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05 August 2013 12:48:03

Personally I think the Met have handled this event rather badly. I know it was always going to be the West and North that got the heaviest rain up to 60mm and no doubt a few upland high ground areas may well of done but come down off those hills and many have had no more than a splash with the main rain belt a good 50-100mls further West than predicted. The push NE of this feature down to the SW has not behaved well imo and it looks as though a large swathe of Southern and Eastern England will have little or no appreciable rain from this with the feature fizzling a death now down to the SW. Could be a few convective local downpours towards the East though as the wind shear is large as it comes into the South this afternoon. 

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

Yesterday evening Helen Willets had very heavy rain over MBY from about 16:00, it looked very intense, time will tell

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Steam Fog
07 August 2013 20:57:32
Cripes! Tomorrow's Express.

"New Heatwave to hit Britain
Hottest spell of year is on way, say experts"

Turns out the expert is some prescient fellow called James Madden (who he ed?).

(Stone Cold who is this mysterious Alex you are quoting? Any chance of a link when you post? My excuse for the above is it's too early)
08 August 2013 08:45:57

Cripes! Tomorrow's Express.

"New Heatwave to hit Britain
Hottest spell of year is on way, say experts"

Turns out the expert is some prescient fellow called James Madden (who he ed?).

(Stone Cold who is this mysterious Alex you are quoting? Any chance of a link when you post? My excuse for the above is it's too early)

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

08 August 2013 09:07:29

Cripes! Tomorrow's Express.

"New Heatwave to hit Britain
Hottest spell of year is on way, say experts"

Turns out the expert is some prescient fellow called James Madden (who he ed?).

(Stone Cold who is this mysterious Alex you are quoting? Any chance of a link when you post? My excuse for the above is it's too early)

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog

Maybe they mean this

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

08 August 2013 09:23:52

Cripes! Tomorrow's Express.

"New Heatwave to hit Britain
Hottest spell of year is on way, say experts"

Turns out the expert is some prescient fellow called James Madden (who he ed?).

(Stone Cold who is this mysterious Alex you are quoting? Any chance of a link when you post? My excuse for the above is it's too early)

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986

Maybe they mean this

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

24-26 degrees is chilly for the south east

08 August 2013 09:36:00

Do you all have a favourite Weather Forecaster? On TV specifically? And why?

I prefer Alex Deakin....
08 August 2013 14:48:17

Cripes! Tomorrow's Express.

"New Heatwave to hit Britain
Hottest spell of year is on way, say experts"

Turns out the expert is some prescient fellow called James Madden (who he ed?).

(Stone Cold who is this mysterious Alex you are quoting? Any chance of a link when you post? My excuse for the above is it's too early)

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

Originally Posted by: Gooner

Maybe they mean this

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

24-26 degrees is chilly for the south east

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

And this is the Met Office's comment on it all: Seems some of us fell for the Express, again.

Folkestone Harbour. 
08 August 2013 15:13:03
Did Brian REALLY say that to the Express?...
Gavin P
08 August 2013 15:22:15

Did Brian REALLY say that to the Express?...

Originally Posted by: we1330 

Brian's comments in the article seem the only reasonable part of it, tbh.

We could easily come away with the warmest August since 2004 - And thats really a reflection of how dire August has been recently.

To do it in terms of the CET we've got to beat 16.6;

From where we are now it looks very doable;

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
Steam Fog
08 August 2013 15:30:05

Cripes! Tomorrow's Express.

"New Heatwave to hit Britain
Hottest spell of year is on way, say experts"

Turns out the expert is some prescient fellow called James Madden (who he ed?).

(Stone Cold who is this mysterious Alex you are quoting? Any chance of a link when you post? My excuse for the above is it's too early)

Originally Posted by: idj20 

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986

Maybe they mean this

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

24-26 degrees is chilly for the south east

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

And this is the Met Office's comment on it all: Seems some of us fell for the Express, again.

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

Not sure anyone fell for it?
Matty H
08 August 2013 18:07:29

Cripes! Tomorrow's Express.

"New Heatwave to hit Britain
Hottest spell of year is on way, say experts"

Turns out the expert is some prescient fellow called James Madden (who he ed?).

(Stone Cold who is this mysterious Alex you are quoting? Any chance of a link when you post? My excuse for the above is it's too early)

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 UserPostedImage

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

Fergusson has just had a dig about this on the Points West forecast.
09 August 2013 07:45:29

According to the MetO forecast for the W Midlands:


A mainly dry night with clear spells for most. Light winds and clear skies mean a chilly night with temperatures reaching single figures, mist or fog patches may form later. Minimum temperature 10 °C.

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
Steam Fog
11 August 2013 20:45:20
Tomorrow's Express going for a really rather unlikely...

"86F Sizzling Summer is back this week see page 19."
Matty H
11 August 2013 20:46:49

Tomorrow's Express going for a really rather unlikely...

"86F Sizzling Summer is back this week see page 19."

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

A load of crap in The Express, you say? As if...
12 August 2013 14:29:09

UK Outlook for Saturday 17 Aug 2013 to Monday 26 Aug 2013:

Conditions likely to start off fine and largely dry on Saturday before quickly going downhill as cloud, outbreaks of rain, heavy at times, and windier conditions spread across Britain. These unsettled conditions then persist through the rest of weekend into the early part of next week when a mixture of broken cloud, bright or sunny spells and showers is expected, some of these showers heavy and locally thundery. There then remain signs of a shift towards much more settled conditions developing from roughly the middle of next week, especially across eastern, central and southern parts. Daytime temperatures this weekend into early next week close to or just below average, and feeling cool in wind, rain and showers. Conditions then becoming warmer as more settled weather develops.

13 August 2013 11:14:00

UK Outlook for Sunday 18 Aug 2013 to Tuesday 27 Aug 2013:

An unsettled start to the period with blustery showers and some longer spells of rain, possibly heavy and persistent towards the north and west of the UK. Some bright or sunny spells are likely between the showers, these probably more prolonged in the south and southwest on Monday. A gradual change to more settled weather is expected thereafter, although further spells of breezy and wet weather may continue across northern Britain. Southern and eastern areas show signs of becoming warmer and more settled around the middle of next week, with temperatures otherwise near or a little below average. Towards the end of the month, these generally settled conditions may well extend across much of the UK and temperatures should become warm, locally very warm across parts of England and Wales.

13 August 2013 11:55:45

UK Outlook for Sunday 18 Aug 2013 to Tuesday 27 Aug 2013:

An unsettled start to the period with blustery showers and some longer spells of rain, possibly heavy and persistent towards the north and west of the UK. Some bright or sunny spells are likely between the showers, these probably more prolonged in the south and southwest on Monday. A gradual change to more settled weather is expected thereafter, although further spells of breezy and wet weather may continue across northern Britain. Southern and eastern areas show signs of becoming warmer and more settled around the middle of next week, with temperatures otherwise near or a little below average. Towards the end of the month, these generally settled conditions may well extend across much of the UK and temperatures should become warm, locally very warm across parts of England and Wales.

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 


  Like that report...

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
14 August 2013 11:33:22

UK Outlook for Monday 19 Aug 2013 to Wednesday 28 Aug 2013:

Sunshine and showers are expected at first, with showers most likely in northern and western Britain, and the south and east staying largely fine and dry. The rest of the week should then have plenty of dry and settled weather across many southern parts of the UK. However, some wetter weather may continue at times across the north and west, and perhaps some central areas around the middle of the week. The generally settled conditions in the south then show signs of extending further north across much of the UK during the latter part of August. Temperatures should respond and rise above average in many areas, with some very warm conditions developing across parts of southern Britain.

17 August 2013 09:05:48

UK Outlook for Wednesday 21 Aug 2013 to Friday 30 Aug 2013:

Many parts will enjoy light winds and sunny spells through Wednesday and Thursday. The best of any sunshine is likely to be across the south and east, where it may turn warm or locally very warm. Further towards the north and west, there is a risk of showers that may merge into a longer spell of persistent rain, with cooler temperatures here as a result. Thereafter, many parts should enjoy further fine and dry weather with spells of sunshine. Once again, some northern and western parts may be more unsettled at times with a risk that these conditions become slightly more widespread later. Whilst daytime temperatures will largely be near normal, it will become warm at times during sunnier periods and locally very warm across southeastern areas.

UK Outlook for Saturday 31 Aug 2013 to Saturday 14 Sep 2013:

Largely settled weather is expected to continue into the early part of this forecast period across southern and eastern areas, most likely leaving these regions with spells of fine and pleasantly warm weather. Further north and west, there is a greater chance of rain or showers and cooler temperatures. Thereafter, no strong signals currently exist for the weather running into the middle part of September. As such, further spells of fine weather are possible but equally, relative to the early part of this forecast period, bouts of unsettled weather are also more likely to affect all parts of the UK.

Issued at: 0400 on Sat 17 Aug 2013


August ends warm , I will soon be looking for cooler temps

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

17 August 2013 09:41:08
17 August 2013 14:02:05

Well the miserable forecast I saw last night for today hasn't turned up, overcast yes but also dry

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

18 August 2013 09:57:18

Outlook for Tuesday to Thursday:

Many southern, central and eastern parts of the UK should be largely dry, fine and increasingly warm. Showers or more persistent rain are likely at times further north and west.

Issued at: 0400 on Sun 18 Aug 2013


Much warmer weather on the way

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Rob K
18 August 2013 18:16:06

Outlook for Tuesday to Thursday:
Many southern, central and eastern parts of the UK should be largely dry, fine and increasingly warm. Showers or more persistent rain are likely at times further north and west.
Issued at: 0400 on Sun 18 Aug 2013

Much warmer weather on the way

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Barring another major model flip I would expect the bank holiday forecasts to be drastically rewritten tonight.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
19 August 2013 13:19:03

Outlook for Wednesday to Friday:

Mostly dry throughout with bright or sunny intervals and variable amounts of cloud. Slight chance of showers later on Friday. Warm or very warm and becoming more humid.

Issued at: 0400 on Mon 19 Aug 2013


For the SE

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

19 August 2013 13:27:04

Mostly dry throughout with bright or sunny intervals and variable amounts of cloud. Slight chance of showers later on Friday. Warm or very warm and becoming more humid

yes a warm spell is pretty much guaranteed in the south. its saturday onwards it looks unsettled with heavy showers although still very warm and muggy.

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