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05 September 2013 17:27:17

Oh, where did that come from? Thick fog just this minute rolled in from the sea, suddenly went all cold and murky here at the Harbour area. That is a bit of a jarring change after having been gloriously sunny and warm all day.

Folkestone Harbour. 
Matty H
05 September 2013 17:28:37
The Heathrow thermometer obviously on the blink today.
05 September 2013 17:37:20

A weird fog has just rolled in and is starting to make it this far inland !

Very unusual given the temperature was at 25c an hour ago.

22.2c now with a dewpoint now up to 19c.

Very usual view of the town has dissapeared.

EDIT, getting dark with lights on ! 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Whether Idle
05 September 2013 18:10:27

Heard the fog horn and thought why the hell is that on, then noticed the Sea fog had rolled in (about 7pm) to obscure the castle from my study window.  The second hottest September day in my 9 year record.  Maxed at 25.8 at 1.30pm.  Hottest September day at this station remains the epic 21 September 2006 with 26.6c.


Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Frost Hollow
05 September 2013 18:12:45

I notice a narrow band of intense storms over Nofolk these have given 14mm of rain in a short time.

Temp here down to 14.9c as the cooler air rushes in from the west

05 September 2013 18:14:32

A weird fog has just rolled in and is starting to make it this far inland !

Very unusual given the temperature was at 25c an hour ago.

22.2c now with a dewpoint now up to 19c.

Very usual view of the town has dissapeared.

EDIT, getting dark with lights on ! 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Feels all surreal. I thought sea fog is usually a late winter/early spring time feature oftten associated with warm moist air going over a cold English Channel. Yet, isn't the Channel supposed to be at it's warmest right now?
  It's certainly caught me by surprise.

Folkestone Harbour. 
05 September 2013 18:20:09

Heard the fog horn and thought why the hell is that on, the noticed the Sea fog had rolled in (about 7pm) to obscure the castle from my study window.  The second hottest September day in my 9 year record.  Maxed at 25.8 at 1.30pm.  Hottest September day at this station remains the epic 21 September 2006 with 26.6c.

Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 

It's crazy down here in Folkestone minute everyone was mellowing into a another very warm and sunny evening when all of a sudden a damp, dark monster from the sea suddenly turned day into night. People came out of their front doors wondering what had happened.

18.7c and calm after a max here of 25.7c (hottest September day here too since 21st September 2006). 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Whether Idle
05 September 2013 18:23:11

Heard the fog horn and thought why the hell is that on, the noticed the Sea fog had rolled in (about 7pm) to obscure the castle from my study window.  The second hottest September day in my 9 year record.  Maxed at 25.8 at 1.30pm.  Hottest September day at this station remains the epic 21 September 2006 with 26.6c.

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

It's crazy down here in Folkestone minute everyone was mellowing into a another very warm and sunny evening when all of a sudden a damp, dark monster from the sea suddenly turned day into night. People came out of their front doors wondering what had happened.

18.7c and calm after a max here of 25.7c (hottest September day here too since 21st September 2006). 

Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 

Yes.  Horn still droning but castle now in view.  There was a weird yellowish glow about it as a lobe drited closeby.  Expecting ghost pirates any moment!

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
05 September 2013 18:31:31

A weird fog has just rolled in and is starting to make it this far inland !

Very unusual given the temperature was at 25c an hour ago.

22.2c now with a dewpoint now up to 19c.

Very usual view of the town has dissapeared.

EDIT, getting dark with lights on ! 

Originally Posted by: idj20 

Feels all surreal. I thought sea fog is usually a late winter/early spring time feature oftten associated with warm moist air going over a cold English Channel. Yet, isn't the Channel supposed to be at it's warmest right now?
  It's certainly caught me by surprise.

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

It has caught us all out Ian. About 10 minutes before the arrival of the fog the atmoshere suddenly took on a very smoky look and damp feel as a light breeze at 5mph blew.

A pocket of humid air has obviously over ridden the relatively cool sea to create this event.

A noteworthy event and a huge switch in the matter of minutes. 


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

05 September 2013 18:48:47

A weird fog has just rolled in and is starting to make it this far inland !

Very unusual given the temperature was at 25c an hour ago.

22.2c now with a dewpoint now up to 19c.

Very usual view of the town has dissapeared.

EDIT, getting dark with lights on ! 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Feels all surreal. I thought sea fog is usually a late winter/early spring time feature oftten associated with warm moist air going over a cold English Channel. Yet, isn't the Channel supposed to be at it's warmest right now?
  It's certainly caught me by surprise.

Originally Posted by: idj20 

It has caught us all out Ian. About 10 minutes before the arrival of the fog the atmoshere suddenly took on a very smoky look and damp feel as a light breeze at 5mph blew.

A pocket of humid air has obviously over ridden the relatively cool sea to create this event.

A noteworthy event and a huge switch in the matter of minutes. 


Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Certainly was a "what the heck . . . ?" moment, but ta for that explanation.

A fellow photographer chum had managed to get this snapshot taken from them thar hills to the north of the town at 6 pm, the fog completely engulfed him five minutes later.

Folkestone Harbour. 
05 September 2013 19:48:14


A dry and very warm day with unbroken sunshine until the arrival of the dark English Channel fog bank just before 7pm. Max temperature today was 25.7c.

A very warm/hot day across Kent. I noticed Manston was recording 29.7c at 4pm. At the same time as Langdon Bay within viewing distance, 16 miles away, was recording a mere 22.8c.

The fog is now clearing into a mist with clear skies overhead.

Air 17.6c / Dew 17.0c

RH 93%

Wind SW 4 mph

Pressure 1009.5mb falling

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

05 September 2013 19:57:36
Sunny day 23.6c alot cooler now 12.1c
05 September 2013 20:04:38

Another baking hot day with clear blue skys and wall to wall sunshine

The last two days have felt like it was back in July with nearly the same temperatures

Ringwood,Hants had a max temp of 30.2c today and 29c yesterday pretty impressive for september.

  • four
  • Advanced Member
05 September 2013 20:54:34

Turned cool and cloudy about 6pm with a few spots of rain and wind came in from the sea. 12.8C now.

05 September 2013 20:58:07

Turned cool and cloudy about 6pm with a few spots of rain and wind came in from the sea. 12.8C now.

Originally Posted by: four 

The sooner that reaches here, the better. It's currenly 19.0 C but the 94% humidity is giving a dewpoint of 18.0 C. I am sweating like a cornered nun.

 The fog has moved on and I can see stars as the low stratus breaks up.

Folkestone Harbour. 
05 September 2013 21:11:50
8°C and partly cloudy
05 September 2013 22:00:08
21c clear.
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
05 September 2013 22:06:09

Patchy cloud 19c

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Hungry Tiger
05 September 2013 22:20:39

Got to 29C today.

anyone get 30C.

I'm looking.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Hungry Tiger
05 September 2013 22:21:08

29c sunny


Originally Posted by: schmee 

Same as what I got.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

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