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  • Dougie
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01 February 2014 02:02:50



Light rain.

Wind S.

Ha'way the lads
01 February 2014 07:58:09

Finally snow 

Not much but a covering right down to sea level here in Shulista. Condfitions are vert marginal, I'm a bit surprised but a nice surprise. Perhaps enought to make a few snowmen with the kids 

As for the rest, cool and breezy (force 4) with 100% cloud cover. There are a few pics on my Skyewetaher Facebook page

Shulista, Isle of Skye, Lat: N57:41:20 (57.688757) Lon: W6:19:06 (-6.318203), 40m ASL
Weather readings @ 07:56 on 01-02-2014

Relative Pressure: 963.5 hPa & falling slowly

Wind (Now): 7.1 m/s (15.9 mph) Force 4, Moderate Breeze
Gust (Now): 9.5 m/s (21.3 mph)
Wind (Ave today): 3.9 m/s (8.6 mph)
Gust (Max today): 15.0 m/s (33.6 mph) @ 07:06
Wind Direction: SW - 225.0°

Temp (Now): 1.6°C
Temp (Avg today): 3.2 °C
Temp (Max today): 4.7 °C @ 03:38
Temp (Min today): 1.0 °C @ 07:09
Windchill: -3.9°C
Apparent Temp: -5.5°C
Dew Point: -1.0°C
Relative Humidity: 83%

Rainfall (hour): 0.6 mm
Rainfall (today): 4.2 mm
Rainfall (month): 4.2 mm
Rain Days: 1
  • four
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01 February 2014 08:22:45

Clear with slight frost, 1C a few minutes ago was the minimum.

01 February 2014 08:31:21
Clear 0.3c
01 February 2014 08:38:45

Clear and calm, 2.0c



01 February 2014 09:09:36

Sunny spells.

Temp 4.4C/Dew 1.6C

RH 82%

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
  • POD
  • Advanced Member
01 February 2014 09:45:34

Sunny spells.

temp 3.7c

win 5mph south westerly

rain 6.0mm

Pat, Crawley Down, West Sussex.
01 February 2014 09:54:21

Just had a burst of hail and yet the sun is still shining as a line of showers passes over us. The hail was heavy enough to leave a smattering on the grass.

7.1 C with 84% but at least we have lost the strong winds for now (just a bit of a breeze).

PS: Looks like another round coming up as the sky to my west looks laden. Yet it was brilliant clear skies and sunshine only half an hour ago.

Folkestone Harbour. 
01 February 2014 09:56:11

Big hail shower in Folkestone.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

01 February 2014 09:58:19
A few snowflakes this morning and generally cloudy skies but even some sunshine!! Breezy and feeling cold at 2.4c. We were forecast heavy rain from early doors so nice to see that hasn't come to pass....yet....
Home - near Penrith 150m ASL
Work - North/Central Cumbria
01 February 2014 10:17:26
Clear, 3.5c
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
01 February 2014 10:19:44

sunny spells


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

01 February 2014 10:30:25
Sunshine! With strong winds...

Wind S strong

Temp 6.3C

Pressure 996.6mb
Veteran of winter of 62/63
By Scapa Flow, Orkney
01 February 2014 11:42:11

Its raining and breezy



01 February 2014 12:07:13

Sunny... 5.9c... Gusty 23.4 km/h.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
01 February 2014 12:08:05

Sunshine, cold and windy, 6c.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

01 February 2014 12:17:10
7C sunny.
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
01 February 2014 12:27:04

winds picking up, dry


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

01 February 2014 13:48:07
Not a bad morning but for the last couple of hours it has been pouring with rain, which has been blown in horizontal at times in the strong wind. 4.1c and thoroughly miserable.
Home - near Penrith 150m ASL
Work - North/Central Cumbria
01 February 2014 13:57:13

Sunshine and blue skies this morning for the first time in weeks but it's gone again now replaced by more grey SE'ly rot

Temperature: 4.5C. Sunshine: 2.9hrs - most since the 16th Jan.

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
  • four
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01 February 2014 16:04:47

We have missed all the showery patches so far today, in fact with the wind touching 47mph and sunny spells it has dried up to some extent. 4.7C now.

01 February 2014 16:18:16

gusty sort of day fresh feeling but very nice in the extended period of warm spring sunshine we have had today, thought it was meant to be a wet one, Tomas Z on beeb today mentioned this was the worst day of the weekend, well I look foreard to tomorrows weather even more, had the wind and rain been over egged I did I miss a day?

8c or so very pleasant, washed the cars, dog walked....


01 February 2014 16:58:11

Cloudy, rain not far away, cold and windy, 6c.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

01 February 2014 18:45:42
8c cold wind little cloud.
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
01 February 2014 20:44:52

Observations between 8.30 pm last night and 8.45 pm currently.

LAST NIGHT: Heavy rain and strong winds lasted for most of the night. It wasn't until the small hours when all that finally cleared away.
THIS MORNING: Sunny at first, then it became cloudy with passing hail/rain showers but brightened up again by mid-day.
THIS AFTERNOON: Sunny periods and partial cloud cover. There were a few more passing showers and even spotted a flash of sheet lightning in the distance this evening. It was also quite windy.
CURRENT: Cloudy.     7.7 C.        82% humidity.         Dewpoint: 4.8 C.        Fresh south west wind.        Steady at 997.8 mb.

WINDS: Gale force south all last night, then fresh to strong south west during the day, especially in the showers.
AIR QUALITY: Very clean and fresh!
VISIBILITY: Excellent for most of the time, except in showers.
COMFORT FACTOR: Wild and wet last night, then there was a semblence of normality during the day thanks to the sunshine we did have and the breezy wind actually helped with the drying out process despite the showers.
RAINFALL (in mm):   5.7
TEMPERATURES (in C):         Max: 9.0 at 4 am.            Min: 6.4 at 9 am.
PRESSURE (in mb):              Max: 998.1 at 8.30 pm.           Min: 983.7 at 3.30 pm.    

Folkestone Harbour. 
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