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01 August 2013 08:22:17

Well above average month for the first time since March 2012
No especially high temperatures here though 26.9C was achieved on the 12th and the 18th but generally maximums were below 25C

Without the welcome soak on the 28th it would have been a very dry month.

Average temperature = 16.3°C; diff from climate av: +1.4°C
Average humidity = 83%
Average dewpoint = 13.2°C
Average barometer = 1018.6 mb
Average windspeed = 4.5 mph
Average gustspeed = 6.8 mph
Average direction = 229° ( SW)
Rainfall for month = 33.8 mm
Rainfall for year = 330.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 1.4 mm on day 28 at time 02:18
Maximum temperature = 26.9°C on day 18 at time 14:36
Minimum temperature = 7.9°C on day 12 at time 05:38
Maximum humidity = 98% on day 14 at time 08:51
Minimum humidity = 42% on day 26 at time 16:57
Maximum dewpoint = 20.4°C on day 12 at time 15:47
Minimum dewpoint = 4.8°C on day 15 at time 5:46
Maximum pressure = 1036.1 mb on day 08 at time 09:41
Minimum pressure = 993.8 mb on day 28 at time 06:40
Maximum windspeed = 32.2 mph from 270°( W ) on day 28 at time 07:21
Maximum gust speed = 44.9 mph from 270°( W ) on day 28 at time 07:20
Maximum heat index = 28.3°C on day 12 at time 17:21
Avg daily max temp :21.5°C
Avg daily min temp :11.1°C
Growing degrees days :201.4 GDD
Total windrun = 3318.9miles
Daily rain totals
01.0 mm on day 1
01.6 mm on day 2
01.4 mm on day 3
00.6 mm on day 23
00.6 mm on day 24
00.2 mm on day 25
19.8 mm on day 28
02.8 mm on day 29
02.0 mm on day 30
03.8 mm on day 31

01 August 2013 14:01:49

To save all the printing across from my website you can view my statistics and summary blog  for the month of July here and how it is shaping up in the seasonal and annual picture in my neck of the woods.




Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
01 August 2013 14:29:16

Summary for July 2013

Temperature (°C): Mean (1 minute)  20.1 Mean (min+max)   20.2 Mean Minimum     13.8 Mean Maximum     26.5 Minimum          0.0 day 20 Maximum          33.0 day 22 Highest Minimum  17.4 day 14 Lowest Maximum   16.6 day 02 Air frosts       0

Rainfall (mm): Total for month  47.7 Wettest day      16.2 day 29 High rain rate   43.2 day 29 Rain days        11 Dry days         23

Wind (km/h): Highest Gust     27.0 day 20 Average Speed    3.2 Wind Run         1869.6 km Gale days        0

Pressure (hPa): Maximum          1036.2 day 08 Minimum          0.0 day 20



Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
01 August 2013 15:15:19

Stats from Coleshill (data from

Mean 18.6ºC

Avg max 24.6ºC

Avg min 12.5ºC

High max 30.1ºC (22nd)

High min 18.3ºC (23rd)

Low max 16.4ºC (2nd)

Low min 7.7ºC (12th)

Rain 76.4mm

Rain days 9

Wettest day 28.0mm (28th)

01 August 2013 22:22:40

Statistics from Watford

Temperature (°C):

Highest Temperature   33.3 °C 16:02 on 22 July
Lowest Temperature    10.6 °C 05:38 on 12 July
Warmest Night            20.0 c   05:22 on 22 July

Mean Maximum     27.0c

Minimum          10.6c day 11
Maximum          33.3c day 22

Over 30c     8 days

Over 25c     22 days

Rainfall (mm):

Total for month  29.7
Wettest day      10.2 day 29
Rain days        7
Dry days         23

Wind (mph):

Highest Gust     13.0 day 28
Average Speed    0.2
Wind Run         110.6 miles

Pressure (mb):

Maximum          1021.8 day 07
Minimum          996.0 day 02

More can be found on my blog post

ASL 35m 

02 August 2013 07:45:33

Any stations that still have rainfall  total below 10mm?.

02 August 2013 07:53:49

More like Chicago July average and here the stats.

Max Ave: 28.6C which is 2nd hottest after 29.3C set in July 2006.

Min Ave: 15.3C

Mean: 21.67C

Max Hottest: 35C

Max Coolest: 21C

Min Warmest: 20.9C

Min Coolest: 11C

02 August 2013 11:38:46

Stats for July in wareham,Dorset

Mean Temp  19.9c

Highest Max Temp 31c

Lowest Min Temp 8c

Rainfall 65.5mm

Summary- Although it was hot for 2-3 weeks this July,in terms of heat, falls way below the Julys of

2006.1995,1983 & 1976 both in temperature and duration not to mention rainfall was about average.

I guess its because this is the first spell of proper heat for 7 years is why some people have got excited

and made ridiculous comparisons to the years above.

This July can hardly be classed as extreme at all!

02 August 2013 18:12:14

Here is my July 2013 summary.


Mean max temp:  21.46C

Mean min temp:  12.20C

Overall mean temp:  16.83C

Highest maximum temp:  27.9C (on the 18th)

Lowest maximum temp:  15.9C (on the 28th)

Lowest minimum temp:  6.1C (on the 2nd)

Highest minimum temp:  16.9C (on the 18th)

No. of days with maximum temp of 25C or above:  4

No. of days with maximum temp of 20C or above:  21

No. of days with average or above maximum temp:  27

Total rainfall:  61.1mm

No. of days with measurable rainfall:  9

No. of days with thunder:  1


Quite simply the summer month I've been waiting for!  It was the warmest month I have ever recorded (since starting records in 2009) with the mean maximum temperature some 2.86C above the 1981-2010 average.  The month was predominantly dry with a run of 19 dry days up to and including 22 July.  78% of the monthly rainfall total fell on just two days (24th and the 28th).  I also recorded the highest maximum temperature ever of 27.9C on the 18th.

02 August 2013 19:52:47

Two records fell this July:

1. The average monthly temperature for July is my hottest ever, and by almost 2C. We'd expect around 13.5C on average, in the end we hit 15.3C and that is with some spurious low temps bringing the average down!

2. It has been my driest July ever with a pretty insignificant 35.2mm. We would expect more like 75mm going by my July 5 year average. This continues a dry trend I have seen over two years now.

My overall maximum temperature measured in July was my second highest ever at 25.2C, though it was far behind the anomoly that was 27C in June 2009. As for the rest of the stats, not a lot to say. High pressure dominated so not a lot of wind. Ignore the spurious 0.1C minimum, that was the sensor playing up.

Shulista, Isle of Skye, Lat: N57:41:20 (57.688757) Lon: W6:19:06 (-6.318203), 40m ASL
Maximum, Minimum and Averages for 07-2013

Maximum Pressure: 1029.7 hPa @ 2013-07-07 at 22:19:02
Minimum Pressure: 985.3 hPa @ 2013-07-02 at 18:21:02
Average Pressure: 1010.4 hPa

Maximum Windspeed: 14.6 m/s [32.7 mph] @ 2013-07-04 at 16:33:02
Maximum Gust: 21.0 m/s [47.0 mph] @ 2013-07-06 at 03:00:02
Average Windspeed: 3.7 m/s [8.3 mph]
Average Gust: 3.4 m/s [7.6 mph]
Average Wind Direction: 199.88 ° [S]

Maximum Temperature: 25.2 °C @ 2013-07-20 at 14:35:03
Minimum Temperature: 0.1 °C @ 2013-07-12 at 02:50:25
Average Temperature: 15.3 °C
Average Maximum Temperature: 19.3 °C
Average Minimum Temperature: 10.8 °C
Maximum Humidity: 97 % @ 2013-07-17 at 23:24:04
Minimum Humidity: 0 % @ 2013-07-12 at 02:50:25
Average Humidity: 83.3 %

Rainfall (07): 35.2 mm
Rainfall (2013): 532.3 mm
Dry days: 15
Wettest day: 7.2 mm on 2013-07-06
Frosty days: 0 / Snow Falling days: 0 / Snow Lying days: 0
03 August 2013 04:24:37
Mean: 18.9C
Mean max: 24.6C
Mean min: 13.2C
Highest max: 30.0C (18th)
Lowest max: 17.3C (2nd)
Highest min: 17.0C (18th)
Lowest min: 7.7C (1st)

Days above 20C: 29
Days above 25C: 17
Days above 28C: 7

Mins above 15C: 8
Mins above 10C: 27
Mins below 10C: 4

Rainfall: 49.1mm
Rain days >1mm: 5
Wettest day: 29.3mm (28th)
Dry days: 22

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
03 August 2013 19:38:27

Temperature stats (and anomalies) in °C:

Mean Max: 25.13 (+3.43)   2nd highest July value in series 2003-2013 Highest is 2006 with 27.1°C!

Mean Min: 13.20 (+1.40) 4th highest July value, behind 2008 (13.21), 2003 (14.13) and 2006 (15.77)

Mean 24h: 19.16 (2.41)  2nd highest July value behind 2006's astonishing 21.44°C.

I'm impressed with that overall

Total rainfall: 32.8mm (-22.3mm). 4th driest in series behind 2005 (29mm), 2006 (24.8mm) and 2010 (19.5mm).

Total sunshine: a mind boggling 334.1 hours! Sunniest in series, beating 2006's 297.5 hours. The next sunniest, 2010, only has 213.9 hours and the LTA is 223.5 hours... not often I see a surplus of over 100 hours of sunshine in a month

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
Medlock Vale Weather
03 August 2013 20:31:45

July 2013 stats for Medlock Valley Oldham.

Maximum Air Temperature: 28.4C (19th)

Minimum Air Temperature: 4.5C (2nd)

Total Rainfall: 97mm

Summary: A very dry start and middle but a very wet thundery end with large rainfall totals on a few days, hottest Summer month since July 2006.

Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
  • POD
  • Advanced Member
04 August 2013 09:00:19


   Averages\Extremes for the month of July 2013



Average temperature     = 18.8°C

Average humidity        = 70%

Average dewpoint        = 12.6°C

Average barometer       = 1020.0 mb

Average windspeed       = 1.8 mph

Average gustspeed       = 3.7 mph

Average direction       = 186° ( S )

Rainfall for month      = 29.4 mm

Rainfall for year       = 295.6 mm

Maximum rain per minute = 1.2 mm on day 25 at time 04:21

Maximum temperature     = 30.9°C on day 22 at time 16:06

Minimum temperature     = 10.4°C on day 12 at time 04:58

Maximum humidity        = 97% on day 29 at time 02:19

Minimum humidity        = 19% on day 15 at time 18:21

Maximum dewpoint        = 18.6°C on day 27 at time 19:05

Minimum dewpoint        = 2.4°C on day 09 at time 14:04

Maximum pressure        = 1033.6 mb on day 08 at time 08:29

Minimum pressure        = 1001.6 mb on day 27 at time 20:20

Maximum windspeed       = 9.2 mph from 248°(WSW) on day 29 at time 16:57

Maximum gust speed      = 20.7 mph from 158°(SSE) on day 28 at time 16:50

Maximum heat index      = 30.7°C on day 22 at time 15:38

Avg daily max temp :24.5°C

Avg daily min temp :13.9°C

Growing degrees days :284.8 GDD

Corn growing degrees days :855.3 GDD

Total windrun = 1358.5miles


Daily rain totals


  00.6 mm  on day 2

  03.8 mm  on day 3

  00.2 mm  on day 16

  00.4 mm  on day 23

  04.8 mm  on day 25

  08.6 mm  on day 27

  00.2 mm  on day 28

  04.0 mm  on day 29

  06.4 mm  on day 30

  00.6 mm  on day 31

Pat, Crawley Down, West Sussex.
04 August 2013 09:07:53

04 August 2013 11:53:22

Averages\Extremes for the month of July 2013

Average temperature = 18.4°C
Average humidity = 47%
Average dewpoint = 5.5°C
Average barometer = 1010.9 mb
Average windspeed = 0.7 mph
Average gustspeed = 1.4 mph
Average direction = 256° (WSW)
Rainfall for month = 73.2 mm
Rainfall for year = 643.7 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 2.3 mm on day 26 at time 13:18
Maximum temperature = 30.9°C on day 09 at time 16:42
Minimum temperature = 9.9°C on day 02 at time 05:27
Maximum humidity = 87% on day 28 at time 11:22
Minimum humidity = 7% on day 07 at time 15:52
Maximum dewpoint = 14.8°C on day 29 at time 11:51
Minimum dewpoint = -12.4°C on day 07 at time 15:45
Maximum pressure = 1030.0 mb on day 08 at time 08:26
Minimum pressure = 990.0 mb on day 03 at time 00:26
Maximum windspeed = 11.5 mph from 225°( SW) on day 04 at time 15:31
Maximum gust speed = 15.0 mph from 293°(WNW) on day 04 at time 14:59
Avg daily max temp :23.5°C
Avg daily min temp :13.9°C

Daily rain totals
01.0 mm on day 1
10.5 mm on day 2
10.7 mm on day 4
02.1 mm on day 23
04.1 mm on day 24
02.3 mm on day 25
07.4 mm on day 26
01.0 mm on day 27
20.2 mm on day 28
08.5 mm on day 29
05.4 mm on day 31

UserPostedImage LLTNP 105m asl 
13 August 2013 21:16:15

Statistics for July 2013 from Folkestone, Kent.

Warm and Sunny

A cool, breezy and showery first three days gave way to an extended spell of fine, warm and settled conditions with high pressure dominant between 4th- 21st. Temperatures were never excessively hot due to refreshing sea breezes and the tendency for the core of high pressure to be located just to the north drawing in NE'ly breezes at times. A violent thunderstorm and associated gust front on the 22nd July ushered in a more changeable but still warm remainder of the month. A plume of renewed warmer air on the 26th broke down with a weaker thundery episode. The last few days of the month were cooler, fresher and breezy with an atlantic based airmass.

The monthly total rainfall of 62.4mm was bang on average but 53mm of this fell in those two thundery episodes.


Mean Max: 22.3C 

Mean Min: 13.8C 

Mean Temp: 17.6C (+1.5)

Highest Max: 29.2C (22nd)

Lowest Max: 16.8C (2nd)

Highest Min: 17.7C (22nd)

Lowest Min: 9.8C (13th)


Rainfall: 62.4mm (100%)

Rain Days (over 0.2mm): 6

Wet Days (over 1.0mm): 5

Wettest Day: 39.0mm (22nd)

Peak rainrate: 443mm/hr (22nd) 

Thunder days: 2 (22nd & 27th)


Sunshine: 264 hours (111.4%)

Sunniest day: 14 hours (18th)

Sunless days: 2

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
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