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01 March 2014 13:05:27

LOWEST TEMPERATURE0.9C(34F) on the 28th at 23:48
HIGHEST TEMPERATURE12.3C(54F) on the 20th at 13:00
HIGHEST HUMIDITY97% on the 6th at 19:07
LOWEST HUMIDITY58% on the 16th at 15:04
WETTEST DAY22.2mm(0.88inc) on the 12th
HIGHEST RAINFALL RATE70.0mm/hr(2.80inc/hr) on the 12th at 13:30
TOTAL RAINFALL201.2mm(8.04inc)
DRY DAYS1 Day (16th)
HIGHEST PRESSURE1015.4mbs on the 26th at 16:36
LOWEST PRESSURE969.1mbs on the 14th at 21:26
HIGHEST WIND GUST63mph on the 14th at 20:44
SUNNIEST DAY8 hrs and 12 minutes on the 16th
TOTAL SUNSHINE HOURS80 hours and 48 minutes
BRIGHTEST DAY115.4w/sqm on the 16th
DULLEST DAY11.6w/sqm on the 12th
DAYS WITH SNOW1 Day on the 13th from 09:00-10:00



February 2013 continued the trend of the first two months of the Winter with wind and rain being the most noteworthy factors. It was a very wet month with 22.2mm of rain falling on the 12th, that being the wettest day in a month where many days exceeded 10mm of rain. It was a relatively mild month too with no air frost reported in my garden at all with the lowest temperature occurring right at the very end of the month at 0.9C on the 28th. At the other end of the scale a couple of early whiffs of Spring occurred, notably on the 20th when 12.3C was recorded. Sunshine levels despite the unsettled nature of the weather were average at least with the convective sunshine and shower type of weather often prominent allowing sunshine levels to be tolerable. A notable 8.8hrs of sunshine on the 16th was the sunniest day. The most exceptional weather event occurred on Valentines Day when a vigorous Low delivered copious rain, severe gales and the lowest Barometric pressure of the month. Winds reached 63mph in a frightening gale on that evening of the 14th coupled with the lowest pressure reading of 969.1mbs along with 18.6mm of rain that day. The only sniff of Winter occurred the day before Valentines Day when an hour of wet snow falling from a showery pattern but it soon vanished without consequence. So overall February 2014 will be noted for being very much wetter than average, very windy too and occasionally stormy with no frost, ice or snow of note to comment upon.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

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01 March 2014 23:43:29

Summary for February 2014 in Watford

Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 6.7
Mean (min+max) 6.9
Mean Minimum 3.6
Mean Maximum 10.2
Minimum 0.4 day 15
Maximum 16.0 day 24
Highest Minimum 7.6 day 24
Lowest Maximum 7.1 day 11
Air frosts 0

Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 93.9
Wettest day 25.2 day 06
High rain rate 28.8 day 10
Rain days 19
Dry days 9

Wind (mph):
Highest Gust 24.4 day 14
Average Speed 0.0
Wind Run 5.2 miles
Gale days 0

Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1019.9 day 26
Minimum 987.0 day 14

Days with snow falling 0
Days with snow lying at 0900 0

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ASL 35m 

02 March 2014 11:50:26


Summary for February 2014   For Peasedown St John  N. E. Somerset

Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute)  5.8
Mean (min+max)   5.9
Mean Minimum     2.5
Mean Maximum     9.3
Minimum          0.0 day 01
Maximum          14.5 day 24
Highest Minimum  7.8 day 23
Lowest Maximum   5.5 day 28
Air frosts       0

Rainfall (mm):
Total for month  105.6
Wettest day      12.0 day 14
High rain rate   14.4 day 12
Rain days        27
Dry days         1

Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust     38 day 15
Average Speed    5
Wind Run         2633.7 km
Gale days        0

Pressure (hPa):
Maximum          1026.1 day 26
Minimum          0.0 day 01

Days with snow falling         0
Days with snow lying at 0900   0

Total hours of sunshine        80

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
02 March 2014 16:49:30

Very mild and very wet once again. First time I have not recorded an air frost in a winter month since Feb 1990.

02 March 2014 17:15:48

Felt like a dry month to start, ended up recording measurable rainfall on 27/28 days!!!

Still not reached 10 degrees since early december either, although i dont think thats particularly special, just that its mentioned else where.


Averages\Extremes for the month of February 2014

Average temperature = 4.6°C
Average humidity = 76%
Average dewpoint = 0.5°C
Average barometer = 981.3 mb
Average windspeed = 0.6 mph
Average gustspeed = 1.4 mph
Average direction = 221° ( SW)
Rainfall for month = 264.1 mm
Rainfall for year = 518.8 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 1.3 mm on day 27 at time 12:01
Maximum temperature = 9.8°C on day 26 at time 13:27
Minimum temperature = 0.1°C on day 07 at time 07:49
Maximum humidity = 94% on day 20 at time 06:24
Minimum humidity = 33% on day 16 at time 14:20
Maximum dewpoint = 7.9°C on day 20 at time 06:53
Minimum dewpoint = -7.7°C on day 16 at time 14:40
Maximum pressure = 1002.0 mb on day 19 at time 10:39
Minimum pressure = 950.0 mb on day 09 at time 00:21
Maximum windspeed = 8.1 mph from 270°( W ) on day 15 at time 22:11
Maximum gust speed = 27.6 mph from 225°( SW) on day 11 at time 15:39
Maximum heat index = 9.8°C on day 26 at time 13:27
Avg daily max temp :6.8°C
Avg daily min temp :2.9°C
Growing degrees days :0.0 GDD
Total windrun = 373.8miles
Daily rain totals
11.7 mm on day 1
18.0 mm on day 2
04.0 mm on day 4
05.4 mm on day 5
04.1 mm on day 6
01.0 mm on day 7
15.1 mm on day 8
15.9 mm on day 9
01.0 mm on day 10
05.4 mm on day 11
11.5 mm on day 12
15.9 mm on day 13
15.1 mm on day 14
01.0 mm on day 15
01.0 mm on day 16
15.9 mm on day 17
01.0 mm on day 18
07.4 mm on day 19
17.2 mm on day 20
08.4 mm on day 21
21.3 mm on day 22
23.3 mm on day 23
15.8 mm on day 24
03.3 mm on day 25
08.5 mm on day 26
12.8 mm on day 27
03.1 mm on day 28

UserPostedImage LLTNP 105m aslĀ 
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02 March 2014 17:36:39

Averages\Extremes for the month of February 2014

Average temperature = 4.8°C; diff from climate av: +1.1°C
Average humidity = 88%
Average dewpoint = 3.0°C
Average barometer = 991.3 mb
Average windspeed = 14.3 mph
Average gustspeed = 19.6 mph
Average direction = 202° (SSW)
Rainfall for month = 129.2 mm
Rainfall for year = 277.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.4 mm on day 12 at time 20:07
Maximum temperature = 11.1°C on day 23 at time 11:50
Minimum temperature = -2.9°C on day 28 at time 07:01
Maximum humidity = 98% on day 20 at time 07:09
Minimum humidity = 62% on day 16 at time 15:15
Maximum dewpoint = 8.7°C on day 20 at time 07:46
Minimum dewpoint = -3.7°C on day 28 at time 7:01
Maximum pressure = 1009.2 mb on day 26 at time 18:51
Minimum pressure = 960.7 mb on day 08 at time 22:44
Maximum windspeed = 43.7 mph from 203°(SSW) on day 12 at time 18:40
Maximum gust speed = 62.1 mph from 203°(SSW) on day 12 at time 18:51
Maximum heat index = 11.1°C on day 23 at time 11:50
Avg daily max temp :7.3°C
Avg daily min temp :2.3°C
Growing degrees days :0.0 GDD
Total windrun = 9439.0miles
Frost days= 2
Daily rain totals
01.2 mm on day 1
00.2 mm on day 2
03.4 mm on day 4
26.4 mm on day 5
04.8 mm on day 6
02.6 mm on day 7
15.0 mm on day 8
03.6 mm on day 9
03.0 mm on day 11
21.4 mm on day 12
01.0 mm on day 13
13.2 mm on day 14
09.2 mm on day 15
02.4 mm on day 17
00.8 mm on day 18
01.0 mm on day 19
02.6 mm on day 20
01.0 mm on day 21
00.8 mm on day 23
02.4 mm on day 25
12.6 mm on day 27
00.4 mm on day 28

Andy Woodcock
03 March 2014 08:13:53

That is a shocking amount of rain in one month for Southern England, far more than here and it was very wet here!

No wonder Somerset is flooded.

Truly awful weather.

Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001

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