant lightning for me to head down to the beach with the camera tonight.

Folkestone Harbour. 
23 July 2013 14:02:52
23.7C with a dew point of 20.5C. Something had better go bang later today, as reward for putting up with such high humidity levels.
Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
23 July 2013 14:04:38

Need a big cell to grow around here as nothing has happened

23 July 2013 14:17:16
Clear blue skies and strong sunshine now. Temps responding rapidly, 24c now with a DP of 20c. Notice some areas are reporting 21c DPs - that would even get a Plains Chaser out of bed. No surprise to see an Amber warning go up from the Met.
Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
23 July 2013 14:19:17

Clear blue skies and strong sunshine now. Temps responding rapidly, 24c now with a DP of 20c. Notice some areas are reporting 21c DPs - that would even get a Plains Chaser out of bed. No surprise to see an Amber warning go up from the Met.

Originally Posted by: Arcus 

I'm just surprised that they have bucked the trend and have put the amber warning for NW England largely - most forecasters (albeit without the access to such advanced models) seem to think more eastern areas of northern England will get the most severe storms, and even a low risk of a tornado.

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
  • vince
  • Guest Topic Starter
23 July 2013 14:24:01

Met Office amber warning issued -

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 


this has to be a joke right !!!! what about the South /SE for gods sake !!!! temp here is  nearly 31 degrees

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
23 July 2013 14:24:16

Thunder storm all morning, then the sun came out around 1pm but it's going dark again now!  How lucky am I? 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
23 July 2013 14:25:28

Clear blue skies and strong sunshine now. Temps responding rapidly, 24c now with a DP of 20c. Notice some areas are reporting 21c DPs - that would even get a Plains Chaser out of bed. No surprise to see an Amber warning go up from the Met.

Originally Posted by: LeedsLad123 

I'm just surprised that they have bucked the trend and have put the amber warning for NW England largely - most forecasters (albeit without the access to such advanced models) seem to think more eastern areas of northern England will get the most severe storms, and even a low risk of a tornado.

Originally Posted by: Arcus 

They have shifted the yellow warning area for overnight and early tomorrow back west a bit as well. The signals must be there for a slower plume breakdown with the peak of heating/instability parameters coinciding further west than previously thought.

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
23 July 2013 14:25:43


this has to be a joke right !!!! what about the South /SE for gods sake !!!! temp here is  nearly 31 degrees

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

 I'm with you Vince ! Did you not have the storm @11am this morning ?

Harpenden, Herts.
Medlock Vale Weather
23 July 2013 14:26:25

Met office have issued an amber warning for here for possible large hail, so round 2 of storms coming up? this morning was severe enough!

Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
23 July 2013 14:26:31

A couple of observations:-

I have been in the SW (Seaton, East Devon) and certainly didn't miss out. The good storm on Sunday night was followed by another between 2 & 3am last night although this didn't have anywhere near as much intense rainfall.

Also, development and electrification in both storms was initiated over the sea, not land, as can be the nature of mid-level instability.

I guess it won't be long before sea temperatures become the main driver of storm activity as they continue to warm

Anyway, I'm back in Alton where it appears to have been dry and the locals report no thunder. Maybe my return will act like Duanes appearance

23 July 2013 14:27:26

Clear blue skies and strong sunshine now. Temps responding rapidly, 24c now with a DP of 20c. Notice some areas are reporting 21c DPs - that would even get a Plains Chaser out of bed. No surprise to see an Amber warning go up from the Met.

Originally Posted by: LeedsLad123 

I'm just surprised that they have bucked the trend and have put the amber warning for NW England largely - most forecasters (albeit without the access to such advanced models) seem to think more eastern areas of northern England will get the most severe storms, and even a low risk of a tornado.

Originally Posted by: Arcus 

Most forecasters? This was posted yesterday morning:

May not be far out there Martin. Combining ppn charts and the location of the moist axis and daytime heating areas in the NW could well see the most severe storms late Tuesday.
All areas though at risk:
Mon pm: Midlands; Mon night: S and SW; Tues day: England and Wales; Tues pm: Worst maybe N and NW England and SW Scotland.

I don't pretend to have access to advanced models either LOL

We do indeed have a bit of a shower ongoing here. Not giving up hope of something to watch though as I'm looking closely at Saturday now

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
  • vince
  • Guest Topic Starter
23 July 2013 14:37:54


this has to be a joke right !!!! what about the South /SE for gods sake !!!! temp here is  nearly 31 degrees

Originally Posted by: vince 

 I'm with you Vince ! Did you not have the storm @11am this morning ?

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 


yes 2 very undewhelming rumbles and rain that hardly wet the ground . this thundery episode is turning into a farce ,

 as Jamie said did he dream the 80's and 90's PROPER plume storms , not this c r a p  

23 July 2013 14:41:10

yes 2 very undewhelming rumbles and rain that hardly wet the ground . this thundery episode is turning into a farce ,

 as Jamie said did he dream the 80's and 90's PROPER plume storms , not this c r a p  

Originally Posted by: vince 

Vince - you haven't changed your name to Richard and moved to Aberdeen by any chance?
You know what they say: The best things come to those that can wait (and are in a decent location as well it has to be said).

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Ally Pally Snowman
23 July 2013 14:44:50


this has to be a joke right !!!! what about the South /SE for gods sake !!!! temp here is  nearly 31 degrees

Originally Posted by: DeeDee 

 I'm with you Vince ! Did you not have the storm @11am this morning ?

Originally Posted by: vince 


yes 2 very undewhelming rumbles and rain that hardly wet the ground . this thundery episode is turning into a farce ,

 as Jamie said did he dream the 80's and 90's PROPER plume storms , not this c r a p  

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

Think you have been unlucky we've had 4 what you would call proper thunder storms in the last 36 hours here in North London.



Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
23 July 2013 14:45:21


this has to be a joke right !!!! what about the South /SE for gods sake !!!! temp here is  nearly 31 degrees

Originally Posted by: DeeDee 

 I'm with you Vince ! Did you not have the storm @11am this morning ?

Originally Posted by: vince 


yes 2 very undewhelming rumbles and rain that hardly wet the ground . this thundery episode is turning into a farce ,

 as Jamie said did he dream the 80's and 90's PROPER plume storms , not this c r a p  

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

Agreed, I used to get the most fantastic storms coming off the French north coast during a "plume" summer... I can see France on a clear day and often you could watch the most fantastic electrical display slowly approach you across the water - giving you plenty of time to get the camera ready and pack away the BBQ before - BOOM, oh those were the days! 

23 July 2013 14:59:07
Cells showing lightning returns have burst into life in the Midlands, tracking north.
Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
23 July 2013 14:59:15

Very dark to my south and mostly cloudy now. Increase in the wind too. Not sure if anything will go off soon, but it does look threatening.

Also despite the cloud the temperature has still increased to 25.1C.

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
  • vince
  • Guest Topic Starter
23 July 2013 15:01:05

yes 2 very undewhelming rumbles and rain that hardly wet the ground . this thundery episode is turning into a farce ,

 as Jamie said did he dream the 80's and 90's PROPER plume storms , not this c r a p  

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Vince - you haven't changed your name to Richard and moved to Aberdeen by any chance?
You know what they say: The best things come to those that can wait (and are in a decent location as well it has to be said).

Originally Posted by: vince 

LOL , wait ! WAIT ! by the time anything of note turns up here , i will probably be boxed up and 6ft under

Medlock Vale Weather
23 July 2013 15:02:31

Here we go! things firing up again, going very dark here now with spots of rain starting.

Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
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