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Nick Gilly
28 July 2013 16:04:00

The weather widget on my Mac says that the current temperature in Graz is 36C. According to the Wikipedia page on the city, the record high is 35.5C, and the record for July 34.5C:

So this must be a new record. Does anyone have a more precise figure for the high so far?

The widget forecast high for today is 35C, and 36C for tomorrow before cooling down midweek and then hotting up to 35C on Friday.

  • four
  • Advanced Member
28 July 2013 16:52:39

Wunderground has this site  and shows max 36C with station record of 32C, obviously it hasn't been recording data online for very long so station record is different.
It's at the airport too so not neccessarily a standard exposure. 

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
28 July 2013 18:10:36

A little surprising that the Graz record isn't higher, seeing that the Austrian alltime record is 39.7 at Dellach im Drautal 27/7/83

and Dellach is in a similar geograhic location to Graz, about 90 miles away. Do you know how long the Graz station has been keeping records?

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
28 July 2013 22:00:33

I am currently in the Czech Replublic in a town called Pardubice and we had a temp of 37,7C today which is the hottest we have ever had here. Prague also had records broken today. I fly out of Prague tomorrow night when ´the worse of the thunderstorm are forcast which could be fun

Nick Gilly
29 July 2013 17:28:14
I checked again early afternoon (about 2 pm) and the reading was showing 39C so hotter than yesterday!

I'm also surprised that the record is only 35.5C. It must be in the warmest part of Austria.
29 July 2013 17:59:26

Graz not mentioned in the link below (you may want to use translate!) but some places are that arent that far away. Looks like some station records

Nice review on meteoschweiz's page, worth looking at when there is significant weather. Looks like no records there.

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