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02 November 2013 16:08:16
Certainly a bit breezy out there! We've had some gusts into the 40s here shortly after the front went through but that pales in comparison to further west:®ION=0003&SORT=3&UD=0&INT=06&TYP=windspitzen&ART=tabelle&RUBRIK=akt&DATE=--&CEL=C&SI=mph 

UK - Peak gusts [mph]
November 02, 2013
Mumbles (32 m) 84 mph
Aberdaron (94 m) 80 mph
Pembrey Burrows (6 m) 76 mph
Capel Curig (215 m) 69 mph
Great Dun Fell (847 m) 69 mph
Scilly St Mary (30 m) 66 mph
Cairngorms (1245 m) 66 mph
Royal Marines Base Chivenor (6 m) 61 mph
Aberporth (134 m) 61 mph
Valley (10 m) 60 mph
The Cairnwell (933 m) 60 mph
Isle of Portland (52 m) 60 mph
Milford Haven (32 m) 60 mph
Leysdown, north Kent
Lucy J
02 November 2013 16:44:59
Survived Jude last weekend but the brief but violent squall earlier this afternoon destroyed one of my big umbrellas ........
Brendon Hills Bandit
02 November 2013 17:00:11
Hi everyone,

This front causing the wind at the moment has made me think of something, that is an observation I have made. This is that frontal systems coming in from the Atlantic usually seem to track further south in the event than is being forecast 4-5 days in advance. For instance, the gale-producing weather front of present was forecast to produce the strongest winds in Northern England 4-5 days ago, but when it has come to the crunch, the south west is bearing the brunt it seems.

Other examples I have noticed are the heavy snow that was forecast in the southwest in March 2013, which then tracked further south into France and the Channel islands. Or recently St. Jude's storm, which if I'm not mistaken tracked further south than was predicted at one point. Any one else noticed this?
220m asl, edge of Brendon Hills
02 November 2013 17:30:46

Indeed, even the outputs has plucked out another windy low pressure to affect the South Coast this time next week - complete with stormy-type conditions. I'll try not to spend the coming week losing sleep over that one.  
  In the mean time, the wind is still yet to kick in over here, more like a moderate breeze and skies are quite clear at the moment and even that squall line that passed over us earlier on had that "Oh, is that it?" thing about it. Given that I'm right next to the coast, I did brace myself but all there was was a few minutes of breezy wind and moderate rain that gave me 1 mm before skies became clear again.
  But, I'm sure things will pick up as we go into the rest of this evening and into tonight as we get to be the last to feel it under this west-to-east movement.

Folkestone Harbour. 
02 November 2013 17:39:49

A bit breezy here with some 40mph+ gusts. As per forecast.
It's dry though, and fireworks party starts in 30 mins! (rockets aimed slightly into wind to avoid them going sideways on liftoff LOL)

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
02 November 2013 18:25:41
Omg it is mental here and I am out of the warning area! The wind is absolutely howling. Rain has stopped at the moment. Major disruption to trains etc due to fallen trees.
Tredegar, SE Wales, 330m
02 November 2013 19:19:23

Squally heavy showers rattling through..

Matty H
02 November 2013 19:20:04

Omg it is mental here and I am out of the warning area! The wind is absolutely howling. Rain has stopped at the moment. Major disruption to trains etc due to fallen trees.

Originally Posted by: Bafan 

Same here, yet no amber warning.
02 November 2013 19:36:29

Omg it is mental here and I am out of the warning area! The wind is absolutely howling. Rain has stopped at the moment. Major disruption to trains etc due to fallen trees.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Same here, yet no amber warning.

Originally Posted by: Bafan 

I haven't even got a yellow warning!
Tredegar, SE Wales, 330m
02 November 2013 19:51:25

very windy here, stronger than last weeks 'super storm'

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

02 November 2013 20:14:58

Omg it is mental here and I am out of the warning area! The wind is absolutely howling. Rain has stopped at the moment. Major disruption to trains etc due to fallen trees.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Same here, yet no amber warning.

Originally Posted by: Bafan 

Been a breezy afternoon and evening here but nothing that'd deserve even the slightest hint of a warning IMO.  Mind, if a full blooded hurricane hit, we'd still just have a breezy day with a few squally showers!

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
02 November 2013 20:16:32

Omg it is mental here and I am out of the warning area! The wind is absolutely howling. Rain has stopped at the moment. Major disruption to trains etc due to fallen trees.

Originally Posted by: Bafan 

Same here, yet no amber warning.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

I haven't even got a yellow warning!

Originally Posted by: Bafan

Oops ....

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
02 November 2013 20:40:05

Did a walk in Snowdonia - Ogwen valley today.  Very still this morning until we reached Anglesey - then the weather closed in.  Strong winds and Strong powerful showers at the base.  We reached the top of Glyder Fach with a very painful torrent of hail and i reckon ~80mph winds around 1pm.  We had intended to get over to Glyder Fawr, but we had to turn off and head down the scree.  WE just couldnt stand up.  Sitting down and facing away from the painful hail led us to having a quick discussion and head down.


The winds followed us down to the car, very unpredictable and gusty, push you off your feet strength winds.  Lots of trips and slips due to the diffifulty walking. 


Strongest gust today i would put at nearly 90mph.. purely down to the noise... no instruments at hand.  But having to sit on the floorand still being pushed over would say it was fairly strong.


Winds seemed to have followed us home as im sitting in my flat and the wind is really wistling past my window - gusts of about 45 mph i reckon.  no Debri apart from the odd branch and lots and lots of leaves.... drive home was pretty treatorous.

02 November 2013 21:32:58

We've had thunder, lightning, hail and now it's very windy with very heavy rain. Just what was forecast!

Southern Yorkshire Dales

colin moffat
02 November 2013 21:52:36
Heavy rain blowing a gale and getting stronger, will blow it's self out early hours.
  • JimC
  • Advanced Member
02 November 2013 22:35:41

Thunder and lightning just kicking off here in Frome, very bright flashes just of to the west side heading this way.

  • JimC
  • Advanced Member
02 November 2013 23:04:25

Well that was that, three flashes and a bang, bit like the fireworks tonight.

02 November 2013 23:08:53

Had a roll of thunder and that was it...7.9c. Out there.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
02 November 2013 23:52:21
Mostly breezy here today with late afternoon gusts 50mph the worse is yet to come. Wales 80mph wind speeds earlier.
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
Matty H
03 November 2013 00:52:30
Certainly far more noteworthy than last week for here. That's FOR HERE, before someone posts a list of figures they've compiled for other parts of the UK from last week, buried amongst a lecturing, sanctimonious post about perspective.


But still little damage. There's a small (about 20ft) tree down at the end of the estate, and a fair bit of light debris in the streets, but none of my property is damaged, so I don't care.
03 November 2013 07:54:53

Woken by lightning at 0400 and looking out the sea is fairly lumpy. Cb's looking quite impressive being underlit by the sun as it comes up.

Matty H
03 November 2013 08:18:37
Extensive damage around the SW and Wales. 4000 without power and emergency services were getting reports of around 20 trees per hour coming down. I think the MetO got this wrong on their warning scale. I don't like them, but if they're going to use them then this should have been an amber IMO.
03 November 2013 08:44:12

A very windy night here last night , have to agree with M the warnings were too few for this one

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

03 November 2013 08:56:33
It's still pretty windy here and has been for a few hours. The windiest night for quite a while.
  • JimC
  • Advanced Member
03 November 2013 09:11:59

Extensive damage around the SW and Wales. 4000 without power and emergency services were getting reports of around 20 trees per hour coming down. I think the MetO got this wrong on their warning scale. I don't like them, but if they're going to use them then this should have been an amber IMO.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Apart from a few hefty short lived showers we haven't had anything as severe as you Matty, we were within the yellow warning area but no, what I would call, storms, the highest gust I recorded was 13mph so just breezy, amazed to here just how bad it was for those over your way as it's not that far as the crow flys.

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