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Justin W
31 July 2013 06:25:27

Another day, another run! MetO have now put out a warning of heavy rain fro Fri night/Sat morning from central S England up to East Anglia

Originally Posted by: DEW 


Indeed and temperatures are also being scaled back for Friday. Looks like maxes around 30C are now likely instead of >32C and the spike is modelled as a very brief affair. Could all change later, though.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
31 July 2013 07:35:08

Another day, another run! MetO have now put out a warning of heavy rain fro Fri night/Sat morning from central S England up to East Anglia

Originally Posted by: Justin W 


Indeed and temperatures are also being scaled back for Friday. Looks like maxes around 30C are now likely instead of >32C and the spike is modelled as a very brief affair. Could all change later, though.

Originally Posted by: DEW 

34-35C in here likely by Friday as it still showing 19C uppers so there no back down on those uppers.  Staying warm this weekend and next week as huge HP build up and get warmer again.

31 July 2013 07:41:57

Good morning folks. Here is the what I like to think is the unbiased and 'say it as i see it' morning rundown of the midnight outputs of the big computer models for today Wednesday July 31st 2013.

The General Situation. All model show a warm front moving steadily North across the UK today and tonight carrying a band of rain and drizzle North across the UK and introducing some warm and humid air to England and Wales later. The front will reach Scotland tomorrow with rain here while England and Wales see very warm or even hot conditions briefly in the SE as winds back Southerly. On Friday a weak cold front crosses East across the UK carrying a few showers and introducing cooler and fresher air behind reaching the far SE late on Friday. The near Continent will see some thunderstorms from this but they look unlikely to reach the mainland of SE Britain. The weekend is then shown by most output to see SW winds and scattered showers with Saturday seeing most showers while Sunday looks mostly dry in the South and pleasantly warm conditions and less humid too than of late.

GFS then steadily keeps the UK under slack pressure early next week with sunshine and scattered showers with average temperatures later. Through midweek pressure falls over the near Continent with areas of potentially thundery rain affecting South and East England later with the driest weather to be found in the North and West under a ridge. By next weekend the ridge collapses over the UK as a deep Atlantic depression moves in from the NW with a spell of rain and fresh winds for all leading us into a relatively cool and showery phase then out to the end of the run.

The GFS Ensembles have greatly modified the effects of the second warm up indicated last night for next week. Today we see the weather cool off at the weekend and a relatively average period of temperatures or slightly above at times in the South. In the North the weather looks quite unsettled from next week and the effects of this extend to the South too at times as Low pressure trundles East across Northern Britain.

The Jet Stream today shows our problem with maintaining fine and warm conditions over the UK in the upcoming period as it is now based too far South over the Atlantic steaming the flow over the UK NE from Biscay and eventually on a flat West to East course across the UK from the middle of next week.

UKMO this morning shows a showery trough edging East over the UK early next week changing the SW flow to a NW one albeit light. the showers could be heavy through the daytime with hail and thunder a possibility in temperatures close to average.

GEM looks very changeable today with a small Low crossing NE early next week with rain at times. A ridge then follows from the West with a 24 hour or so window of fine and bright weather before low pressure from the NW delivers a spell of rain for all followed by showers by the end of next week. Temperatures look like they would be close to average overall.

NAVGEM keeps slack pressure over the UK early next week though it is biased towards Low pressure as a shallow cool pool lies over the UK promoting showers in most places through the daytime's.

ECM shows Low pressure crossing slowly NE across the UK early next week and away to the NE by midweek. A spell of rain on Monday would be followed by breezy and showery conditions midweek before further Low pressure from the NW ensures the weather stays unsettled and cooler to end the week too with rain at times in winds from a West or eventually NW point.

In Summary it is beginning to look like it could become more generally cooler and unsettled next week. A lot of the charts show just shallow Low pressure near the UK with the familiar showery mix when some people avoid them and stay in relatively dry and quite warm conditions while others get a lot and feel cool at the same time. However, there are some increasingly popular signs of bringing in more active weather systems from the NW later next week which would turn the weather more widely unsettled, breezy and cooler with some longer spells of rain as well as showers on occasions for all. There doesn't seem too much chance of warm and settled conditions returning on a widespread basis anytime soon from today's output given that the Jet Stream has now flown South and is programmed to remain near the 50 deg N line for some considerable time keeping it on a collision course over the South of the UK.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
31 July 2013 07:56:05

Thanks Martin..


A return to what we expect of ...Summer...

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
31 July 2013 07:56:13
The implication from Martin's useful summary this morning implies that our summer is showing signs of reverting back to the normal cool cloudy weather the UK has had over the last few summers so August in its entirety will follow our familiar summer pattern countrywide with above average rainfall, windy conditions from the NW, and temperatures struggling to reach 21 degrees at best in most areas throughout the month?
After a wonderful July, August looks like being a wake up call for all of us especially with the Jet Stream now settled south of the UK......
31 July 2013 08:00:56

The implication from Martin's useful summary this morning implies that our summer is showing signs of reverting back to the normal cool cloudy weather the UK has had over the last few summers so August in its entirety will follow our familiar summer pattern countrywide with above average rainfall, windy conditions from the NW, and temperatures struggling to reach 21 degrees at best in most areas throughout the month? After a wonderful July, August looks like being a wake up call for all of us especially with the Jet Stream now settled south of the UK......

Originally Posted by: cultman1 

I don't see any 21C over here and it still showing very warm weather next week and the cool weather always remain at FI since late June. 

Justin W
31 July 2013 08:16:44

Sorry George but you must be in a different country. The warmest uppers on Friday are during the small hours. Max 30c I reckon.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
31 July 2013 08:25:58

The implication from Martin's useful summary this morning implies that our summer is showing signs of reverting back to the normal cool cloudy weather the UK has had over the last few summers so August in its entirety will follow our familiar summer pattern countrywide with above average rainfall, windy conditions from the NW, and temperatures struggling to reach 21 degrees at best in most areas throughout the month? After a wonderful July, August looks like being a wake up call for all of us especially with the Jet Stream now settled south of the UK......

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

I don't see any 21C over here and it still showing very warm weather next week and the cool weather always remain at FI since late June. 

Originally Posted by: cultman1 


you keep up the optimistic posts George , i see the doom mongerours are gathering thick and fast , im on holiday next week so 30+ every day will do me fine  

Steam Fog
31 July 2013 08:37:51

The implication from Martin's useful summary this morning implies that our summer is showing signs of reverting back to the normal cool cloudy weather the UK has had over the last few summers so August in its entirety will follow our familiar summer pattern countrywide with above average rainfall, windy conditions from the NW, and temperatures struggling to reach 21 degrees at best in most areas throughout the month? After a wonderful July, August looks like being a wake up call for all of us especially with the Jet Stream now settled south of the UK......

Originally Posted by: cultman1 

Possibly you are over analysing.

I cannot really see a shift to your generalisation (wetter and colder than average) of the last few summers in GIBBY's summary.

I think you may be potentailly stretching GIBBY's interpretation of this morning's model output to suggest it was a forecast for "August in its entirety." The majority of the model output does not go beyond 10 days (so not even the first third of August).

The next week on GFS is warmer than average for almost the whole UK.

And depending where you are drier than average (central England and Wales), wetter than average (northern England, far west of Scotland, far SE England), but about average for the rest.

No signs of extended warm and settled weather for the whole country, no signs of extended much colder than average and much wetter than average either.

31 July 2013 08:38:12

Looking much more changeable for must of next week with heavy, thundery showers at times and the odd longer spell of rain thrown in.

Quite a turn around form the last few days of model watching.


Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

Polar Low
31 July 2013 09:12:07

Thanks Martin


Good morning folks. Here is the what I like to think is the unbiased and 'say it as i see it' morning rundown of the midnight outputs of the big computer models for today Wednesday July 31st 2013.

The General Situation. All model show a warm front moving steadily North across the UK today and tonight carrying a band of rain and drizzle North across the UK and introducing some warm and humid air to England and Wales later. The front will reach Scotland tomorrow with rain here while England and Wales see very warm or even hot conditions briefly in the SE as winds back Southerly. On Friday a weak cold front crosses East across the UK carrying a few showers and introducing cooler and fresher air behind reaching the far SE late on Friday. The near Continent will see some thunderstorms from this but they look unlikely to reach the mainland of SE Britain. The weekend is then shown by most output to see SW winds and scattered showers with Saturday seeing most showers while Sunday looks mostly dry in the South and pleasantly warm conditions and less humid too than of late.

GFS then steadily keeps the UK under slack pressure early next week with sunshine and scattered showers with average temperatures later. Through midweek pressure falls over the near Continent with areas of potentially thundery rain affecting South and East England later with the driest weather to be found in the North and West under a ridge. By next weekend the ridge collapses over the UK as a deep Atlantic depression moves in from the NW with a spell of rain and fresh winds for all leading us into a relatively cool and showery phase then out to the end of the run.

The GFS Ensembles have greatly modified the effects of the second warm up indicated last night for next week. Today we see the weather cool off at the weekend and a relatively average period of temperatures or slightly above at times in the South. In the North the weather looks quite unsettled from next week and the effects of this extend to the South too at times as Low pressure trundles East across Northern Britain.

The Jet Stream today shows our problem with maintaining fine and warm conditions over the UK in the upcoming period as it is now based too far South over the Atlantic steaming the flow over the UK NE from Biscay and eventually on a flat West to East course across the UK from the middle of next week.

UKMO this morning shows a showery trough edging East over the UK early next week changing the SW flow to a NW one albeit light. the showers could be heavy through the daytime with hail and thunder a possibility in temperatures close to average.

GEM looks very changeable today with a small Low crossing NE early next week with rain at times. A ridge then follows from the West with a 24 hour or so window of fine and bright weather before low pressure from the NW delivers a spell of rain for all followed by showers by the end of next week. Temperatures look like they would be close to average overall.

NAVGEM keeps slack pressure over the UK early next week though it is biased towards Low pressure as a shallow cool pool lies over the UK promoting showers in most places through the daytime's.

ECM shows Low pressure crossing slowly NE across the UK early next week and away to the NE by midweek. A spell of rain on Monday would be followed by breezy and showery conditions midweek before further Low pressure from the NW ensures the weather stays unsettled and cooler to end the week too with rain at times in winds from a West or eventually NW point.

In Summary it is beginning to look like it could become more generally cooler and unsettled next week. A lot of the charts show just shallow Low pressure near the UK with the familiar showery mix when some people avoid them and stay in relatively dry and quite warm conditions while others get a lot and feel cool at the same time. However, there are some increasingly popular signs of bringing in more active weather systems from the NW later next week which would turn the weather more widely unsettled, breezy and cooler with some longer spells of rain as well as showers on occasions for all. There doesn't seem too much chance of warm and settled conditions returning on a widespread basis anytime soon from today's output given that the Jet Stream has now flown South and is programmed to remain near the 50 deg N line for some considerable time keeping it on a collision course over the South of the UK.

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

Matty H
  • Matty H
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
31 July 2013 09:18:29
Tomorrow is looking a pretty hot day for many. Mid 30s may just be scraped in the southeast Heathrow
31 July 2013 09:19:16
Polar Low
31 July 2013 09:19:53

ens ecm monthy mean mostly above average for whole month mid England Please note I dont really hold a bias in summer maybe in winter yes I admit.

31 July 2013 09:24:09

Tomorrow is looking a pretty hot day for many. Mid 30s may just be scraped in the southeast Heathrow

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

I'm expecting 40c here tomorrow!

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

Hungry Tiger
31 July 2013 09:32:55

Not too bad from GFS - but you can see the jet stream trying to get back to spoil things.

On the face of it though August 16th doesn't look bad.

But that it a long way off though.

Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Steam Fog
31 July 2013 09:36:48

ens ecmmonthy mean mostly above average for whole month mid England Please note I dont really hold a bias in summer maybe in winter yes I admit.

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

Ties in with Met Office contingency planners outlook which narrowly sees a higher probability for above average August.

"Latest predictions for UK-mean temperature slightly favour above-average values for both August and August-September-October."

Rainfall average or possibly a little above.

"The balance of probabilities suggests that the dry, settled conditions experienced in July may not persist through August; currently near-to-above-average rainfall is slightly favoured. For August-September-October as a whole the signal is largely indistinguishable from climatology."

Obviously all the usual caution required given the long term nature of the outlook.

Polar Low
31 July 2013 09:41:49

Seems about right Sf well balanced really Rain not to bad either sometimes quite low











ens ecmmonthy mean mostly above average for whole month mid England Please note I dont really hold a bias in summer maybe in winter yes I admit.

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

Ties in with Met Office contingency planners outlook which narrowly sees a higher probability for above average August. "Latest predictions for UK-mean temperature slightly favour above-average values for both August and August-September-October." Rainfall average or possibly a little above. "The balance of probabilities suggests that the dry, settled conditions experienced in July may not persist through August; currently near-to-above-average rainfall is slightly favoured. For August-September-October as a whole the signal is largely indistinguishable from climatology." Obviously all the usual caution required given the long term nature of the outlook.

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

Matty H
  • Matty H
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
31 July 2013 09:45:42

Tomorrow is looking a pretty hot day for many. Mid 30s may just be scraped in the southeast Heathrow

Originally Posted by: Charmhills 

I'm expecting 40c here tomorrow!UserPostedImageUserPostedImage

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Morning Jiries [sn_bsmil]
31 July 2013 09:50:00

BBC forecasts of temperatures back down to 25/26 degrees on Friday look well wide of mark to me. GFS has consitently shown temperatures still reaching around 28/29.

31 July 2013 10:09:35
There has been a big shift in the ECM ensembles in a twelve hour period - all the really hot outliers have disappeared on the afternoon runs from yesterday - the monthly run was at 00Z Monday when hot was the general theme.

CF yesterday 00Z to yesterday 12Z 
  • idot
  • Advanced Member
31 July 2013 10:18:22

Tomorrow is looking a pretty hot day for many. Mid 30s may just be scraped in the southeast Heathrow

Originally Posted by: Charmhills 

I'm expecting 40c here tomorrow!

Originally Posted by: Matty H 


in your shed?!


Ally Pally Snowman
31 July 2013 10:22:09

There has been a big shift in the ECM ensembles in a twelve hour period - all the really hot outliers have disappeared on the afternoon runs from yesterday - the monthly run was at 00Z Monday when hot was the general theme. CF yesterday 00Z to yesterday 12Z

Originally Posted by: nouska 

Thats a massive shift to cooler more unsettled conditions. The ECM looks like its done with summer for now. The ensemble Mean looks poor with a cool NW flow long term.

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Ally Pally Snowman
31 July 2013 10:32:17

GFS 6z keeping Summer alive though especially for the South with a run of Maxes from tmrw - 31c, 29c, 25c, 25c, 28c, 27c, 26c

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
31 July 2013 10:33:20

There has been a big shift in the ECM ensembles in a twelve hour period - all the really hot outliers have disappeared on the afternoon runs from yesterday - the monthly run was at 00Z Monday when hot was the general theme. CF yesterday 00Z to yesterday 12Z 

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Thats a massive shift to cooler more unsettled conditions. The ECM looks like its done with summer for now. The ensemble Mean looks poor with a cool NW flow long term. 

Originally Posted by: nouska 

To be fair that is a west or indeed for some a southwesterly flow. Although cooler it is still miles better than summer 2012, which is good.
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