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28 February 2014 09:59:15

The Manchester Winter Index backs up what I think of this winter, worst ever. I like seasons to resemble at least in some part in what we traditionally think of them. The lack of wintriness has been remarkable, I never thought that 1988-89 would be surpassed to this degree. We have had some out of kilt seasons recently, this winter gone, last spring, summer 2012 and autumn 2011. I thought summer 2012 took the biscuit but this winter takes the whole packet! The two worst seasons I can recall summer 2012 and winter 2013-14 and both within 2 years of each other.

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

Agree about summer 2012! I personally think spring 2013 was the worst season ive known,so cold.As an indicator the mean temperature for this winter here in wareham is 0.5c warmer than last spring was.

28 February 2014 11:54:38

0/10 for wintriness

1/10 for interest

Obviously the floods down south are terrible but there were no interesting rainfall events through the entire season here. The first half of the winter saw deep depressions skirting the north west, so not really affecting here. There were a couple of interesting storms, especially in February, which we haven't seen for some years. But nothing compared with January 18th 2006. The most interesting weather of the entire winter was a thunder-hail shower.

Arctic Hare
28 February 2014 14:59:02

Three months of "winter" mildness and awful holidays -- I spent my post-Christmas break staying with relatives in the SW for a week and barely ventured out of the house. No snow at all, beyond a few sleety flakes for about 5-10 minutes *one morning*. Flooding all over the place, but no single extreme events like in July 2007. Wind strong enough to make umbrellas utterly useless, but not strong enough to cause any spectacular structural damage. No thunder and no cold nights. Added to which, mild wet winters give me horrible coughs. This one did just that.

Yes, it was quite awe-inspiring to see the power of Nature in terms of Dawlish, Somerset, the Thames Valley etc -- and if I were feeling generous I'd give this winter 1/10 for the novelty of being able to wander across the middle of Bewdley Bridge for a week while it was closed to cars. I don't think I am feeling generous, though. I'd even have preferred weeks on end of dry but grey'n'gloomy gunk, and normally that's my absolute least favourite weather type. Even though Worcestershire wasn't the worst hit county, it was quite bad enough thank you. I honestly never want a winter like this again.

0/10. Hated it. Roll on the first warm days of spring.

David M Porter
28 February 2014 21:21:37

0/10 as far as I'm concerned.

Goodbye winter 2013-14, and good riddance!

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Medlock Vale Weather
28 February 2014 21:26:30

I guess all things good come to an end and a wetter milder Winter was eventually going to be inevitable for our usual maritime climate, although no one could have foreseen just how wet it was.

Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
Andy Woodcock
28 February 2014 22:09:14

The Manchester Winter Index backs up what I think of this winter, worst ever. I like seasons to resemble at least in some part in what we traditionally think of them. The lack of wintriness has been remarkable, I never thought that 1988-89 would be surpassed to this degree.

We have had some out of kilt seasons recently, this winter gone, last spring, summer 2012 and autumn 2011.

I thought summer 2012 took the biscuit but this winter takes the whole packet! The two worst seasons I can recall summer 2012 and winter 2013-14 and both within 2 years of each other.

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

I agree 100%!

With reference to some if the comments above thus winter has not been normal for the UK at all.

A typical winter in the UK will bring at least one spell of easterlies and several northerly outbreaks, just look at the average number of days with snow falling or lying and it's obvious our complaints about this winter are valid.

No one least of all me was expecting another December 2010 but a week of cold, snowy weather would have been normal, to read some of the comments on here you would think the UK has the climate of south west Ireland, it doesn't and after this dreadful winter and so many crap summers recently we are justifiably piss*d off.

I just looked up the average number of days with lying snow in the Uk between 1971-1990 and it ranged from 6 in London, 12 in Birmingham,10 in Manchester and 13 in Penrith, the figure of zero in all of those locations in 2013/14 is not normal.


Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
Whether Idle
01 March 2014 08:57:04

The Manchester Winter Index backs up what I think of this winter, worst ever. I like seasons to resemble at least in some part in what we traditionally think of them. The lack of wintriness has been remarkable, I never thought that 1988-89 would be surpassed to this degree.

We have had some out of kilt seasons recently, this winter gone, last spring, summer 2012 and autumn 2011.

I thought summer 2012 took the biscuit but this winter takes the whole packet! The two worst seasons I can recall summer 2012 and winter 2013-14 and both within 2 years of each other.

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

At the other end of England an equally amazingly mild and winterless winter is now dead, a "zombie winter" as it was never really alive...

Some stats from this station:

Days of sleet or snow or snow falling ---0

Days of snow laying----------------------0

Days recording an air frost---------------3

Mean temperature December------------7.4

Mean temp January----------------------7.2

Mean temp February --------------------7.5

Mean for winter---------------------------7.4 (For comparison mean for April 2013 was 7.2 )

Rainfall winter---------------------------368.4mm



Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
01 March 2014 09:24:27

It's been a poor winter for me, mostly based on the lack of sunshine and above average rainfall (though nothing like as wet as many other places).

There's been no snow but 4 out of the last 8 winters here have had no lying snow - that's not particularly noteworthy for my location.

The best day of winter was probably the last day of winter, wall to wall blue skies and sunshine yesterday!

East Neuk of Fife

Andy Woodcock
01 March 2014 09:36:11
Bye, bye, winter 2014

Missing you already!
Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
David M Porter
01 March 2014 09:38:09

Bye, bye, winter 2014

Missing you already!

Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 


Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
02 March 2014 09:49:25
How many missed lamp post watching this past winter?

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