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Hungry Tiger
02 January 2014 12:12:49

So now we have entered the second month of this winter. How have you perceived it. Well for me - I am not a fan of the cold anymore. I know the snow and ice looks nice and makes the landscape look very nice indeed - But if you feel the cold badly which I do now - I have to say that even though I like the look of snow and ice - given what we've seen this past few winters until this one - I have not missed it this year.

This December just gone has in many ways been for me one of the mildest ones I've known - I have had quite a bit of rain but I have escaped the flooding - well so far. The most amazing feature of the winter so far for me has been the amount of sunshine I have had.

Between the fast moving fronts and weather systems I have had many days of uninterrupted sunshine. This has been wonderful and has helped reduce the depressing scene of many winters. Indeed I feel I have had more sunshine this winter so far than I have had in many of these dreadful summers of the past few years - the one exception being summer 2013. The preceding 5 summers to 2013 were appalling for sunshine,  2012 especially so.

This winter so far I reckon I have had at least 10 days so far of uninterrupted sunshine and another sunny day today as I am writing this adds to the list.

The lowest temperature I have had so far this winter is -1C. An amazing feature I also have is the geraniums in the pots at the front of the house are all still doing well and so far no way do I have to remove them.

Also this winter has been nice on the heating - Many friends of mine say the same thing round here.

I know some will disagree with me - but this winter has been nice as far as I can see.

I wonder what others think.



Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

02 January 2014 12:16:31

Not a single snow flake recorded and hardly a frost- the first two weeks of December were mild and dry- so pretty pleased in the absence of cold. A lot of wind and rain since which is to be expected with a zonal spell- but this one has been quite brutal at times. Happy with the temperatures, unhappy with the rain and wind about sums it up!

02 January 2014 12:18:16

What Winter? Still waitng for it to start here.

Tim A
02 January 2014 12:34:03
From my point of view its been miserable. Its the wind I really hate rather than the rain. The wind has been destructive at times. Only a handful of air frosts and only a couple of days with snow falling but not lying. It can only get better!
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
02 January 2014 12:39:41
Terrible. Wet and windy for much of it, with flooding, gas cuts and damage (fallen trees on the roads, fencing blown down etc). You don't get any of that with a nice winter high!

The only slight saving grace were the two frosts we had early in December. Aside from that it's a complete wash-out so far. It can only get better from now on!
Leysdown, north Kent
Justin W
02 January 2014 12:42:13

Appalling so far. I don't think I can remember a worse start to winter since the mid 1990s. I have no idea what the rest of Jan/Feb will bring, but I agree with Darren that it can only get better. Mild and dry would be my preference this year.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Saint Snow
02 January 2014 12:45:08

We had a pre-winter brief slushy dusting in November, but that's been the only 'fix' so far.

I've said it [many times] before, that snowfall in the lead-up to Xmas is what I love more than any other type of weather at any time of the year. In that respect, this winter (like too many, sadly) was a disappointment. A cold, foggy, anti-cyclonic lead-up is a decent alternative, but we didn't even get this.

The stormy weather has not been without interest, and at least it's not been overly mild - I despise benign, mild (temps up to mid-teens) weather in winter caused by a Euro-Slug High ridging over the UK.

I suppose that given the generally awful NWP output, at least we've been spared the dangling carrot, always just out of reach.

I've not much hope for the rest of the winter yielding anything special. Looking back on last winter, we had more incidences of snow settling than I can remember, but it never felt that great a winter; no prolonged deep freeze, and the snowfalls were always knife-edge (surprisingly going to right way most times IMBY).

If there's one weather event that I want to experience before I get too old, it's a really catastrophic snowstorm over the UK - you know, at least 50cm deep, country ground to a halt, national state of emergency, etc. Somehow, I doubt it'll happen this winter...



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
02 January 2014 12:46:48

Some interesting events if you like Wet and Windy Weather, damaging gusts and flooding.

In terms of Coldness I've not even had to wear my Winter Jacket yet

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
Andy Woodcock
02 January 2014 12:49:55

Appalling so far. I don't think I can remember a worse start to winter since the mid 1990s. I have no idea what the rest of Jan/Feb will bring, but I agree with Darren that it can only get better. Mild and dry would be my preference this year.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Bloody awful, indeed, worse than anything in the past 20 years apart from 2006/07.

IMBY this winter just continues the terrible run of weather in East Cumbria that began on Boxing Day 2010, the weather has been crap (apart from a two weeks last July ) since then,

Pure rubbish even by UK standards.


Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
02 January 2014 12:52:20

No snow whatsoever apart from a few frosts thats it.

No freezing fog either.

Just wet and windy.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

02 January 2014 13:10:17
Never will I complain about the lack of variety ever again. Although my area can handle heavy rain very well as I don't live on a flood-prone area, I just don't like the strong damaging winds we have had of late - as if all of you doesn't know that by now.
   But, it's like what you said, Gavin, at least we get the occasional breaks in the form of nicer and calmer days. I just wish it doesn't feel like I live on a mid-Atlantic island every time we get that annoying southerly gale quite so often. I usually experience that kind of thing once or twice every winter but this season I've already lost count and we're only one-third of the way into the meteorological winter season - and spring can still produce it's fair share of gale force winds. 
   I think I have reached that stage in life where snow and cold becomes a hindrance in terms of energy bills and it is time for me to actually say how I can't wait for summer to kick in - drunken chavs, the scent of burnt BBQs and big boxed rear exhaust systems and all, especially now that I no longer work under glass. This winter literally has knocked the wind out of me - as so to speak. 
   I can say that I have experienced my fair share of proper snowy events in this life time and have taken photos of it so I'm not bothered if this winter end up doing a 1988-89 (virtually snowless). I don't spend hours trawling the medium range charts seeking for phantom proper cold and snow at the 384 hrs time frame. Having said that, though, I'll probably still get excited over seeing a mass of snow six hours away appearing on the radars and then groan in despair as it completely bypass my location and a place ten miles away get pasted. I think that kid in me will never go away.
   But for now, I would appreciate a good extended spell of mild and bright weather to try and bring a sense of normality to things, along with saving on energy bills. It's almost a pity that what we have had of late is actually our default UK weather mode anyway! 
  Amazing to think that it was only two short years ago when there were talks of water restrictions as soon as February after umpteen months of below average rainfall here at the South East - and now look at us today.

Boy, I'm getting more cranky over the years. I'll carry on blaming those tomatoes.  
Folkestone Harbour. 
02 January 2014 13:20:35


02 January 2014 13:30:12

I simply hate this mostly unceasingly mild and very wet rubbish. Flooding locally and damaging wind and the warmest last 3 weeks I can remember. I would like to see some crisp cold days. I have never known SO much rain for London in such a short space of time. Yesterday in Fulham the rain started at 9am and pretty well raqined non stop and then finally stopped at midnight...... PLease lets pray for a change soon!

Summary awful winter so far...

  • four
  • Advanced Member
02 January 2014 13:31:15

I don't like prolonged snow and frost but the storms every two or three days are trying.
Mind that's only the last two weeks which is fairly normal.
We've missed the worst here too.

02 January 2014 13:34:09

My perception is one of mild and wet.

Generally usable in terms of temperature and sunshine totals have been generally acceptable between frequent frontal activity. A week of snow would be nice but I am at an age now where I can take it or leave it.


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

02 January 2014 13:47:24

Started quiet enough with the odd frost but the last 3 weeks have been truly exceptional. The amount of rainfall in that time has been amazing.

The fierce winds of the 23/24th were concerning but not as intense as Octobers Stingjet.

Thunder early on New Years Day was a real bonus though

02 January 2014 13:50:19


Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

To the point 

02 January 2014 13:50:23

Mild, wet and very windy. Ayrshire has suffered more than most.

02 January 2014 13:51:25


And wet, plus mild.

As four said the storms become a bit trying after the first few, and you want to get out of the house without feeling like the next stop is Uist! And it's been mild, and for a snowbie like me.....yuk.

Saint Snow
02 January 2014 13:57:10

Anyone else looking forward to Aberdeen Richard's post in this thread?

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
02 January 2014 13:59:17

Wet, windy and totally frost free ....   but at least it's been mild

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
02 January 2014 14:03:04

I am at an age now where I can take it or leave it.

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Age has nothing to do with whether or not you like cold weather. Just because your tastes have changed doesn't mean everyone's will do.

My neighbour is in her mid 80s and yet she still loves snow and ice. She gets her shopping delivered via the local Age Concern (or whatever it's called these days), so doesn't have to go out in it.

I can't imagine I'll ever dislike snow and ice either, it's a magical thing that completely changes the look of the world. And even if I'm old and grey, I'll make sure I have supplies to last a week or more should serious snow be on the horizon. That would include a portable gas heater (you can get decent ones for £100 or so) and a stockpile of batteries for torches and portable radios - perhaps a small generator too. We've got a gas oven here (although no idea if I'll still be living here in 40 years time!) and when we had the bad snows in 1987 we ended up supplying hot food and drinks to the majority of the road, as we were the only ones in the street with a gas stove.

Mild weather in winter is such a waste in my view. It's 10C now, a temperature which can be recorded in any month of the year (albeit during night time during summer). On the other hand, there's only a limited window in which subzero temperatures can occur, not to mention snow that doesn't melt within a day...


Leysdown, north Kent
02 January 2014 14:04:31

Over here its been milder, drier and sunnier than average. So win win win in my book. I do like a good gale in winter but they have been too frequent for my liking.

02 January 2014 14:19:52

The fact that my 2 layer coat hasn't been off the hook yet says it all for me.
Wet, windy, horrible. Winter should be for cold, frosty stuff with the odd snowfall. Still waiting.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
02 January 2014 14:34:47

I am at an age now where I can take it or leave it.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Age has nothing to do with whether or not you like cold weather. Just because your tastes have changed doesn't mean everyone's will do.

My neighbour is in her mid 80s and yet she still loves snow and ice. She gets her shopping delivered via the local Age Concern (or whatever it's called these days), so doesn't have to go out in it.

I can't imagine I'll ever dislike snow and ice either, it's a magical thing that completely changes the look of the world. And even if I'm old and grey, I'll make sure I have supplies to last a week or more should serious snow be on the horizon. That would include a portable gas heater (you can get decent ones for £100 or so) and a stockpile of batteries for torches and portable radios - perhaps a small generator too. We've got a gas oven here (although no idea if I'll still be living here in 40 years time!) and when we had the bad snows in 1987 we ended up supplying hot food and drinks to the majority of the road, as we were the only ones in the street with a gas stove.

Mild weather in winter is such a waste in my view. It's 10C now, a temperature which can be recorded in any month of the year (albeit during night time during summer). On the other hand, there's only a limited window in which subzero temperatures can occur, not to mention snow that doesn't melt within a day...


Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Totally agree with the above

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