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Oldham Weather
17 February 2014 14:53:24


Just a quick one really.

I have been using Cumulus for years with my Vantage Vue.

I am taking my Vantage Vue down this week and putting up a Vantage Pro2.

Is it as simple as this when it comes to console/data logging and Cumulus.

1)    Install Pro2 & test console etc.

2)    Close Cumulus

3)    Remove USB cable therefore disconnecting my Vantage Vue console from my laptop.

4)    Take the data logger out of the Vue console and put it in the Pro2 console.

5)    Reconnect USB cable to my laptop.

6)    Restart Cumulus.

7)    Job Done.

Anything else I should be bearing in mind when going from a Vue directly to a Pro2.


  • four
  • Advanced Member
17 February 2014 19:46:45

You can even leave the logger in the Vue console if you like, and it will find the VP2.
I have mine like that with older Vue console doing online with Weather-Display, and the VP2 Console downstairs to look at. (No solar though if you have it)
If you use the VP2 console don't forget that stuff about how it needs setting as virtual USB not USB

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