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08 January 2013 18:18:00

Just been on BBC news about the bush fires in New South Wales are ragging out of control and the record heat.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

09 January 2013 06:44:33

We reached 42.3c in Sydney today with a very srong NW wind, terrible conditions!  This is the third highest temp ever recorded at Observatory Hill.

You could feel the moisture being sucked out of everything. The heat of the wind was something, it took your breath away and was hard to breath in!

It is 10:15pm and is still 35c!!!!!. The southerly change isn't due through until early morning so is going to be a VERY warm night indeed.

Plenty of bush fires burning across the state tonight and the change of wind direction as the front comes through will be very dangerous indeed.

Temps will be pushing 40c by Friday and Saturday again, in fact Saturday could be worse bush fire day than today.

Originally Posted by: perthite 

Really not good news. There is hell of alot of fires going on over there with another intense heatwave back by Friday. Scary! This is becoming an extreme Summer here in Australia. My uncle who has lived here for getting on 50 years has never seen a Spring and Summer like this in Perth. Now we are watching the cyclone develop of the Pilbarra, this could be a biggie and hit directly on the mining region around Karratha. Alot of uncertainty on that though. But, we have a forecast of 4 days at least of thunderstorms from Saturday here in Perth. So much heat across Australia at the moment.

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

If a tropical cyclone impacts on the North of Australia that could be the game changer and signal the end of the summer heatwaves and we could enter a more usual mid to late summer pattern. The problem at the moment is that the monsoon trough is too far North over Indonesia, in fact it is the furthest North it has been for 13 years at this time of year. The restlt of the monsoon being so far North is that Australia is so much more cloud free than usual at this time of year so there is nothing at all to put a brake on the heat building. Until the monsoon sinks South the heat will keep on building and we will keep on getting a repeat heatwave pattern over SE Australia and W Australia.

A tropical cyclone impacting a very isolated area could be a good thing as it could introduce anough moisture to trigger the proper monsoon and bring it South thus flattening the high pressure systems that move across Australia and which won't allow serious heat build up.

The second half of summer should be wetter and less hot over all of Australia.

10 January 2013 12:40:21

It could get even more interesting next week, not that the last few months have not been interesting.

Cyclone Narelle looks like it wants to say hello to Perth in close proximity.


Hungry Tiger
10 January 2013 12:49:26

It could get even more interesting next week, not that the last few months have not been interesting.

Cyclone Narelle looks like it wants to say hello to Perth in close proximity.


Originally Posted by: perthite 

My goodness - that will give the synoptic pattern one heck of a shake up at this time of year.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

11 January 2013 07:00:18

Looks impressive but the latest GFS isn't all that exciting, has the cyclone dropping south and declining rapidly / never making landfall. Hard one to forecast though, will lose strength quickly the further sout it moves though.


Of more note is the monsoon trough finally getting organised in the later stages of the run. This will introduce cloud cover, moisture and signal the end of the summer heatwaves. If this actually happens is another matter.

11 January 2013 11:07:35

Turn this thing around! Incredible wall of sand whipped up by cyclone hits  remote stretch of Western Australia coast

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Good Lord!

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

Hungry Tiger
11 January 2013 11:19:28

Turn this thing around! Incredible wall of sand whipped up by cyclone hits  remote stretch of Western Australia coast

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Good Lord!

Originally Posted by: Charmhills 

That is amazing - those pictures are wonderful.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

12 January 2013 05:08:15

Amazing pictures. This made big news here in Perth, obviously with what else is going on regarding the heatwave, and the bizarre weather that has been occurring.

 Hurricane/cyclone Narelle is beautiful on the latest satellite images. I will say no more, the image does that, it is currently hovering around category 4, many of the Pilbarra mine sites have been evacuated and are in lockdown. Fortunately it has remained out at sea.

NB Unfortunately cannot attach the latest satellite image.

16 January 2013 22:21:36

Finally the monsoon trought shows signs of amping up over the Northern Territory. This should increase cloud cover and humidity levels over a wide area and knock back the heat.

Already sings of some significant rain for NSW possibly this weekend.

Will still be some very hot days but prolonged heatwaves could be over for this summer.

28 January 2013 02:30:43

Well, its firmly Summer here in Perth now. We are on course for the hottest Summer on record despite the unusual weather in December. Here is a pic of a rather arid looking SW Australia.


28 January 2013 04:44:42

Some severe weather going on over the East coast at the moment. Would be good to get some updates as to what is going on over there. I noticed Sydney has had 21mm since 9am this morning,  its 3.44pm with them at the moment, with the main band of rain yet to hit accompanied by some very strong winds.

09 February 2013 13:22:29

Another heatwave setting up here in Perth. We are well on course for our hottest Summer since records began in the 1880's i believe, though do not quote me on that for certain when records began. The next 3 days are meant to hit 41c, which is about 106f i believe, with Wednesday dropping back down to 40c, before a cool change comes in on Thursday and we see a high of just 30c. Thunderstorm potential with this intense heat as well, and that always provides some amazing cloud formations. Its the height of bushfire season here in the West now and that is of concern as its has not rained here for a number of weeks now. So hopefully you Poms will be showing some snow pics over the coming days to look at while we suffer the heat.

09 February 2013 13:40:52

Another heatwave setting up here in Perth. We are well on course for our hottest Summer since records began in the 1880's i believe, though do not quote me on that for certain when records began. The next 3 days are meant to hit 41c, which is about 106f i believe, with Wednesday dropping back down to 40c, before a cool change comes in on Thursday and we see a high of just 30c. Thunderstorm potential with this intense heat as well, and that always provides some amazing cloud formations. Its the height of bushfire season here in the West now and that is of concern as its has not rained here for a number of weeks now. So hopefully you Poms will be showing some snow pics over the coming days to look at while we suffer the heat.

Originally Posted by: perthite 

a high of just 30c enjoy your storms and the cloud formations and i hope the bushfires are not too severe for you guys.

09 February 2013 13:56:21

Another heatwave setting up here in Perth. We are well on course for our hottest Summer since records began in the 1880's i believe, though do not quote me on that for certain when records began. The next 3 days are meant to hit 41c, which is about 106f i believe, with Wednesday dropping back down to 40c, before a cool change comes in on Thursday and we see a high of just 30c. Thunderstorm potential with this intense heat as well, and that always provides some amazing cloud formations. Its the height of bushfire season here in the West now and that is of concern as its has not rained here for a number of weeks now. So hopefully you Poms will be showing some snow pics over the coming days to look at while we suffer the heat.

Originally Posted by: DTHFCJ 

a high of just 30c enjoy your storms and the cloud formations and i hope the bushfires are not too severe for you guys.

Originally Posted by: perthite 

I'll have to give the family a call in Darlington... It'll be the Hot Cold tub with ice blocks thrown in again then!

Nobody likes a smartass, especially another smartass...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
09 February 2013 14:12:04

Turn this thing around! Incredible wall of sand whipped up by cyclone hits  remote stretch of Western Australia coast

Read more:

Good Lord!

Originally Posted by: Charmhills 

Bloody hell, wouldn't want to have a mouthful of that

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Hungry Tiger
09 February 2013 16:59:57

Another heatwave setting up here in Perth. We are well on course for our hottest Summer since records began in the 1880's i believe, though do not quote me on that for certain when records began. The next 3 days are meant to hit 41c, which is about 106f i believe, with Wednesday dropping back down to 40c, before a cool change comes in on Thursday and we see a high of just 30c. Thunderstorm potential with this intense heat as well, and that always provides some amazing cloud formations. Its the height of bushfire season here in the West now and that is of concern as its has not rained here for a number of weeks now. So hopefully you Poms will be showing some snow pics over the coming days to look at while we suffer the heat.

Originally Posted by: perthite 

Tell us what temps you get to.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

01 March 2013 15:46:24

Doubtless evidence of GW

I know many of my Aussie friends have been struggling with their summer either due to heat or flooding. At least our climate isn't that extreme

Hungry Tiger
01 March 2013 15:47:41

Round up for Perth 2012 - 2013.

In the metro area this summer was the hottest on record.


Nice website this is.

The summers I experienced in Perth in the late 1980s were not like this.

I had some hot weather - but was not at this level.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

01 March 2013 16:42:56

So that's where all England's summers have gone!  We're supposed to have weather like that every year.   Or at least, so I gather ..... 

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
01 March 2013 17:46:59

So that's where all England's summers have gone!  We're supposed to have weather like that every year.   Or at least, so I gather ..... 

Originally Posted by: Essan 

Theres a theory somewhere that GW would have a detrimental effect on our corner of the world in terms of cool summers and cold winters which is a shame

Andy Woodcock
01 March 2013 18:34:51

Round up for Perth 2012 - 2013.

In the metro area this summer was the hottest on record.


Nice website this is.

The summers I experienced in Perth in the late 1980s were not like this.

I had some hot weather - but was not at this level.


Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Blimey, 11 hours of sun per day, thats about the same as I got in the whole of January!


Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
02 October 2013 13:41:08

Round up for Perth 2012 - 2013.

In the metro area this summer was the hottest on record.


Nice website this is.

The summers I experienced in Perth in the late 1980s were not like this.

I had some hot weather - but was not at this level.


Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

Blimey, 11 hours of sun per day, thats about the same as I got in the whole of January!


Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 


Along time since i have posted about WA weather, and it seems a very long time ago since that ridiculously hot Summer. We have just finished the wettest September in over 40 years with 144mm of rain. A wet month in recent years is a very rare thing and did we need it after yet another dry Winter. Tomorrow looks like being the first day of Spring with a warm and sunny day at 28c, with an afternoon sea breeze. I cannot wait.

Hungry Tiger
02 October 2013 19:49:38

Round up for Perth 2012 - 2013.

In the metro area this summer was the hottest on record.


Nice website this is.

The summers I experienced in Perth in the late 1980s were not like this.

I had some hot weather - but was not at this level.


Originally Posted by: perthite 

Blimey, 11 hours of sun per day, thats about the same as I got in the whole of January!


Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 


Along time since i have posted about WA weather, and it seems a very long time ago since that ridiculously hot Summer. We have just finished the wettest September in over 40 years with 144mm of rain. A wet month in recent years is a very rare thing and did we need it after yet another dry Winter. Tomorrow looks like being the first day of Spring with a warm and sunny day at 28c, with an afternoon sea breeze. I cannot wait.

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

I think thats good news - I bet that's given the resevoirs a nice boost.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

02 October 2013 23:05:04

Round up for Perth 2012 - 2013.

In the metro area this summer was the hottest on record.


Nice website this is.

The summers I experienced in Perth in the late 1980s were not like this.

I had some hot weather - but was not at this level.


Originally Posted by: perthite 

Blimey, 11 hours of sun per day, thats about the same as I got in the whole of January!


Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 


Along time since i have posted about WA weather, and it seems a very long time ago since that ridiculously hot Summer. We have just finished the wettest September in over 40 years with 144mm of rain. A wet month in recent years is a very rare thing and did we need it after yet another dry Winter. Tomorrow looks like being the first day of Spring with a warm and sunny day at 28c, with an afternoon sea breeze. I cannot wait.

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

So that is where all the rain went! We went 42 days in Sydney without rain recently! I only recorded 8mm of rain for the whole of September! We had one rain day last month and August was also very dry indeed.

We seemed to get all of our heavy rain in a VERY wet couple of weeks back in June. I was out in the Blue Mountains on Monday and I was shocked at just how dry it is at the moment. We have already had some bad bush fires with property losr a few weesk ago. We need rain and we need it REALLY badly over this side.

Seems to be many more snakes around this spring also. I don't know if the continued dry weather is pushing them beyond their usual areas in the hunt for food. On my bush walk last weekend there were some beauties slithering around. They don't really worry me though. So long as you don't go stamping around off the track amongst the long grass and logs they will get out of your way long before they are any concern. The majority of people bitten by snakes in Australia are idiots who go picking them up or taunt them. Beautiful creatures that should be respected and left alone.


International Fleet Review on Sydney harbour this long bank holiday weekend. Temps set to be 27c and a clear blue sky. Picnic down by the harbour and a few cold beers to watch the proceedings with  

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